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  1. #1
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    Not Sure And Feeling weird

    Hey people waz up i got this problem. I have been dating this girl for about two months, and about two weeks ago i was talking to this other woman that i knew from work and we were just b. about diffrent things and to make it short she said she had her clit ring. I told her let me see it, but she did not show me anyway the next day my girl says that we need to talk about are relationship so we meet up and talk and that women told my girls sister about what happened and she told my girl well we got in to a fight about it and broke up but we are now back together. Anyway see said that see would give me another chance. But the whole thing is that she said that she has to start trusting me from the begining again, but i just got knee surgry and i am stuck home in bed and my girl has come over to see me but when i am not there i am always think of what could she be doing and i always call her what do u think i should do. I realy like this girl and she also gave me anopther chance with the whole thing that i did. Do u think that i am calling her to much and asking to many questions on what she is doing or where she is going and who is going to be there. Please help me let me know what to do.

  2. #2
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    Don't smother the girl especially in a new relationship. If you don't trust her you obviously have some reasons for this?

    A clit ring just screams of whore..especially if the girl is telling you about it. I would have told her she was nasty and left it at that. As long as you didn't do anything your girl should get over it in a short while so just chill, give her room to breathe and hang in there.


  3. #3
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    How old are you guys? That makes a big difference here IMO...

  4. #4
    Dally's Avatar
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos1783
    Hey people waz up i got this problem. I have been dating this girl for about two months, and about two weeks ago i was talking to this other woman that i knew from work and we were just b. about diffrent things and to make it short she said she had her clit ring. I told her let me see it, but she did not show me anyway the next day my girl says that we need to talk about are relationship so we meet up and talk and that women told my girls sister about what happened and she told my girl well we got in to a fight about it and broke up but we are now back together. Anyway see said that see would give me another chance. But the whole thing is that she said that she has to start trusting me from the begining again, but i just got knee surgry and i am stuck home in bed and my girl has come over to see me but when i am not there i am always think of what could she be doing and i always call her what do u think i should do. I realy like this girl and she also gave me anopther chance with the whole thing that i did. Do u think that i am calling her to much and asking to many questions on what she is doing or where she is going and who is going to be there. Please help me let me know what to do.

    holy shit buddy

    uhhh, hmmm, lets see, how can I put this without sounding like a jerk and flaming you on an open board.....


    sorry, I CANT!

  5. #5
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    3 rules that you should remember:

    1.) DENY
    2.) DENY
    3.) DENY!!!

    If clit ring skank had tattled on you, why wouldn't you deny it? How could she prove it without making herself look like a whore?

    Your second mistake is that you are desperate. You are begging her to forgive you over something so petty as a stupid line. Cut your losses and find a new girl after you can get out of bed.

    Come on bro, stories like this turn the girls we all want to date into psychos with over inflated egos. She knows she can walk all over you, and will proceed to do so until you prove her wrong.

  6. #6
    Dally's Avatar
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    3 rules that you should remember:

    1.) DENY
    2.) DENY
    3.) DENY!!!

    If clit ring skank had tattled on you, why wouldn't you deny it? How could she prove it without making herself look like a whore?

    Your second mistake is that you are desperate. You are begging her to forgive you over something so petty as a stupid line. Cut your losses and find a new girl after you can get out of bed.

    Come on bro, stories like this turn the girls we all want to date into psychos with over inflated egos. She knows she can walk all over you, and will proceed to do so until you prove her wrong.

    I shoulda said THAT!

    here here!!

    but still.....

  7. #7
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    I did not do anything with that other girl and i am 21 and she is 18 years old. She has never gave me a reason to act like this but i am. I dont know why i do trust her but it is weird. Should i stop calling her all the time and asking her what she is doing all the time. I mean she calls me too but i think that i do it more then her and she is going through some hard times with her family and her self so all the things i am doing might bother her but she realy does not say anthing about it. Also when we first got together we would not see each other all the time but since i got hurt and now with my surgery we have been seeing each other more and she said that it is not bad but we both have other things to worry about like family and things then just each other what should i do

  8. #8
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos1783
    I did not do anything with that other girl and i am 21 and she is 18 years old. She has never gave me a reason to act like this but i am. I dont know why i do trust her but it is weird. Should i stop calling her all the time and asking her what she is doing all the time. I mean she calls me too but i think that i do it more then her and she is going through some hard times with her family and her self so all the things i am doing might bother her but she realy does not say anthing about it. Also when we first got together we would not see each other all the time but since i got hurt and now with my surgery we have been seeing each other more and she said that it is not bad but we both have other things to worry about like family and things then just each other what should i do
    I think we need Dallys perspective on this. Come on Dally, say it!

  9. #9
    punchrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos1783
    I did not do anything with that other girl and i am 21 and she is 18 years old. She has never gave me a reason to act like this but i am. I dont know why i do trust her but it is weird. Should i stop calling her all the time and asking her what she is doing all the time. I mean she calls me too but i think that i do it more then her and she is going through some hard times with her family and her self so all the things i am doing might bother her but she realy does not say anthing about it. Also when we first got together we would not see each other all the time but since i got hurt and now with my surgery we have been seeing each other more and she said that it is not bad but we both have other things to worry about like family and things then just each other what should i do
    it doesn't sound to promising to me. ususally your gut instinct is right. i say go with the gut insticnt on this one, of course my gut instinct has been wrong when drunk.

