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  1. #1
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Exclamation READ!!Before you recommend anything

    Ill try to make this as short and simple as i can..

    Now Im sure you all mean good when you give out advice..but without knowing you might actually be doing harm!!!

    I see this happening all the time...people will ask for info on a first cycle and someone will suggest Test-e 500mg with pct etc...without knowing the person's goal and sometimes without knowing age/training history/diet(remember the person might think his diet is good even tho it is shitty)

    not everyone on this board is a bodybuilder wanting to be as big as they can with very low bf and compete..some are powerlifters...some just want to gain 10-20 lbs...some just wanna lose those last10-20lbs...some wanna look like brad pitt...everyone has their own goals..just because theyre different doesnt mean theyre wrong or stupid....

    other things i see people recommend

    -walking @65-75% of MHR for cardio...and are totally against running

    -dextrose pwo

    -oh man just try some eca and clen 2 weeks on/off

    -dont ever do an oral only cycle!!

    -your 18 eat @least 3500kcal and 400+grams of protein...ull gain tons of muscle...yeah rite my ass

    -and many more if u have nething feel free to add

    -follow the cutting sticky
    while this is an excellent place to start..and is better than the 98% the way other people needs some adjustments..and every1 is different..and needs different approaches...

    and remember: DO PCT!! , Dont do drugs and take your mulit's

  2. #2
    1badcamaro's Avatar
    1badcamaro is offline Anabolic Member
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    well bro, first off........being the ANABOLIC member that you are, you should know that ppl have posted threads exactly like this one a MILLION times so you're wasting your time cause noobs dont listen, they continue to ask stuff like this......and second, being the anabolic member that you are, you should be posting this in the steroid , diet, and workout sections......not the lounge. We come to the lounge to get away and relax from all the dumb questions asked

  3. #3
    IronFreakX's Avatar
    IronFreakX is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    well bro, first off........being the ANABOLIC member that you are, you should know that ppl have posted threads exactly like this one a MILLION times so you're wasting your time cause noobs dont listen, they continue to ask stuff like this......and second, being the anabolic member that you are, you should be posting this in the steroid, diet, and workout sections......not the lounge. We come to the lounge to get away and relax from all the dumb questions asked
    you're rite..I shouldve posted this in the other fourms...but i wanted it somewhere where the largest amount of people would see it and didnt wanna post the same thread many times....this is not to newbies only...some people advise the advice i listed which is good but not every1 has the same exact goal like them...Oh well i just wasted my time and added to my change of getting arthrits in my fingers...nice eh??

  4. #4
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Wow, this post is confusing. Are you saying those points are right or wrong? A lot of them are valid in the right context. You can't just post up a bunch of lines like that and expect people to understand what you are saying without explaining your reasoning.

    For instance, the one about walking is certainly true under most circumstances. You WILL burn more fat and less muscle doing this unless your body is so used to walking that it doesn't raise your heartrate, in which case you would jog.

    This was pretty much pointless, IMO.

  5. #5
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Wow, this post is confusing. Are you saying those points are right or wrong? A lot of them are valid in the right context. You can't just post up a bunch of lines like that and expect people to understand what you are saying without explaining your reasoning.

    For instance, the one about walking is certainly true under most circumstances. You WILL burn more fat and less muscle doing this unless your body is so used to walking that it doesn't raise your heartrate, in which case you would jog.

    This was pretty much pointless, IMO.
    Rite , this advice is for the cosmetic bodybuilder...where theyre main concern is looks not preformance so we are talking bout 90% or more of the board..
    most of it is good...cept the obvious ones
    -eca/clen 2 weeks on/off
    -dont do oral only cycles
    -the 3500kcal eating thing
    -Dex pwo (In most cases is not needed)

    Some of the advice is good some aint...remember not every1s goal is to be 220lbs+ with 8% bf

    that was my point,,not to assume that every1 wants the same advice that they use..diff people have diff goals

    I have only had bout 2 hrs of sleep the last 3 days and been on a shit load of I cant really explain myself that well..Hope you got my point tho....

    And trust me it wasnt useless @ all...much needed really...

  6. #6
    1badcamaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Wow, this post is confusing. Are you saying those points are right or wrong? A lot of them are valid in the right context. You can't just post up a bunch of lines like that and expect people to understand what you are saying without explaining your reasoning.

