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  1. #1
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Always backup your hard drive!

    D*MN IT ALL!! Today I woke up and turned on my computer as usual, but today it made a funny noise when booting up, and I then received a lovely Boot Failure screen. Upon further investigation I found that my hard drive was toast and guess who hasn't backed up their hard drive in about 4 months

    So I just went out and Spent $100 on a hard drive and I am in the process of booting up the comp w/ the new hard drive as the primary (master) and the old one as the slave drive hoping I will be able to read off the old one atleast to get my files off of it or I am SOL. Wish me luck..... and make sure you BACK UP YOUR $HIT on a regular basis

    This reall blows


  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    How old was your CPU?

    What brand?


  3. #3
    FCECC2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    under some plywood sheets
    i got 2 HD and i burn all important files regulary, got too much important shiit. if one day i found it toasted, ill probably die of an infarction!! LOL
    Last edited by FCECC2; 08-08-2004 at 05:49 PM.

  4. #4
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    How old was your CPU?

    What brand?


    It was custom built..... me and my buddy that do the internet business together put together PC's periodically. It has all top of the line parts in it. Don't know what could have caused the problem as the parts are all less than a year old... the hard drive was a maxtor 80 gig HD. Anyways, I just went out and bought a Western Digital 80 gig HD and I hooked it up as the master and hooked the old one up as the slave, and I am now converting all the files on the old hard drive to be in the ownership of my new window's account, and hopefully then I will be able to copy them to the new HD and scrap em. But I am going to buy another external hard drive and start backing up my HD every week or so from now on. This is scarey $hit, if I can't get back into my files I am in a world of hurt business wise. This taught me a valuable lesson about back ups... just wanted to pass it along


  5. #5
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    its cheaper to buy a dvd burner and back up that way. and if you need to destroy/delete any files just break the dvd in 2

  6. #6
    darmadoc is offline Member
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    Can you use one of those data recovery companies?

  7. #7
    MMC78's Avatar
    MMC78 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    Ithe hard drive was a maxtor 80 gig HD.
    That's your problem right there. Maxtor's are sh!t. Sure they're priced great but you get what you pay for. Stick with WD, Seagate, or IBM in the future.

  8. #8
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    that's why i have a 250 GB external that i keep near my laptop (has a 60). most of it has x-box stuff on it (over 130 GB) and then i keep a backup of My Docs / Pics / Favs

  9. #9
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Well I got it all back up and running thank god.....

    All in all I didn't really lose anything, I just have to find a few programs that I had on the other hard drive so I can install them again on the new one. I was able to recover all my files and my emails from outlook. I just put them on my external drive a minute ago, and for $hits and giggles I backed up all my documents and business files on CD. I am going to start putting them on the external once a week. Man this $hit was scarey.....

    It's weird though, now that the maxtor is empty and I have it running as the slave, it is working fine to put files on. I still don't trust it though, I am going to just keep it to load porn onto or other files that might contain viruses lol since I could give a d*mn if that hard drive works or not now.


  10. #10
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Glad to hear it's all good now.......


  11. #11
    Soldier of Misfortune's Avatar
    Soldier of Misfortune is offline Senior Member
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    If my comp took a $hit like that, I would prolly jump in front of a semi.

  12. #12
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
    LeanMeOut is offline Community Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soldier of Misfortune
    If my comp took a $hit like that, I would prolly jump in front of a semi.

    LOL..... I thought about it for a moment Until I realized I could fix it


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