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  1. #1
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    Red face When you Drink what happens to your personality?

    This Thread was inspired by System Admins level of Shinanigans tonight , he has had a couple of beers and is clearly a philisophical happy drinker

    I myself tend to be a happy , sentimental, touchy feelie type.

    What about you?

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    this should get interesting. Depends..

    more outgoing (naturally a very shy person unlike what I appear to be here on AR), touchy, more complimentative w girls, game gets better, have been violent only a few times..but there was reason, horny as hell..bout it

  3. #3
    system admin is offline Owner
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    I am a naturally outspoken guy, and NEVER look for problems, HOwEVER... my problem comes into play when people can not handle my opinon on things and take offense. I can be abrasive, but most people take comfort in the fact that I say exactly whats on my mind.


  4. #4
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Im not affraid of much anyway, so my attitude in public upsets those people who try to "bulldog" their way into my inviroment.


  5. #5
    TADOLFI's Avatar
    TADOLFI is offline Member
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    Yeah chest, especially violent when you find out our friend "system admin" takes the post count down.

    I'm a happy drinker - (With a Jamaican accent) "No problems Man"

  6. #6
    chest6's Avatar
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    that too..the truth often comes out...moreso while drunk. I'll either be like.."I never really liked you very much" or sumthin like that

  7. #7
    system admin is offline Owner
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    I LOVE a good crowd who have nothing but good times on their minds. THAT is my PERFECT situation.

  8. #8
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    Yeah chest, especially violent when you find out our friend "system admin" takes the post count down.

    I'm a happy drinker - (With a Jamaican accent) "No problems Man"
    ha ya..then they came back i thought they were gone for good

  9. #9
    system admin is offline Owner
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    hahahahah thats right chest!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO!!! Where the fuk where you when all the fun was takin place with post counts?!!!!!!

  10. #10
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    I'm a clever drunk. I can come up w/ shit that can make yo laugh non stop. One liners that a sober person could never come up with. Hard liquor can sometimes make me angry. Not to the point of starting a fight or anything, but if somebody puts a thorn in my side in any way,shape or form then its on.

  11. #11
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    hahahahah thats right chest!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO!!! Where the fuk where you when all the fun was takin place with post counts?!!!!!!
    haha oh believe me..I was here for every bit of it

  12. #12
    TADOLFI's Avatar
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    That's cause you're a good guy that shoots straight.

    Keep it up Bro!

    (And they're still waitin on the leg pics in the other thread)

  13. #13
    TADOLFI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I'm a clever drunk. I can come up w/ shit that can make yo laugh non stop. One liners that a sober person could never come up with.
    Man stacked, me and my crew would take a guy like you with us just to get him drunk to see what he would say!

    Good Times Brother!

  14. #14
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    Im not affraid of much anyway, so my attitude in public upsets those people who try to "bulldog" their way into my inviroment.


    I tend to be afraid of conflict, not so much because becaUSE of the outcome of the conflict, but actually the conflict itself

    I tend to be much larger than most and have a degree of mental ability.
    So I have nevr been worried about outcome.

    I have always viewed the fruition of a conflcit into a "problem" the blame of Ignorance . Most people are "Good" and most conflict arises from the simple misunderstanding of words or action. therefor most conflict in not needed
    Last edited by O.M.E.G.A; 12-28-2005 at 12:19 AM.

  15. #15
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    I LOVE a good crowd who have nothing but good times on their minds. THAT is my PERFECT situation.

    thats the way it should be and usually is....

    having an honest heart on your sleeve opens all doors and closes then ones that need to be closed

    even when problem dudes show up at a party of wherever I find maintaining my cool, calm position and holding back anger does the same or better job than actually manifesting my anger
    Last edited by O.M.E.G.A; 12-28-2005 at 12:28 AM.

  16. #16
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    I am a social butterfly when i drink.. i talk to everyone.. i am everyones bestfriend lol... no gay ass hugging or I LOVE YOU MAN... just nicer then normal.

  17. #17
    hoss827's Avatar
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    What happens to my personallity when i drink?