    For instance, the one about walking is certainly true under most circumstances. You WILL burn more fat and less muscle doing this unless your body is so used to walking that it doesn't raise your heartrate, in which case you would jog.

    This was pretty much pointless, IMO.
    Well then you obviously don't understand what he is saying. Hes talking about noobs not knowing what they are talking about and just posting what they see other ppl posting with no knowledge whatsoever

  7. #7
    needmorestrength's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    Ill try to make this as short and simple as i can..

    Now Im sure you all mean good when you give out advice..but without knowing you might actually be doing harm!!!

    I see this happening all the time...people will ask for info on a first cycle and someone will suggest Test-e 500mg with pct etc...without knowing the person's goal and sometimes without knowing age/training history/diet(remember the person might think his diet is good even tho it is shitty)

    not everyone on this board is a bodybuilder wanting to be as big as they can with very low bf and compete..some are powerlifters...some just want to gain 10-20 lbs...some just wanna lose those last10-20lbs...some wanna look like brad pitt...everyone has their own goals..just because theyre different doesnt mean theyre wrong or stupid....

    other things i see people recommend

    -walking @65-75% of MHR for cardio...and are totally against running

    -dextrose pwo

    -oh man just try some eca and clen 2 weeks on/off

    -dont ever do an oral only cycle!!

    -your 18 eat @least 3500kcal and 400+grams of protein...ull gain tons of muscle...yeah rite my ass

    -and many more if u have nething feel free to add

    -follow the cutting sticky
    while this is an excellent place to start..and is better than the 98% the way other people needs some adjustments..and every1 is different..and needs different approaches...

    and remember: DO PCT!! , Dont do drugs and take your mulit's
    Your an idiot, I've said it before and I will say it again, sorry bro! Explain to us why cardio at 65-75 % of HR isnt right for cutting, explain why a dextrose induced PWO is invalid, Explain why you think its wrong to use ECA inbetween clen, Explain why an oral only cyle is ok (stupidest thing every), Explain why an 18 year old should stay away from drugs and focus on diet?.. Im not even going to ask about the cutting sticky.. Basically i believe it comes down to you not understanding english, at least that is what I believe. I forget, when did you become a personal traininer, and kenisiologist, dietician. and overall perfectionist? Sorry but I think your advice is what people should look out for!.. That being said.. have a great weekend

  8. #8
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Your an idiot, I've said it before and I will say it again, sorry bro! Explain to us why cardio at 65-75 % of HR isnt right for cutting, explain why a dextrose induced PWO is invalid, Explain why you think its wrong to use ECA inbetween clen, Explain why an oral only cyle is ok (stupidest thing every), Explain why an 18 year old should stay away from drugs and focus on diet?.. Im not even going to ask about the cutting sticky.. Basically i believe it comes down to you not understanding english, at least that is what I believe. I forget, when did you become a personal traininer, and kenisiologist, dietician. and overall perfectionist? Sorry but I think your advice is what people should look out for!.. That being said.. have a great weekend
    and now tell him how you really feel!

  9. #9
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    Ill try to make this as short and simple as i can..
    Bummer, sure failed on that one!

    I know the intentions were good, but seriously this won't solve any of the "issues" you addressed. You have to take it day by day, case by case, etc. etc.

    I'm here daily, and it's the nature of the game.


  10. #10
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory

    For instance, the one about walking is certainly true under most circumstances. You WILL burn more fat and less muscle doing this.
    Correct, and this is the advice that is correct for the majority of the questions here. In most cases when people ask about cardio, they are asking to find out what is best for pure fat loss. Some do like HIIT and need it for conditioning, but that's about 5% of all cardio goals on this board.


  11. #11
    SexyKitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Your an idiot, I've said it before and I will say it again, sorry bro! Explain to us why cardio at 65-75 % of HR isnt right for cutting, explain why a dextrose induced PWO is invalid, Explain why you think its wrong to use ECA inbetween clen, Explain why an oral only cyle is ok (stupidest thing every), Explain why an 18 year old should stay away from drugs and focus on diet?.. Im not even going to ask about the cutting sticky.. Basically i believe it comes down to you not understanding english, at least that is what I believe. I forget, when did you become a personal traininer, and kenisiologist, dietician. and overall perfectionist? Sorry but I think your advice is what people should look out for!.. That being said.. have a great weekend
    Well.....his examples certainly wern't the best ones but I think I get the gist of what he was trying to say. There have been a number of newbies on here lately giving some GOD AWFUL advice. Like 1BC said, it's like they read something somewhere then try to regurgitate the advice in another thread to make it seem like they know stuff, and then they clearly get it all wrong. One guy in particular keeps giving the WORST advice on diet and cardio lately, he has no clue what he's saying and it's painful to read his posts. I just cant bring myself to say anything to him without sounding like a total b*tch.

