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Thread: Would u sue?

  1. #1
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Would u sue?

    Here's the story...
    Me and my girlfriend were out having a couple of beers last fri night (she had 2 I had about 6 ). Anyway...She drops me off and is on her way home when some drunk fell asleep at the wheel, crossed over a double yellow line and hit her head on. Her cars totled. He's arrested DUI and now his insurance only wants to give her $1000 above the value of her car.
    So her car is blue booked at $7500, which to me is bull being her car is in perfect condition, or was anyway, and they only wanna give her $8500??
    I say sue but she's argueing w/ me saying sh*t like "I'm not that type of person etc."
    Now my moms bf is a personal injury lawyer and he's licking his chops trying to get her to go to therapy but she won't go. She says her backs alilttle sore but she refuses to go to a Dr.
    I personally wouldn't have any remorse sueing someone that was drunk at the time of an accident.
    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    OMG especially if its a lawyer you know get her ass in there lol

  3. #3
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
    LeanMeOut is offline Community Veteran
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    Sue for sure bro....... no question about it.

  4. #4
    Phillyboy1's Avatar
    Phillyboy1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    sue the f-cking sh-t out of that drunk. make him never forget that sh-t

  5. #5
    JdFlex's Avatar
    JdFlex is offline Senior Member
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    Sue. Its the American way! Just tell her not to tell anyone about it and no one will think less of her. Tell her to think about the money she can collect for her back injury. I'm sure she has shopping bills she'd like to pay off.

  6. #6
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    Make an example out of the drunk bastard. There is no excuse in my book.

  7. #7
    notus's Avatar
    notus is offline Member
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    Sue man, that drunk deserves if or driving drunk.

  8. #8
    O.fO.shO is offline Member
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    well , thats her choice i guess , i was in a similair situation once and i dint .

    But if you feel your not being fully compensated i say hell yes .

    My gf long ago was backing out of a driveway picking up a friend going to school . She stop before the road....but a car driving down the road swerved anyway and went into a ditch . No one was hurt and everything was fine .

    Well a month later the lady claims she cant have sex because of some kind of mental trama , and is sueing for millions!!

    Well like i said , she never actually went into the road , but the insurance company settled and gave her 1million anyway ?!?

    nothing to do with your story , but somtimes insurance companys settle.....go for it .

  9. #9
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    OMG especially if its a lawyer you know get her ass in there lol
    Yeah well she won't go. I'm gonna show her this thread though maybe it'll change her mind.
    She wants one of those new Toyota Scions which are around $17,000. I told her the money you'd get you'd probaby be able to buy one straight up.
    Another thing...I called my Dr. friend and told him the story and he's gonna talk to her. He also reads this board on a daily basis so if your reading Dr. X feel free to comment.

    Forgot to add this guy was nearly 3 times the legal limit

  10. #10
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    This is what insurance is for this is not a B.S. nuisance suit, please I urge her to sue, it is not sleazy, this is a real situation

  11. #11
    SplinterCell's Avatar
    SplinterCell is offline Senior Member
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    Its the american way, now tell her to do her patriotic duty and sue the pants out of those bastards

  12. #12
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    Sue their ass off. The hard part now is getting her to go along with it.

  13. #13
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
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    Its up to the two insurance companies involved. Do not accept what is rightfully hers full book value. If she is hurt then yes, sue. Remember, she is not suing him directly but his insurance will cover if he has full coverage. If he has limited insurance then she might be suing him for recovery. A message needs to be sent to the guy who caused the accident. What if she died or seriously injured?? Would she/or family member sue then?? Of course she would. By suing him it may help others in the future from getting killed by a drunken idiot.

  14. #14
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluethunder
    Its up to the two insurance companies involved. Do not accept what is rightfully hers full book value. If she is hurt then yes, sue. Remember, she is not suing him directly but his insurance will cover if he has full coverage. If he has limited insurance then she might be suing him for recovery. A message needs to be sent to the guy who caused the accident. What if she died or seriously injured?? Would she/or family member sue then?? Of course she would. By suing him it may help others in the future from getting killed by a drunken idiot.
    I tried to explain that to her that his insurance will cover it but my moms bf is taking it alittle far saying he wants to not only go after his insurance company but also go after the bar and the bartender that served this guy, which I think is taking it alittle to far.

