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  1. #1
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    There is no place like ho

    Thumbs up Remember guys we are all here to learn.. (Everyone should read)!

    First off, this post is not directed towards anyone in particular. I just wanted to remind some of our members what we are here for.
    I have been seeing people giving advice to other users when they themselves have no personal experience in a particular area. I am also seeing people giving bad advice to other members. Remember folks we are all here to learn.
    In no way am I saying I know everything, and I don’t or never will say such a bold statement. I was a new member here 2 years ago, and I didn’t’ know anything about anything. But in the last two years I have gotten almost a lifetime of experience because of the folks on this board.
    It is only human nature to want people to accept you and to seem intelligent to others. However, sometimes our own personal objectives, can be dangerous to other members who come here for advice.
    What I am trying to say is, if you do not know something, then DO NOT be afraid to say it. Use words like, “I think” or “from my experience” or “In My Opinion:”. Never give advice to someone on a subject you are not sure on, or have never done. For example, I don’t know sh*t about Fina or HGH, therefore you won’t find me giving advice to someone without stating that I have never done these or that I don’t’ know from personal experience.
    99% of knowledge on this board, is from personal experience. IMO personal experience is sometimes the best advice to give.
    Now if most of you are like me; and try to educate yourself by doing your own research, well that is okay too, but it would be wise for you to state that if you are answering a thread or answering another users question. Remember guys, NO ONE knows everything and everyone has different levels of experience. That is what makes this board so educational and informative.
    Look at it this way guys. If you had a serious question, would you want someone guessing or someone giving you advice that has no experience in the type of question you are asking? NO WAY. We have some very very educated and smart mofo’s here, probally more so than most boards. We don’t allow flaming therefore we don’t put people down when they are wrong. Even when two users disagree we don’t flame.
    Our flaming rules are very important, but also leave room for users to say anything even if they have no experience in a particular subject.
    Everyone wants to be liked and respected because of their intelligence.
    My advice is to stick to what you know, and only give advice on what you have experienced or can back up with research. You will get more respect in that than someone pointing you out for being a “Bullshitter” so to speak.
    We sure wouldn’t want any of our members here to get hurt because of misleading information. This has happened before on another board and a guy got into some serious trouble. I’m talking real jail time. So be careful what you say, and who you say it to for that matter. Stay safe!! Peace..

  2. #2
    adaptations's Avatar
    adaptations is offline Member
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    Jun 2002
    Good point my fellow sicilian..but seriously come on now.....I KNOW ALL!!!!!!

  3. #3
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    definitely a good post...a good read for younger members who want to be that first poster on a thread with advice that may not be so sound.

    it all comes down to think before you act...if you don't know the answer or can't give good advice then do some research and find out! for example, just because winny or eq didn't do exactly what you wanted does not mean that it won't work for others, or that because you gained 30lbs off a dbol /deca cycle that it will happen for everyone. i know i say this too much, but discretion is key.

  4. #4
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    There is no place like ho
    Originally posted by adaptations
    Good point my fellow sicilian..but seriously come on now.....I KNOW ALL!!!!!!
    Yes Adapt I stand correct it.....

  5. #5
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    to tha top

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