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  1. #1
    5minsforfighting's Avatar
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    Unhappy F*cked up last night

    Sorry this is so damm long....

    Didn't know where else to go to get advice, and ive seen in the past people got some good advice on what to do so here I go. Well ive been with this girl for a couple of months here at school. Shes really nice and things have been going really good. A while ago we started talking about just working out and she knows im really into the gym scene. She told me about how she wanted to have a six pack just like I believe any girl would. To make a long story short I got some good advice from a mod on here and got her on a workout program and basically shes been working out off and on and doing cardio etc. Anyways I thought that an ECA stack would help her and she already takes Xendrine off and on (the non ephedrine type) just for a boost through classes and stuff. I told her about how eca stack would work on curbing her appitite and i said i could get some pure ephedrine tabs and i would make her up a good stack. Anyways so last night we got wasted and somehow we got talking about this eca stack again. I told her i ordered 1000 tabs and was going to order some cafienne on the net and i had already got some baby asprin. She then confessed some shit that blew my mind. Basically she told me her mom had weight issues and her mom made herself puke after every meal etc. She told me that her mom did this for like 15 years intil she got help. By this time my girls crying her eyes out and shes like there is more. Then she proceeds to tell me that she wanted so bad to do what her mom did to try to get a six pack. She said that shes tryed time after time to make herself puke but she cant do it. Shes tryed forcing it but shes never been able to. By this time im like what the fuck. Then she told me that for about a year she was taking effedrine and laxatives and abusing it. She said that everyone told her how wonderful she looked and etc. Needless to say after all this shit she was crying her eyes out and just a mess. I feel like such an asshole cause in my mind i feel like i pushed her too hard by trying to help her get to her goals. She also said that she feels fat around me and worries that ill think shes fat. I dunno what to say bros. I basically confessed to her that i used roids and she was really cool about it. Then after that i passed out and i really dont remember much after that. This was all last night and i wanna talk to her about everything again but i dont really know what to say. I guess that is why i am posting this and looking for some good advice or opinions on what i should do. Im not really experienced in dealing with this. Just wondering if anyone else went through anything like this in the past.Sorry for rambling on so long. Guess i just had to vent.

  2. #2
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    She suffers from anorexi or bulemi. You need to take her to a doctor/shrink that can help her with this. Itīs very dangerus!

  3. #3
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    luckly she hasnt done anything YET, a weekly mind doc would go along way I'd bet. My girlfriend is a recovering ana/belemic.

    I'd also have to say,

    no epdedrine for her. atleast not when she's in that state of mind.

    explain to her, she has to trust the way you feel about her looks, and she doesnt have to be in fitness freak condition to impress you.

    and flowers

  4. #4
    5minsforfighting's Avatar
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    Shes never actually really puked. It was her mom that did that for about 15 years. Also she told me that was a few years ago that she did the effedrine-laxative thing. She hasnt done it recently and shes been just doing xendrine and working out. I just feel really bad cause i didnt know about this before i suggested eca.

  5. #5
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Well she told you she wants to puke and that she has tried. Be a good friend to her and get her some help before she is able to get her food up. She needs help bro.

  6. #6
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    I agree with Palme.

  7. #7
    5minsforfighting's Avatar
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    I agree she does need help. But that whole puking thing was in the past. Thats why she did the effedrine-caffinee thing. She did it cause she couldnt force herself to puke. This was all a few years ago and she hasnt had any urges to do this for a long time. She basically told me it something she was ashamed of and that it she has no intentions of ever doing it again. Not trying to defend her but maybe i didnt make it clear that this was all in her past and not recent. I really apperciate your replys palme , no flame intended bro. Iron i did buy her a gift tonight and think i might give it to her and just sit down and talk with her about it. Is there anything you guys think i should bring up?

  8. #8
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro i have so much experience w/ this it's not funny

    if you ever need anyone to talk to, just give me a yell.i'm always here to listen.

  9. #9
    peam's Avatar
    peam is offline Suspended
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    Well, first of all, it's not your fault. The issue she has with her body has nothing to with you suggesting a work out plan... or anything else to her. It's something she obiviously grew up with, since her mother was bulimic for 15 years. Even though she isn't currently abusing drugs, or she doesn't have an eating disorder now, it's still something that effects her enough to confess to you and be in tears while doing so. If you want to be a good friend, she really does need help. So, when you said that it's in her past, it's not out of her mind, it's still effecting her today and she needs help to completely leave it behind. Here are some links that might help you find your friend the professional help she needs. I don't know how good they are, but I have a friend who had an eating disorder probably 4 years ago and is still seeing help. I just want to make sure you help your friend the best you can! Tons of stuff comes up when you search for bulimia... anorexia... or eating disorders online. I hope I helped some. :-)

  10. #10
    5minsforfighting's Avatar
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    Thanks guys I really all the posts. Very helpful and informative. I sat her down last night and talk about this, and thing went good. Once again thanks to everyone that posted and Partyboy i might hit you up on that offer sometime.

  11. #11
    Fooboy's Avatar
    Fooboy is offline Associate Member
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    glad things went well doode

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