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  1. #1
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Feb 2004

    My Brief Racing Rant...

    Well, I just came back from the gym, and on the way home I noticed a young P.O.S almost hit a bunch of pedestrians.. minding their own business, and obeying all laws set for them, and their protection...

    Some young punk (I'm 19) decided he would drive about 130km/h, while sitting so low in his "Nossss-fed VTec" he could barely see over the wheel, down thru a main street in town..., and put his car nearly sideways in an effort to stop for the crosswalk-red that had signalled.... smart guy, trying to kill the 'squirrel in a cage' he has powering his MACHINE by heat exhaustion ...

    This disgusts me. He gives all young guys/gals who may take pride in their cars/bikes by modifying them (in any way, shape or form), a bad rep to say the least, and hence, drawing extreme attention from local law enforcement, and increasing our insurance rates beyond belief (althought rightfully so, case proven by ins. claims). I currently pay $600/mth.

    Sure, I like to fuk around on the street , but I almost always have my fun on the highway (never in populated areas), between 3am, and 5am... when there isn't a headlight/pedestrian in sight... just you, and maybe another victim, so to speak... no one else... safety is taken to ensure that my foolishness in doing so does not endanger others, only those fully aware of the reprecussions/dangers... and with reason...
    This 'street-racing' should be left on the track... hence the name 'racetrack'; that's what they were created for... Hmm ... make sense?

    Many youngn's like to act like idiots while in populated areas to draw attention to themselves( to impress females maybe? show off their parents' hard-earned money? make up for a small appendage of sorts?), I for one am not like this, as this only lets the local 5.0 know who will be the ones to keep an eye on, and once they classify you as such, they don't go easy on you. (Reference my Ins. cost)... This doesn't even TOUCH on the dangers towards the innocent...

    Sorry, but this is the truth, and many of us who spend years improving our vehicle for ourselves, as well as the INNOCENT, do not appreciate the added hassle/danger/attention set forth by these persons.. of any age...

    I'm finished.. thank-you.

  2. #2
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    i hate all those ppl who race like that, none of em know how to drive, and it should be prison time if your caught..

  3. #3
    juicehoe's Avatar
    juicehoe is offline Anabolic Member
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    the gym
    Yea it sucks how few will screw it for the many. I dont need any more attention from the cops. This is why i made a sleeper

  4. #4
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    Yea it sucks how few will screw it for the many. I dont need any more attention from the cops. This is why i made a sleeper
    I also have a sleeper, but some of the good ol boys know what's up...

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