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  1. #1
    PrairieDawg's Avatar
    PrairieDawg is offline Senior Member
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    how do you guys do it?

    I just can't seem to find the motivation to make it to the gym with my new job. I've been working as a welder for 6 months now and we do shift work (10 hour days 4 days/week. one week 6am-4:30pm, next week 4:30pm-3am).

    It's been really hard to get into the habit of going to the gym with alerternating shifts. When I work mornings I can hardly get any sleep the night before cause shift work has fuked me up. Then when I get off work I'm so damn tired from working all day on 3 hours sleep and inha.ling that shit doesn't help.

    Then when I work evenings it's easier but still really hard to get up and go before my shift starts. If I'm lucky I can make it to the gym 3 days a week.

    It seems like when I can make it 4 days a week (I'd rather be going 5) it doesnt make a difference anyways because shift work has been wearing on my body so much I can't gain a pound.

    By the time the weekend rolls around I'm so depressed that I missed most of my workouts that week I don't even wanna go to the gym. I just want to go blow off some steam with my friends.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one with a problem like this. How do you guys do it? I'm used to 9-5 jobs. I've been working out since I was 17 and I've never been this inconsitant. I figured I'd be used to shift work by now but it's just getting worse.

  2. #2
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    work, eat, train, sleep - repeat

    i dont work at the moment but that is how it used to be for me

    i'd be up at 7am, get home at 9pm (after the gym) eat, prepare my food for the next day then go to bed

    but on the weekend i got drunk and fell over

  3. #3
    24labor's Avatar
    24labor is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont work a lot here at school but I know I work later at night after class and I lift right after class ends so I get the gym and class done before work. You just gotta find whats right I make it my main task to work everything to fit-class, gym, eating, work.

  4. #4
    PrairieDawg's Avatar
    PrairieDawg is offline Senior Member
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    yea I know what's right on when I should be eating, sleeping and making it to the gym. I even made out a schedule for me to follow. But its just with this inconsistancy with alternating shifts my body isnt responding. I mean when you think about it they are completely opposite shifts. how can you get used to that?? I'm tired all the time, it's really tough to get in there and pump iron when I feel like this.
    Last edited by PrairieDawg; 11-30-2005 at 03:47 PM.

  5. #5
    Zapp's Avatar
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    It all depends on how bad you want it. I'm a single parent with a 6 year old daughter and still find the time. "Dedication and Determination"

  6. #6
    63190's Avatar
    63190 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ask your boss if you can have a permanent schedule. That's all I can suggest. Pick the one that best suits your biorythyme or how ever you spell it.

  7. #7
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    either ask boss for new scheduale or get a new job bruh

  8. #8
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I keep reminding myself that it's only an hour and I'm going to feel great after my workout and I'll sleep like a baby. Plus it keeps me out of the bar. Just getting through the door is the hardest part some nights but once I get in there I forget all about being tired. Matter of fact I've been putting it off tonite cause I'm really beat but I have surgery tomorrow and I may not be able to train for a week so I'm going.

  9. #9
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zapp
    It all depends on how bad you want it. I'm a single parent with a 6 year old daughter and still find the time. "Dedication and Determination"

    With respect for taking care of your daughter by yourself, that's a full time job by it's self. You just got me focused again after reading that,(I don't even have a kid, well my store is a pain in the ass lately)

  10. #10
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
    Hackamaniac is offline King Without a Crown ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    work, eat, train, sleep - repeat

    i dont work at the moment but that is how it used to be for me

    i'd be up at 7am, get home at 9pm (after the gym) eat, prepare my food for the next day then go to bed

    but on the weekend i got drunk and fell over

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