    So, maybe Ironfreakx didnt use the best words to explain, but definitely, newbies shouldnt be pretending to know stuff and give bad advice in hopes to earn peoples respect. Best off just being humble, acknowledging they have a lot to learn and using this board to their full advantage...instead they come off as dumbass know-it-all punks.
    Last edited by SexyKitty; 08-12-2005 at 08:00 PM.

  12. #12
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    .instead they come off as dumbass know-it-all punks.
    Correct, I ~SC~ the hall monitor can only come off like that!!!!!!!


  13. #13
    deuce-is-loose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    So, maybe Ironfreakx didnt use the best words to explain, but definitely, newbies shouldnt be pretending to know stuff and give bad advice in hopes to earn peoples respect. Best off just being humble, acknowledging they have a lot to learn and using this board to their full advantage...instead they come off as dumbass know-it-all punks.
    I totally agree to this. There is one newbie on here that has been giving gear advice for about a month now. It makes me sick to come here and read some of the post he writes. If you look at his other post, he states several times that he has never and will never run gear. Its not a goal for him to be BIG (which is fine, no problem ). I just find it absurd that someone can give advice on something they have never tried and will never try. JMO
    Last edited by deuce-is-loose; 08-12-2005 at 08:27 PM.

  14. #14
    SexyKitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Correct, I ~SC~ the hall monitor can only come off like that!!!!!!!

    Damn I missed this hall monitor thread everyone's talking about! WTF?!

  15. #15
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    Damn I missed this hall monitor thread everyone's talking about! WTF?!
    Trust me, it wasn't THAT funny, I more-so wrote that for the people that will still remember/get a laugh out of it.

    In a few days it'll be a lost memory.


  16. #16
    symatech's Avatar
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    not where I want to be
    In a few days it'll be a lost memory.
    until one of the smods puts it under your name replacing

  17. #17
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    But I can then change it back!


  18. #18
    needmorestrength's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    Well.....his examples certainly wern't the best ones but I think I get the gist of what he was trying to say. There have been a number of newbies on here lately giving some GOD AWFUL advice. Like 1BC said, it's like they read something somewhere then try to regurgitate the advice in another thread to make it seem like they know stuff, and then they clearly get it all wrong. One guy in particular keeps giving the WORST advice on diet and cardio lately, he has no clue what he's saying and it's painful to read his posts. I just cant bring myself to say anything to him without sounding like a total b*tch.

    So, maybe Ironfreakx didnt use the best words to explain, but definitely, newbies shouldnt be pretending to know stuff and give bad advice in hopes to earn peoples respect. Best off just being humble, acknowledging they have a lot to learn and using this board to their full advantage...instead they come off as dumbass know-it-all punks.
    maybe I misunderstood, and maybe I havnt been around the workout forums as much as usual, so my bad.. but based on his post, one is led to believe that he has a problem with basic foundations of bodybuilding

  19. #19
    SexyKitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    maybe I misunderstood, and maybe I havnt been around the workout forums as much as usual, so my bad.. but based on his post, one is led to believe that he has a problem with basic foundations of bodybuilding
    For all I know I could be waaaay off on my interpretation, I just based it on the title of the thread, but you might in fact be right, who knows, he's not here now. If what I posted was kind of what IronfreakX was trying to get across, he wasnt clear, but iether way, if thats not what he was trying to get accross, well, I wanted to say it anyway cause I've been a tad annoyed lately with some of the horrid posting I've seen recently from certain little newbs.
    Last edited by SexyKitty; 08-12-2005 at 09:41 PM.

  20. #20
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    WOW! This is a great and original idea. I can't believe no one has made this statement 400 times before. I think people will listen. GREAT POST! Thanks for taking time out of your day to make it.

  21. #21
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    Ill try to make this as short and simple as i can..

    Now Im sure you all mean good when you give out advice..but without knowing you might actually be doing harm!!!