    I actually have MAD GAME. Too bad that doesnt happen sober

  18. #18
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    What happens to my personallity when i drink?

    I actually have MAD GAME.
    lol that is a good thing to have

  19. #19
    hoss827's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OMEGA
    lol that is a good thing to have
    Yeah but what sucks ass, is its below AVERAGE when im sober....and when I drink, my strength goes down and I piss away size......The last three months i've been drinking on weekends, missing 1-2 meals a day and not getting enough sleep and i lost so much so fast, but after three weekends of no drinking im back to normal and bigger than before, i rebounded real quick!

    So im cutting it down to one weekend a month, or one weekend every other month IF that.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    Yeah but what sucks ass, is its below AVERAGE when im sober....and when I drink, my strength goes down and I piss away size......The last three months i've been drinking on weekends, missing 1-2 meals a day and not getting enough sleep and i lost so much so fast, but after three weekends of no drinking im back to normal and bigger than before, i rebounded real quick!

    So im cutting it down to one weekend a month, or one weekend every other month IF that.

    Then again i've been getting laid a shit ton too--so i have to choose between more sex or more size.....I choose size. Scary huh?! LOL

  21. #21
    hoss827's Avatar
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    not to be a whore but i am wired the hell out on ECA right now. I'm running a 101 fever and I just got home from the gym--and all my lifts are up. WOO HOO thank you ECA. OK, im gonna make a thread before my happy ass hijacks this one

  22. #22
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    Usually All I wanna do is have real good time, nice to everyone drunk, Sometimes if I've had to much its the sloppy, Im a F*ucin retard drunk, and for some reason when i drink nothin but rye its the I wanna fight everyone drunk.(dont drink much rye anymore)

  23. #23
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Everytime i drink, women seem to be more attracted to me. It's cool because it always happens. Then when they get to talking to me, I'm always so calm and then they are impressed by my personality.. and then they tell me how smart I am...? Dunno why..but it's the story everytime. I like me when I'm drunk. =) Mostly because im always nice person when sober&drunk =)

  24. #24
    Chemical King's Avatar
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    Depends what mood im in. Im generaly the kind of guy that says what he thinks no matter how much it might upset somebody. So if im full of booze i just do it that bit louder and offend a bit more then normal

  25. #25
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    i don't usually drink

  26. #26
    oldman's Avatar
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    I have not had a drink in over 6 years and never plan on it again (I was/am a social alcoholic).

    But I can say when I did drink I had several stages..

    When I first got my drink on I loved everyone, everyone in the bar was my best best friend. then a few more drinks I could see into the future and I would start telling people what was Going to happen (and it always came true) but of course I was not seeing the future I was just seeing it as it happened and my brain was slow to react. Then after a few more drinks I was depressed and the whole world was against me and then normally the final stage I was ready to fight anyone that looked my way and then I passed out. I was a lot of fun and woke up on my front lawn many times not knowing who took me there or how I got there.

    ^^^^^ this is why I will not drink every again.. To me one drink will Always turn into 10+. I can't even go into a liquor store anymore and not have the urge to buy. Being around others that drink does not bother me I just can't touch it.


  27. #27
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
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    I tend not to drink. It makes me feel happy at first, then extremely low and aggressive.

  28. #28
    USN DV's Avatar
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    I get naked!!

  29. #29
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    I dunno... it's like rolling dice. I usally really nice but I'm sometimes mean. and I get naked alot.

  30. #30
    cfiler's Avatar
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    I don't tend to get agressive, I tend to flirt ALOT.