  10. #10
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    Should i stop calling her as much as i do and stop asking her what are u doing all the time and give her space. Like she just called me about 10 min ago and told me that her brother droped her off at her grandmas house i i know she is there because she called me from her house so she is not lieing to me.

  11. #11
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    3 rules that you should remember:

    1.) DENY
    2.) DENY
    3.) DENY!!!

    If clit ring skank had tattled on you, why wouldn't you deny it? How could she prove it without making herself look like a whore?

    Your second mistake is that you are desperate. You are begging her to forgive you over something so petty as a stupid line. Cut your losses and find a new girl after you can get out of bed.

    Come on bro, stories like this turn the girls we all want to date into psychos with over inflated egos. She knows she can walk all over you, and will proceed to do so until you prove her wrong.
    can we get a sticky on this please??? Mods????

  12. #12
    Bigen12's Avatar
    Bigen12 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    At 21 you should be banging the hell out of every girl that you see, don't stay stuck to some 18 year old child!

    Move on,

    Experience some older women,

    Have fun,

    When you are 30 then think about calming down and finding a wife......

  13. #13
    Bigen12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos1783
    Should i stop calling her as much as i do and stop asking her what are u doing all the time and give her space. Like she just called me about 10 min ago and told me that her brother droped her off at her grandmas house i i know she is there because she called me from her house so she is not lieing to me.

    Don't call her at all, let her contact you,

    Once you are up and back on your feet, tell her that you aren't sure if you want to be tied down to one woman, right now, you are confused and need your space........

    Hang out with your friends, party and have fun.

    Let her think on that for a while.

  14. #14
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Not sure bra, but sounds like that clitoral ring hizo was out trying to get you.
    Btw, you did nothing wrong. "Let me see it" is not cheating. I must say that the insecurities you are feeling may stem from yourself. If your girl is calling you and she has never given a reason to doubt, why doubt? If she does, then move on. Also, perhaps you should stop calling her as much (don't stop calling, just cut down). Also, don't treat her bad, but this over attention is not necessary, imo.

  15. #15
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds like your girl is YOUNG. That is a common thing with young immature girls...
    Tell her to grow up... and if I wer eyou - it may be start to show a little more respect and not ask to see any more clit rings...

  16. #16
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    that sounds like a good idea because i have realy not hung out with my boys in a while. I mean i have seen them and talked to them, but not realy gone out with them like i used to. See i dont want to break up with her but from what i am saying it is like i am tied down to just her and my attention is all going to her and nobody else. What if she wants to go hang out with her freinds and most of them are guys that i know of what do u think of that, because she used to go to the pool hall alot but every since she meet me she has realy not gone much, and her friend this girl always once to go. What should i do tell her go and have fun and trust her not to do anything bad or what. She has never gave me a reason not to trust her but i just think that it is a guy thing. Thats why i am acting like this.

  17. #17
    Bigen12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos1783
    that sounds like a good idea because i have realy not hung out with my boys in a while. I mean i have seen them and talked to them, but not realy gone out with them like i used to. See i dont want to break up with her but from what i am saying it is like i am tied down to just her and my attention is all going to her and nobody else. What if she wants to go hang out with her freinds and most of them are guys that i know of what do u think of that, because she used to go to the pool hall alot but every since she meet me she has realy not gone much, and her friend this girl always once to go. What should i do tell her go and have fun and trust her not to do anything bad or what. She has never gave me a reason not to trust her but i just think that it is a guy thing. Thats why i am acting like this.
    Will this be the woman you end up marrying, chances are no, it won't.

    At your age, you should be out having fun, not tied to one woman.

    As I said go out have fun, if it is meant to be it will be, if not then you will be better off.

    What ever you do, don't get tied to some little girl, who runs your life, and wake up in your middle 30's, wishing that you had partied more in your 20's.

  18. #18
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos1783
    See i dont want to break up with her but from what i am saying it is like i am tied down to just her and my attention is all going to her and nobody else.
    Sounds like you have a case of the G.P.S. (Golden Pussy Syndrome). Watch out for these feelings, last thing you want is to become obsessive w this girl.

  19. #19
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    Will this be the woman you end up marrying, chances are no, it won't.
    Agreed 100%

  20. #20
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    man your 21, and now insecure... crappy, maybe next time you'll cover the "connection"? if your gonna play LEAVE TOWN lol!! you did it too close to home hehehehehe lesson learned... PS good luck building trust now that she thinks your a cheater/liar

  21. #21
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    That sounds good i will take this advice and once i get better from my surgery i will start hiting the gym again and start hanging out with my freinds more and not just with her and i will stop calling her as much as i am and we will see what the outcome is. U never know life is weird. Also about hiting the gym i need a diet to start to lose weight from i am ( Stats) 21, 6 foot and weigh 252 pounds if any of u have a sample diet i would like it if u guys gave it to me. I also have checked out he cutting sticky from my last diet but i was woundering if anyone had anything different then that. Thanks for the help.