    I see this happening all the time...people will ask for info on a first cycle and someone will suggest Test-e 500mg with pct etc...without knowing the person's goal and sometimes without knowing age/training history/diet(remember the person might think his diet is good even tho it is shitty)

    not everyone on this board is a bodybuilder wanting to be as big as they can with very low bf and compete..some are powerlifters...some just want to gain 10-20 lbs...some just wanna lose those last10-20lbs...some wanna look like brad pitt...everyone has their own goals..just because theyre different doesnt mean theyre wrong or stupid....

    other things i see people recommend

    -walking @65-75% of MHR for cardio...and are totally against running

    -dextrose pwo

    -oh man just try some eca and clen 2 weeks on/off

    -dont ever do an oral only cycle!!

    -your 18 eat @least 3500kcal and 400+grams of protein...ull gain tons of muscle...yeah rite my ass

    -and many more if u have nething feel free to add

    -follow the cutting sticky
    while this is an excellent place to start..and is better than the 98% the way other people needs some adjustments..and every1 is different..and needs different approaches...

    and remember: DO PCT!! , Dont do drugs and take your mulit's
    I'm not going to knock you for this one Iron Freak. I still think you need to beat this through peoples thick skulls, especailly since some people are fricin smartmouthed knowitalls. Good on ya bros, even if I have read this before.

  22. #22
    3Vandoo's Avatar
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    Oh my here what we need to comfirm!

    - 1: Yes you can drink winny!

    - 2: Clambutteroil is clam with butter and oil, if you referred to clenbuterol , it is another compound used as a fat burner and make you shake like Michael J Fox!

    - 3: Yes testosterone will make you horny and even the grand mother living next door will be attractive, yes you might try to hump some trees because the tree is a TREEE a she!

    - 4: No the military or any other type of companies do test for roids in their hiring or normal drugs testing. Of course, if you went from 200 to 300lbs ripped mofo, you better find an excuse; IE: creatine, or Bowflex.

    -5: The best testosterone in my opinion is suspension, pain in the ass, but try them all and see what to you prefer, I hate sustanon , cyp and prop, but love suspension and enathate!

    -6: Yes you can run winny and fina for a long period of time, and stop using them on a short term, you only doing shit! And end up like many pseudo BB ! SMALL!

    -7: Yes DNP can kill you and will make you sweat like Militia'guy in a zionist convention!

    -8: Yes you can drink moderately during cycle, this doesnt mean if you do anadrol and fina, to go get wasted, of course if you drink Bud, coors or shitty beers like that you can consider them as "water"!

    9-: yes clomid will make you a bitchy lil fagot and cry because you just killed a fly!

    10-: Yes pro IFBB do roids! why even asking!

  23. #23
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    Oh my here what we need to comfirm!

    - 1: Yes you can drink winny!

    - 2: Clambutteroil is clam with butter and oil, if you referred to clenbuterol , it is another compound used as a fat burner and make you shake like Michael J Fox!

    - 3: Yes testosterone will make you horny and even the grand mother living next door will be attractive, yes you might try to hump some trees because the tree is a TREEE a she!

    - 4: No the military or any other type of companies do test for roids in their hiring or normal drugs testing. Of course, if you went from 200 to 300lbs ripped mofo, you better find an excuse; IE: creatine, or Bowflex.

    -5: The best testosterone in my opinion is suspension, pain in the ass, but try them all and see what to you prefer, I hate sustanon , cyp and prop, but love suspension and enathate!

    -6: Yes you can run winny and fina for a long period of time, and stop using them on a short term, you only doing shit! And end up like many pseudo BB ! SMALL!

    -7: Yes DNP can kill you and will make you sweat like Militia'guy in a zionist convention!

    -8: Yes you can drink moderately during cycle, this doesnt mean if you do anadrol and fina, to go get wasted, of course if you drink Bud, coors or shitty beers like that you can consider them as "water"!

    9-: yes clomid will make you a bitchy lil fagot and cry because you just killed a fly!

    10-: Yes pro IFBB do roids! why even asking!

    Awesome post!