  31. #31
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    when ive had a good amount of alcohol in my system and have a good buzz goin im mostly calm, im a very outgoing, loud. charismatic person normally but when i drink its like im calm and quiet. not even that horny or flirtatious. the first couple drinks make me sleepy but then i get past that phase and just relax. got some good drinkin stories though. and some not so good lol one thing i can say is my ass tends to come out of my pants alot and gets in ppls faces or facing the nearest road. whoohoooo

  32. #32
    Anna Bollick's Avatar
    Anna Bollick is offline Juiced Shemale Rescue Hooker
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    My rollercoaster hormones ensure that my personality can never be predicted in a drinking session. I can go from crybaby mode to asskicking mode, from afrfectionate, sexy, and horny, to leave-me-the-fvck-alone. Fina and Synovex with alcohol is a recipe for a demolished bar. Poor assholes usually don't fight back, cause they are ashamed to be seen hitting a girl. The fact that this girl has the biggest unit in the joint is immaterial... I come out swinging at bozos, and they just cover up or stand there in shock while I mash them up. It gets ugly. OTOH, test and dbols (I know... stupid to have a drink while on dbol ! I know, already!) make me so mellow and friendly, everybody is my friend, and even transphobes are soon won over by my charm. When my estrogen is really high, alcohol makes me very unpredictable, often with bipolar traits. But when I am like that and on the manic part of the cycle, I am the life of the party, with all the good jokes and outrageous behavior. The depressive part has me morose and moody. Sometimes maudlin and sentimental to the point of crying over a sad or happy story.

    Alcohol without gear? Frankly, I barely remember ever being off!


  33. #33
    FROST's Avatar
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    I pretty much gave drinking up, but i will be getting tanked for the new year. When i drink i lose weight like its my day job, that and if i even think about touching the liquor i'm already in trouble. When drink beer i am pretty mellow, until someone gets me aggravated and from that point i'm just looking for someone to talk down to me. If i find what i'm looking for I either end up in the back seat of a nice car , or my friends escorting me home. I will not start a fight, nor will i ever insult someone for no reason. I dont like people who pick fights etc. My tolerance for assholes just goes down when i'm drunk.


  34. #34
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    I get extremely Wild will do and say about anything I have mainly an outgoing humorous personality when drinking but down for whatever.

  35. #35
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    I become the funniest and best looking guy in the room!
    (An opinion which is unfortunately only held by me.)

  36. #36
    TantruM is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I'm a clever drunk. I can come up w/ shit that can make yo laugh non stop. One liners that a sober person could never come up with. Hard liquor can sometimes make me angry. Not to the point of starting a fight or anything, but if somebody puts a thorn in my side in any way,shape or form then its on.
    im complete opposite im funny when sober and quiet when drunk... hell usually i get hammered to point where cant lift my face enough to talk because eaither way ima be hung over so why not make it a good one...

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Bollick
    My rollercoaster hormones ensure that my personality can never be predicted in a drinking session. I can go from crybaby mode to asskicking mode, from afrfectionate, sexy, and horny, to leave-me-the-fvck-alone. Fina and Synovex with alcohol is a recipe for a demolished bar. Poor assholes usually don't fight back, cause they are ashamed to be seen hitting a girl. The fact that this girl has the biggest unit in the joint is immaterial... I come out swinging at bozos, and they just cover up or stand there in shock while I mash them up. It gets ugly. OTOH, test and dbols (I know... stupid to have a drink while on dbol ! I know, already!) make me so mellow and friendly, everybody is my friend, and even transphobes are soon won over by my charm. When my estrogen is really high, alcohol makes me very unpredictable, often with bipolar traits. But when I am like that and on the manic part of the cycle, I am the life of the party, with all the good jokes and outrageous behavior. The depressive part has me morose and moody. Sometimes maudlin and sentimental to the point of crying over a sad or happy story.

    Alcohol without gear? Frankly, I barely remember ever being off!

    every time you post i about piss myself every time...

  38. #38
    mrsuperpump's Avatar
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    when i get drunk all i think is girls.....girls......girls.....
    got to get someone home tonight....hahaha....

  39. #39
    Alex2's Avatar
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    R these guns registered?!
    I get a little bit happier.

  40. #40
    Alex2's Avatar
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    R these guns registered?!
    Quote Originally Posted by mrsuperpump
    when i get drunk all i think is girls.....girls......girls.....
    got to get someone home tonight....hahaha....
    lol, I think about them all the time whether I'm drunk or not

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