  15. #15
    BUBBA74 is offline Senior Member
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    If the car is the only thing that got wrecked personally i'd leave it be. But if I were injured in that wreck I would raise h*ll.

  16. #16
    darmadoc is offline Member
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    I would think that if she gets a lawyer involved she may not even need to actually sue. This case sounds bad enough that even the threat of a suit might at least get her the replacement value of the car.

  17. #17
    bigcut77's Avatar
    bigcut77 is offline Associate Member
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    The courts are not going to teach him a lesson and neither is the insurance company. Sue the **** out of that POS and do him a favor and society. You gotta hit em where it hurts..there pocket...thats the only way some people learn.

  18. #18
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    agreed they will settle but you need to document some soft tissue injury for good measure

  19. #19
    bigcut77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    I tried to explain that to her that his insurance will cover it but my moms bf is taking it alittle far saying he wants to not only go after his insurance company but also go after the bar and the bartender that served this guy, which I think is taking it alittle to far.

    That is taking it too far. Put the blame where blame is due. It is the individuals responsibility. I hate it when people try and blame every one else when it comes down to our own actions. That is the problem with society today...we have a bunch of blame shifters.

  20. #20
    sp9's Avatar
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    She should negotiate a bigger settlement through the threat of a lawsuit. Did she have any injuries and what were they? I got hit head on when I was 19. I took what they offered. I was an idiot. I had my eye lid sewn back on, stiches on my face (the dr. was great - no scars) and my face looked about 3 times too large. I could have easily got a $50,000 settlement out of it. The seat belt broke and in the pictures you can see an oval impression of where I ate the winshield saftey glass. I had zits for a year after where if you would pop them a sliver of glass would come out. Remember, she's entitled if she was injured and that is what insurance companies are there for. Insurance companies are like banks, legal scams to remove peoples money with the odds always in their favor and big lobby's to congress to keep the money flowing. Not sure how old your gf is but she should put the money right into savings. Could use it for a house down payment, emergency fund, anything. Don't let them off easy, the insurance co is going to make its money off the odds anyway and she will just be putting more $ then they deserve into their pockets if she takes the initial offer.

  21. #21
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sup MB! Good to see you bro!! Hellya id sue! And i have in the past. Dude in a Office Depot delivery truck ran a stop sign and t-boned me. My car was fuked up and i was pretty banged up. I didnt bat an eye sueing them....Expalin to her she could have problems weeks, months even years fom now. Dont feel sorry for them. IF the shoe was on the other foot they sure as hell would be sueing her...Good luck


  22. #22
    hercules88's Avatar
    hercules88 is offline Senior Member
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    dicheads like that need to be taught a lesson, sue the pants of that fuker, maybe he will make a better choice in the future, and i bet you gf would be singing a different tune if the accident left here in a wheel chair for life or even worse. make sure she goes to a doc as soon as possible to get the propper documentation of the injury. take this dic to the bank.

  23. #23
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sue! They will settle it quickly considering the guy was arrested and it was clearly his fault. Plus her back/neck might hurt down the road and if you settle now, you're all done.

    (btw, long time no see... how's it going)

  24. #24
    slizzut's Avatar
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    You know a lawyer personally (she won't get ripped off) and there is no way he can win.. Its a sure thing.

    Sue the man, do it.

  25. #25
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    I'd take the swine to the cleaners.

  26. #26
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    I would sue just simply because he was drunk, if his tire popped and is wheel jerked, then i probably wouldnt in that case.

  27. #27
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
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    If your mom's bf wants to go after the bar then I say fine! It is not going overboard, many states have laws that can make the bar responsible. And the bar is well aware of those laws. If they choose not to stop serving the guy then they were only looking for the $$$ and not possibly killing/maiming someone. Like I said she could of been killed, just go talk to MADD(mothers against drunk drivers) and you will see what I am talking about. Not only that but your gf may have some real issues in the near future fearing driving...
    Last edited by bluethunder; 03-29-2005 at 06:13 PM.