  24. #24
    IronFreakX's Avatar
    IronFreakX is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Your an idiot, I've said it before and I will say it again, sorry bro! Explain to us why cardio at 65-75 % of HR isnt right for cutting, explain why a dextrose induced PWO is invalid, Explain why you think its wrong to use ECA inbetween clen, Explain why an oral only cyle is ok (stupidest thing every), Explain why an 18 year old should stay away from drugs and focus on diet?.. Im not even going to ask about the cutting sticky.. Basically i believe it comes down to you not understanding english, at least that is what I believe. I forget, when did you become a personal traininer, and kenisiologist, dietician. and overall perfectionist? Sorry but I think your advice is what people should look out for!.. That being said.. have a great weekend
    1-I NEVER said cardio @ 65-75% wasnt good for cutting I said people always recommend cardio @65-75% of MHR for cardio...not everyone wants to cardio just to lose weight....There are other reasons for cardio if you dont know

    2-AHHH the old High GI carbs pwo's my proof
    Physiological hyperinsulinemia stimulates p70(S6k) phosphorylation in human skeletal muscle.

    Hillier T, Long W, Jahn L, Wei L, Barrett EJ.

    Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908, USA.

    Using tracer methods, insulin stimulates muscle protein synthesis in vitro, an effect not seen in vivo with physiological insulin concentrations in adult animals or humans. To examine the action of physiological hyperinsulinemia on protein synthesis using a tracer-independent method in vivo and identify possible explanations for this discrepancy, we measured the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase (P70(S6k)) and eIF4E-binding protein (eIF4E-BP1), two key proteins that regulate messenger ribonucleic acid translation and protein synthesis. Postabsorptive healthy adults received either a 2-h insulin infusion (1 mU/; euglycemic insulin clamp; n = 6) or a 2-h s****e infusion (n = 5). Vastus lateralis muscle was biopsied at baseline and at the end of the infusion period. Phosphorylation of P70(S6k) and eIF4E-BP1 was quantified on Western blots after SDS-PAGE. Physiological increments in plasma insulin (42 +/- 13 to 366 +/- 36 pmol/L; P: = 0.0002) significantly increased p70(S6k) (P: < 0.01), but did not affect eIF4E-BP1 phosphorylation in muscle. Plasma insulin declined slightly during s****e infusion (P: = 0.04), and there was no change in the phosphorylation of either p70(S6k) or eIF4E-BP1. These findings indicate an important role of physiological hyperinsulinemia in the regulation of p70(S6k) in human muscle. This finding is consistent with a potential role for insulin in regulating the synthesis of that subset of proteins involved in ribosomal function. The failure to enhance the phosphorylation of eIF4E-BP1 may in part explain the lack of a stimulatory effect of physiological hyperinsulinemia on bulk protein synthesis in skeletal muscle in vivo.
    6.) Carbohydrate nutrition before, during, and after exercise.

    Costill DL.

    The role of dietary carbohydrates (CHO) in the resynthesis of muscle and liver glycogen after prolonged, exhaustive exercise has been clearly demonstrated. The mechanisms responsible for optimal glycogen storage are linked to the activation of glycogen synthetase by depletion of glycogen and the subsequent intake of CHO. Although diets rich in CHO may increase the muscle glycogen stores and enhance endurance exercise performance when consumed in the days before the activity, they also increase the rate of CHO oxidation and the use of muscle glycogen. When consumed in the last hour before exercise, the insulin stimulated-uptake of glucose from blood often results in hypoglycemia, greater dependence on muscle glycogen, and an earlier onset of exhaustion than when no CHO is fed. Ingesting CHO during exercise appears to be of minimal value to performance except in events lasting 2 h or longer. The form of CHO (i.e., glucose, fructose, sucrose) ingested may produce different blood glucose and insulin responses, but the rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis is about the same regardless of the structure.
    3-About the ECA&clen

    So Let’s re-examine that first point I made: Clen vs. clen+excercise produce roughly the same results for the first 2 weeks! This tells me that the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off schedule for clen dosing is far from optimal, and if you want the quasi-anabolic effect from the clen, it’ll take more than 2weeks on (6 weeks apparently). In addition, since clen alone is similar to clen+excercise for those first 2 weeks...why would you ever use a 2on/2off protocol?

    Since we’re speaking about beta-receptors and upregulation, here, let me address the claim that you can use ephedrine (or the ECA stack), alternating with clen, in order to avoid receptor downgrade. I’m not sure where this rumor came from, but it is totally incorrect.

