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  1. #1
    sooner45's Avatar
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    How do you whit-collar Salesman stay fit????

    How the hell do you white-collar salesman stay fit? My job is a great job! Great company! Fortune 100! Good paying job! But its a sales job and you dont just come in at 8 and leave at 5. Sometimes I find myself working 12 hour days, no lie! I get a good salary, but the money is in commission! I'm only 25 years old so you can see how a potential of $100,000+ to a young kid out of college is someowhat devaststing. I can USUALLY stay on schedule but where I find it the hardest is when you leave the office at 6 or so after you been ther since 7 a.m. and its hard to get motivated to go to the gym. I usually hit it on the way home, but if I'm wooped I just head straight home and dont work out and eat like ****!! How do you guys do it??? I find it hard to balance my work with my health! I want to stay in shape, but hell I got to make sure I keep my job too!! Any advice for you other white-collar salesman that find it hard to workout, do cardio, eat right, AND make sure your hitting quota at work?!?!?! Any ideas/help/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thansk guys!!!

  2. #2
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    that.........get married and try raising 6 kids, it's a biatch for sure. Sometimes you can't find the time, sometimes you gotta make the time, there is no easy way,sorry

  3. #3
    SplinterCell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    that.........get married and try raising 6 kids, it's a biatch for sure. Sometimes you can't find the time, sometimes you gotta make the time, there is no easy way,sorry
    Exactly brotha, everyones gotta have thier priorities in check

  4. #4
    sooner45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SplinterCell
    Exactly brotha, everyones gotta have thier priorities in check
    ****, you guys arent making this easy.........I guess I can just say I know how there are 250-300 pound ****ers walkin around! Cause they were where I'm at right now, and just to not care about their health I guess?? I just dont want to be that guy...

  5. #5
    AandF6969's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Maraxus's Avatar
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    Hell. Best time is in the AM bro. Trust me. I pull in roughly 60 hours a week, and I go to school. Best time to workout and etc. is in the am.

  7. #7
    sooner45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maraxus
    Hell. Best time is in the AM bro. Trust me. I pull in roughly 60 hours a week, and I go to school. Best time to workout and etc. is in the am.

    I've thought about that and wouldnt mind it but it would screw up my cardio, wish I could do cardio and then go work out! but we all know about that argument........

  8. #8
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    I do the opposite. I get into work at 6;00am. My gym bag is packed. After work I go straight to the gym. Period. Nothing gets between leaving work and my workout being done. I also have 3 kids involved in sports that I coach. So your schedule would be a blessing bro.

  9. #9
    chicamahomico's Avatar
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    Take care of your financial business when you have a the opportunity to. You play it smart now with a couple years of hard work then you can swap to a sales manager job make 100K plus and go home at 5:30. Personally, I would just live with it in the short term, maybe get a treadmill and exercise bike for at home use and just maintain during busy times at work, get in the gym when time permits and don't sweat it even if it takes a few years.

  10. #10
    cjp85's Avatar
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    I agree with the morning thing, it's best to just get it out of the way. I used to have the same problem though and the strange part was that I worked in a gym selling memberships. It was nearly impossible to get a workout in after work unless you had a great day and the boss isn't hounding you to work a couple more hours. When I clocked out I just had to leave. Needless to say, I quit and just workout there now.

  11. #11
    needmorestrength's Avatar
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    eat subway

  12. #12
    Diesel's Avatar
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    It is very difficult and gets more difficult when you find yourself married with kids.

    I'm up at 3am. In the office by 430am. Leave around 3pm. Hit the gym. Pick up my kid from daycare. etc, etc....

    By 8pm I am whipped and climbing into bed.

  13. #13
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Man D, i couldnt handle that....

  14. #14
    Diesel's Avatar
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    You actually get use to it after a while........But by Thursday....the tank is running on empty....

  15. #15
    Diesel's Avatar
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    BTW, I usually make sure I train on Saturday and Sunday. This way I only have to train two to three days M-F.

  16. #16
    Elysium's Avatar
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    24 hour gym...

  17. #17
    Juggernaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    It is very difficult and gets more difficult when you find yourself married with kids.

    I'm up at 3am. In the office by 430am. Leave around 3pm. Hit the gym. Pick up my kid from daycare. etc, etc....

    By 8pm I am whipped and climbing into bed.
    Dude! It's almost freaky how you and I live the same life....cept I'm poor....other than that we're twins!

  18. #18
    BDTR's Avatar
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    way to do the same work for less money... my little underachiever you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut
    Dude! It's almost freaky how you and I live the same life....cept I'm poor....other than that we're twins!

  19. #19
    Diesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    way to do the same work for less money... my little underachiever you.
    LMAO.....Isn't it past your bedtime B? LOL

  20. #20
    BDTR's Avatar
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    I was gonna do the bed thing, but i gotta go to the bank and the gym and bring lunch to my gf at work. Right now im just glued to the seat.

  21. #21
    Diesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I was gonna do the bed thing, but i gotta go to the bank and the gym and bring lunch to my gf at work. Right now im just glued to the seat.
    I'll trade ya......I'm going for pre-cycle blood work then to the dentist.....God I hate the F'n dentist.

  22. #22
    needmorestrength's Avatar
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    Hmm this makes me appreciate my schedual.. up at 6am for cardio, work 8-5 then hit the gym

  23. #23
    soontoberipped's Avatar
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    I'm also in sales but I am able to sneak to the gym for a couple hours during lunch. As long as I'm hitting my numbers, there are no questions asked.

  24. #24
    Juggernaut's Avatar
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    They stay in shape by running on the backs of co-workers. That and jumping to conculsions and such. hahahaha

  25. #25
    Butch is offline Anabolic Member
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    I too have the hardest time going to the gym...However, at the moment I feel that getting my finacials in order is more important than the the moment...I try to still maintain an even diet and get to the gym when I long as I maintian a good diet I figure I can always get back in shape...If I ever want to get married and have kids I need money to do that.

    Try as hard as you can to get in the gym...Saturday and SUnday are two great days to work out...

  26. #26
    punchrf's Avatar
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    It isn't all that hard for me to find the motivation. the longer i'm at work and the gym the less crap i have to put with from my girlfriend. get home by 8:30, shower, eat, in bed by 9:15. very little time for arguements. the weekends however are hard to stay away from her that long though.

  27. #27
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    Up at 4AM to do the treadmill for an hour (I have one at home). Back by 4pm to hit the gym. Long day, but you gotta make room for it. You can always set your alarm clock earlier. That is a sure fire way to make sure you get your cardio in.

  28. #28
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by punchrf
    It isn't all that hard for me to find the motivation. the longer i'm at work and the gym the less crap i have to put with from my girlfriend. get home by 8:30, shower, eat, in bed by 9:15. very little time for arguements. the weekends however are hard to stay away from her that long though.
    sounds like a happy relationship

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