  28. #28
    Geeezer's Avatar
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    Mr.Bikini Mod 2001-2005 Join Date: Nov 2001
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    BIKINI STATE LOL looking good bro

  29. #29
    gya321's Avatar
    gya321 is offline Member
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    Definetly sue, Drunk idiot deserves it. Luckily it doesnt sound like she was hurt too bad

  30. #30
    Juddman's Avatar
    Juddman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would take some sort of legal action without a doubt. Don't let that sac of schit get away with something like that bro. Your gf could be complaining of severe back pains a year from now and there will be nothing you can do about if after accepting that petty settlement. At least speak to a lawyer, or have one speak to your gf. Even if she doens't want to start trouble, at least have her understand that taking legal action will prevent him from doing it to someone else down the road. She deserves better compensation than that IMO.
    I bet you even a call or a letter from your lawyer will result in a better offer from their side.

  31. #31
    justin2305's Avatar
    justin2305 is offline Senior Member
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    sue the $hit out of that pos..... do it, do it now

  32. #32
    RussianVodka's Avatar
    RussianVodka is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    sue the f-cking sh-t out of that drunk. make him never forget that sh-t

  33. #33
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    totally agreed..... get him tiger

  34. #34
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Thanks for all the responses, I read em all to her over the phone and she said she's gonna speak to the lawyer tomorrow.
    Hopefully she'll get a new car out of the deal or something.
    Thanks again,

  35. #35
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    good luck with that. hopefully she ends up with a much nicer car out of this deal.

  36. #36
    bigcut77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluethunder
    If your mom's bf wants to go after the bar then I say fine! It is not going overboard, many states have laws that can make the bar responsible. And the bar is well aware of those laws. If they choose not to stop serving the guy then they were only looking for the $$$ and not possibly killing/maiming someone. Like I said she could of been killed, just go talk to MADD(mothers against drunk drivers) and you will see what I am talking about. Not only that but your gf may have some real issues in the near future fearing driving...
    Why sue the bar. That is f----n ridiculous. He choose to get in his car and drive not the bar. Now we are blame shifting again. Put the balame where it lies....the stupid ass drunk individual. While were at it lets sue the people that made the alchohol and the farmer that grew the hops or maybe even the russian that invented vodka...where does it end.
    Last edited by bigcut77; 03-30-2005 at 12:55 PM.

  37. #37
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Definitely sue.

    For one, it's just "lucky" that your girl is okay. Think of what life would be like right now if she were not.

    Secondly, this would teach the drunk f*ck a lesson about driving drunk, and you are then possibly saving someone else's life in the future by keeping this schmuck sober when he drives.

    Third, in this day and age, get f*cking PAID!


    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Here's the story...
    Me and my girlfriend were out having a couple of beers last fri night (she had 2 I had about 6 ). Anyway...She drops me off and is on her way home when some drunk fell asleep at the wheel, crossed over a double yellow line and hit her head on. Her cars totled. He's arrested DUI and now his insurance only wants to give her $1000 above the value of her car.
    So her car is blue booked at $7500, which to me is bull being her car is in perfect condition, or was anyway, and they only wanna give her $8500??
    I say sue but she's argueing w/ me saying sh*t like "I'm not that type of person etc."
    Now my moms bf is a personal injury lawyer and he's licking his chops trying to get her to go to therapy but she won't go. She says her backs alilttle sore but she refuses to go to a Dr.
    I personally wouldn't have any remorse sueing someone that was drunk at the time of an accident.
    What do you guys think?

  38. #38
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigcut77
    Why sue the bar. That is f----n ridiculous. He choose to get in his car and drive not the bar. Now we are blame shifting again. Put the balame where it lies....the stupid ass drunk individual. While were at it lets sue the people that made the alchohol and the farmer that grew the hops or maybe even the russian that invented vodka...where does it end.
    Why sue?? Maybe because that is the law in many states and if they broke the law then they are have co-liabilty. Of course there needs to be proof too. I guess you just dont get it untill you loose someone you love from a drunk driver of which the bar kept serving the person as they watched him stumble out the door looking for his keys. And yes I know the feeling first hand.......
    Last edited by bluethunder; 03-30-2005 at 04:57 PM.

  39. #39
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    sue..teach him a lesson and set an example for would be dui people

    the adjuster can give you more for the car if you show local ads of privately selling cars of same year if they have a higher value than blue book

    i got my jeep from 10,000 to 15,000 that way

  40. #40
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
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    the bartendar has a legal responsibility to stop serving alcohol to anyone that appears intoxicated.

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