    To dispel this myth, lets examine ephedrine for a second. Remember when I said that using clenbuterol to stimulate the beta-2 receptors is like hitting a tack with a hammer? Well, Ephedrine is like a sledge-hammer, it hits the beta-2's and everything around them. Thats because it's not selective, but rather it stimulates other receptors to a great degree as well.

    Anyway, one of those receptors that ephedrine hits is the Beta-2 (yeah...the same one as Clen). As you can see from the graph below(ephedrine is represented by the the solid circles), it reduced Beta-2-AndrenergicReceptor (what we call, in laymens terms, the "Beta-2 receptor") levels to 32% of the control level after 24 hours. Read this again:

    Ephedrine, in this study, reduces Beta-2 receptor levels to 32% of control after 24 hours

    From hooker's profile :
    4-About the oral only cycles ultimate oral only cycle?

    and especially this post
    ultimate oral only cycle?

    Explain why an 18 year old should stay away from drugs and focus on diet?


    6-About the cutting sticky: I said its a great place to start...and it still is

    1-Rambo reccomneds dextrose pwo which i dont like
    2-Meal 3 is a protein only meal
    3-the diet should be adjusted according to personal needs(which many people dont realize)...I run , do powerlifting even when cutting a diet like that would fvcking kill me

    Why do you result to personal insults?? Fvck i couldve sent you an email , a pm and insulted you like hell in this post..and say dumbshit like Come to my house and ill kick your ass

    But I wont..Here....... I have presented my proof and backed up my statements and if anyone else has a question or comment Id be happy to discuss it in a mature way i hope...

    Next time you want to disagree with some1....@least with me Do it with respect If you cant then dont type anything at all and keep your mouth shut

  25. #25
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Bummer, sure failed on that one!

    I know the intentions were good, but seriously this won't solve any of the "issues" you addressed. You have to take it day by day, case by case, etc. etc.

    I'm here daily, and it's the nature of the game.


    Correct, and this is the advice that is correct for the majority of the questions here. In most cases when people ask about cardio, they are asking to find out what is best for pure fat loss. Some do like HIIT and need it for conditioning, but that's about 5% of all cardio goals on this board.

    DAMN!!! someone understood my post!!!

  26. #26
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    Well.....his examples certainly wern't the best ones but I think I get the gist of what he was trying to say. There have been a number of newbies on here lately giving some GOD AWFUL advice. Like 1BC said, it's like they read something somewhere then try to regurgitate the advice in another thread to make it seem like they know stuff, and then they clearly get it all wrong. One guy in particular keeps giving the WORST advice on diet and cardio lately, he has no clue what he's saying and it's painful to read his posts. I just cant bring myself to say anything to him without sounding like a total b*tch.

    So, maybe Ironfreakx didnt use the best words to explain, but definitely, newbies shouldnt be pretending to know stuff and give bad advice in hopes to earn peoples respect. Best off just being humble, acknowledging they have a lot to learn and using this board to their full advantage...instead they come off as dumbass know-it-all punks.

    When i wrote that i had only 2 hours of sleep in the last 3days

  27. #27
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    I'm not going to knock you for this one Iron Freak. I still think you need to beat this through peoples thick skulls, especailly since some people are fricin smartmouthed knowitalls. Good on ya bros, even if I have read this before.

  28. #28
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    Oh my here what we need to comfirm!

    - 1: Yes you can drink winny!

    - 2: Clambutteroil is clam with butter and oil, if you referred to clenbuterol , it is another compound used as a fat burner and make you shake like Michael J Fox!

    - 3: Yes testosterone will make you horny and even the grand mother living next door will be attractive, yes you might try to hump some trees because the tree is a TREEE a she!

    - 4: No the military or any other type of companies do test for roids in their hiring or normal drugs testing. Of course, if you went from 200 to 300lbs ripped mofo, you better find an excuse; IE: creatine, or Bowflex.

    -5: The best testosterone in my opinion is suspension, pain in the ass, but try them all and see what to you prefer, I hate sustanon , cyp and prop, but love suspension and enathate!

    -6: Yes you can run winny and fina for a long period of time, and stop using them on a short term, you only doing shit! And end up like many pseudo BB ! SMALL!

    -7: Yes DNP can kill you and will make you sweat like Militia'guy in a zionist convention!