  22. #22
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos1783
    Should i stop calling her as much as i do and stop asking her what are u doing all the time and give her space. Like she just called me about 10 min ago and told me that her brother droped her off at her grandmas house i i know she is there because she called me from her house so she is not lieing to me.
    You are ****ing mess Chaos! Are you on pain meds for that leg or something?

  23. #23
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    yea i am on pain meds do any of u guys have any sample diet that u could give me

  24. #24
    punchrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Sozey
    Sounds like you have a case of the G.P.S. (Golden Pussy Syndrome). Watch out for these feelings, last thing you want is to become obsessive w this girl.
    i tend to get that syndrome from time to time. it gets the best of us.

  25. #25
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    It is F%cking 6 pm where i am and there is shit to do my girl called me and said she might come over to hang out tonight and watch a movie. That is basicly what i can only do since i can hardly walk from my surgery. Still if anybody has any sample diets out there for loseing weight please send them to me or post them on here so i can read them and propose my own out of it, and let u guys take a look at it to see if i need any changes.

  26. #26
    Hardball1783 is offline Associate Member
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    Do what u think is right and it will all workout for u

  27. #27
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    give her some space
    women like theres space aswell
    but if u dont trust her i think its hard to keep relationship going if u feel u cant trust her anymore

  28. #28
    Hardball1783 is offline Associate Member
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    My feelings are weird about things but can anyone help me on the sample diet

  29. #29
    SexyKitty's Avatar
    SexyKitty is offline Female Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardball1783
    My feelings are weird about things but can anyone help me on the sample diet
    WTF? Sounds like Chaos and Hardball the same person??

  30. #30
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    WTF? Sounds like Chaos and Hardball the same person??
    Almost didn't catch that. It does sound like the same person.

  31. #31
    MilitiaGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos1783
    Hey people waz up i got this problem. I have been dating this girl for about two months, and about two weeks ago i was talking to this other woman that i knew from work and we were just b. about diffrent things and to make it short she said she had her clit ring. I told her let me see it, but she did not show me anyway the next day my girl says that we need to talk about are relationship so we meet up and talk and that women told my girls sister about what happened and she told my girl well we got in to a fight about it and broke up but we are now back together. Anyway see said that see would give me another chance. But the whole thing is that she said that she has to start trusting me from the begining again, but i just got knee surgry and i am stuck home in bed and my girl has come over to see me but when i am not there i am always think of what could she be doing and i always call her what do u think i should do. I realy like this girl and she also gave me anopther chance with the whole thing that i did. Do u think that i am calling her to much and asking to many questions on what she is doing or where she is going and who is going to be there. Please help me let me know what to do.

  32. #32
    Hardball1783 is offline Associate Member
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    Actually we are two different people. We are brothers and since nobody would answer him on the sample diet i asked and also posted on the diet form to see if we could get some help. Sorry for the misunderstanding. And if anybody wants to still help it would be great to answer here or in the diet form under hardball1783. Thanks alot.

  33. #33
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    hey guys sorry for the mix up my brother was just trying to help and he f%cked things up. I talked to my girl last night about things and she told me that it is getting to her when i call all the time but she did not want to tell me, because she thought it might hurt my feelings well we talked about things and i think it is going to go good with every thing. I also told her once i get better from surgery i was go to start hitting the gym again and she said that she will also go to the gym so she can support me and my goals. She also wants to tone up a bit so it will be good. But again if anybody has a sample diet to post for me to look at, it will realy be helpful. Thanks for the support guys

  34. #34
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    You should get to the diet forum and read the diet information there to construct a diet for yourself. No one can really "give" you a sample diet not knowing anything about your body, schedule, etc. That is something you will want to do, and you have a lot of time on your hands now to do so being that you are laid up and all.

    About the woman situation:

    You only get 2 knees in your lifetime, but you can have as many women as you want.


  35. #35
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    Swole so what ur saying is that i should not realy worry about my girl because there is many of them out there and to start thinking about me geting better and get back in the gym. Also i called her today about an hour and a half ago and she still has not called me back because she did not pick up, but she can still be sleeping.

  36. #36
    63190's Avatar
    63190 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Let the bitch go. Get over it. She obviously has.

  37. #37
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos1783
    Swole so what ur saying is that i should not realy worry about my girl because there is many of them out there and to start thinking about me geting better and get back in the gym. Also i called her today about an hour and a half ago and she still has not called me back because she did not pick up, but she can still be sleeping.
    What I am saying is that games are for X-Box, not for relationships.


  38. #38
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    She called me alittle bit ago she had just woke up and we were talking about different things but u no what i am not even going to stress it any more.

  39. #39
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    i agree

  40. #40
    Chaos1783 is offline Junior Member
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    whatever happenes let it be.I am going to take it one day at a time and get back in to the gym after i recover from surgery.

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