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  1. #1
    Texsun is offline Junior Member
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    What, if anything, have you told your kids about steroids?

    I have a 9 yr old son and of course he has seen all my bb magazines and my copy of Anabolics 2005. He has once asked me about steroids and all i've pretty much told him is that along with proper diet, rest and exercise, they can make you bigger and stronger. I've also told him they're illegal without a prescription. He is really involved in sports (football and baseball) and I'm pretty sure if he's still playing in high school, he might be tempted to take aas. My views on them are pretty much in line with other board members. What have you guys told your kids about steroids?

  2. #2
    ludakris9 is offline Associate Member
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    I am glad that I don't have children yet so I don't have to worry about that. Someday i will have too. I think that you handled it well.

  3. #3
    FROST's Avatar
    FROST is offline Associate Member
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    I replaced my kids Flinstone vitimens with d-bols.

  4. #4
    Teabagger's Avatar
    Teabagger is offline Senior Member
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    I have a 17 yr old son, little stud he is. Plays football and rugby..and works out in the gym like a mofo. He is well aware of aas..some of his teammates have run a cycle or two I guess. I told him he did not need the stuff....yet.
    I actually tried to educate him with my limited knowledge of the possible side effects and what, and when aas is used for. He also has a strength and conditioning coach, that is also his rugby coach, that he highly respects and the coach is at least outwardly very down on any form of aas at anytime for anyone. So far he has bought into it. He is currently trying to gain weight. He of course uses creatine and supps with various pw powders and foods.

    I'd be honest, not about your own use, but about what they are, why they are used, and that they are ILLEGAL. My boy plans on being a he is pretty consicous of the legality of some things.

    Thats my gorge...good luck.

  5. #5
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    You guys are handling it quite well. I think it should be treated the same way as guns. Educate your child, so they know the proper way, and when are ready they are able to use if they want. If they are not educated, they could get seriously hurt.

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