    -8: Yes you can drink moderately during cycle, this doesnt mean if you do anadrol and fina, to go get wasted, of course if you drink Bud, coors or shitty beers like that you can consider them as "water"!

    9-: yes clomid will make you a bitchy lil fagot and cry because you just killed a fly!

    10-: Yes pro IFBB do roids! why even asking!


  29. #29
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    I see you lurking around my to reply???

  30. #30
    needmorestrength's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    1-I NEVER said cardio @ 65-75% wasnt good for cutting I said people always recommend cardio @65-75% of MHR for cardio...not everyone wants to cardio just to lose weight....There are other reasons for cardio if you dont know

    2-AHHH the old High GI carbs pwo's my proof

    3-About the ECA&clen

    4-About the oral only cycles ultimate oral only cycle?

    and especially this post
    ultimate oral only cycle?



    6-About the cutting sticky: I said its a great place to start...and it still is

    1-Rambo reccomneds dextrose pwo which i dont like
    2-Meal 3 is a protein only meal
    3-the diet should be adjusted according to personal needs(which many people dont realize)...I run , do powerlifting even when cutting a diet like that would fvcking kill me

    Why do you result to personal insults?? Fvck i couldve sent you an email , a pm and insulted you like hell in this post..and say dumbshit like Come to my house and ill kick your ass

    But I wont..Here....... I have presented my proof and backed up my statements and if anyone else has a question or comment Id be happy to discuss it in a mature way i hope...

    Next time you want to disagree with some1....@least with me Do it with respect If you cant then dont type anything at all and keep your mouth shut
    Ok my mouth is shut, but oh look I can still type.. As I said in the previous post perhaps I misunderstood you, which I did, I thought you were calling out the advice of professionals etc on the basic/true principles of BBin. My bad. Everyone has Different goals, I totally agree with you on that, and therefore whats a good idea for one person could be totally wrong for another person! For me personally I find a pwo with Dex does help, I grew once I started using that, but for instance, creatine doesnt work at all for me. And for an 18 year old the best advice is to diet down and train hard, and not even think about steroids , wouldnt you agree? I think one thing people really need to realize is that not everyone can workout the same either, not many young people take into account injuries, so they get on this board and see people doing 20 sets for biceps, and doing max of 4 reps, so they try it and end up injuring their joints and tendons etc!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Ok my mouth is shut, but oh look I can still type.. As I said in the previous post perhaps I misunderstood you, which I did, I thought you were calling out the advice of professionals etc on the basic/true principles of BBin. My bad. Everyone has Different goals, I totally agree with you on that, and therefore whats a good idea for one person could be totally wrong for another person! For me personally I find a pwo with Dex does help, I grew once I started using that, but for instance, creatine doesnt work at all for me. And for an 18 year old the best advice is to diet down and train hard, and not even think about steroids, wouldnt you agree? I think one thing people really need to realize is that not everyone can workout the same either, not many young people take into account injuries, so they get on this board and see people doing 20 sets for biceps, and doing max of 4 reps, so they try it and end up injuring their joints and tendons etc!

    -Yes I agree bout 18 year olds not using steroids and focusing on diet and training but many times Ive seen people advice newbies to eat 3500+kcals with 400+ grams of protein without considering their weight , training , age , etc..etc.... Can you say FAT?

    -This was my point in the first place...that everyone has different goals , needs and before they recommend anything to a person(which might be gr8 advice and works well) that not everyone trains like them...

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Trust me, it wasn't THAT funny, I more-so wrote that for the people that will still remember/get a laugh out of it.

    In a few days it'll be a lost memory.


  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    -Yes I agree bout 18 year olds not using steroids and focusing on diet and training but many times Ive seen people advice newbies to eat 3500+kcals with 400+ grams of protein without considering their weight , training , age , etc..etc.... Can you say FAT?

    -This was my point in the first place...that everyone has different goals , needs and before they recommend anything to a person(which might be gr8 advice and works well) that not everyone trains like them...
    I agree 110%, im sorry for calling you an idiot but I really didnt comprehend your first post!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    I agree 110%, im sorry for calling you an idiot but I really didnt comprehend your first post!
    no problem

  35. #35
    CRUISECONTROL is offline Post Whore Extraordinaire Cruising On Autopilot
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    Why not just point it out to them that they are dumbasses and let a mod know as well and ban their stupid asses.............. We need to show that we don't tolerate the giving of incorrect advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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