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  1. #1
    Aguro's Avatar
    Aguro is offline Associate Member
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    HELP Girl Friend freaking out because of her 18 year birthday.

    Hi guy, i got a big problem on my hand, my girl friend birthday is in 7 day and she planned a party in the middle of the week but no one can come (everyone work the day after), so i am trying to save thing up and do a party this week-end. She is very depressed and keep saying she dont have any friend and that no one care for her. So i want to make an awsome party for her. Anyone got tips for making a successfull birthday party she is turning 18, we will have access to a big pool and a fireplace and a big backyard so people can sleep at my place if they are too drunk. Should i do something with a theme? Anyone have any idea how to make that day special, something she will remember...

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I am not sure how to make it a successful party but I will say you are one nice guy for doing this to make her feel better. I hope everything comes together.

  3. #3
    ichiban's Avatar
    ichiban is offline Female Member
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    First off, she should not be so down just because her paarty will bw a coupple days early!?! I am 22 and have never had a b-day party on my b-day because it is 2 days after christmas!! Just think of her when planning it....what does she like? Tell her to simmer down and have fun....hey she at least has you right?!

  4. #4
    ichiban's Avatar
    ichiban is offline Female Member
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    Aguro--is that a Bruniese Mountain dog for your avatar??

  5. #5
    Aguro's Avatar
    Aguro is offline Associate Member
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    Thank you Rickson and Ichiban.And to answer your question Ichiban i dont know the name in english but in french it is named ''Bouvier Bernois''.

  6. #6
    Power-BB's Avatar
    Power-BB is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah bro your a nice guy of trying to do all this for her. I doubt any muscle heads here would be able to help you out like you like but best of luck on it.


  7. #7
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    lots and lots of booze, specificially lots of girly drinks (the party is for a girl)... smirnoff ice, mike hard lemonade, etc... good music, and fun people. theres really no trick to having a good party. if everyone comes with the mindset of having a good time and enjoying themselves it will be fun. dont over-think it bro. when my friends all have open houses, they put me in charge basically. i buy all the alcohol, let all our friends know about it, and act as a kind of bouncer as well. a good party is more dependant on the people in attendance than anything else. well that, and make sure you're not gonna run out of alcohol, thats a party-killer for sure.

  8. #8
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    one of my favorite theme parties of all times was a roman gods/goddesses party.

    guys had to pick a god and dress the part while the girls did the same for goddesses.

    costumes are great as everyone can show off their physique if they want to, plus the girls always look good in their goddess attire.

    everyone needs to try to stay in character when interacting with others in order to make it fun as you can get some interesting dialogue or acts from certain combinations

    thats my suggestion as i had a blast playing the part of narcissus.

    just be creative and show some effort and your girlfriend will appreciate it regardless of what you end up planning.

  9. #9
    Aguro's Avatar
    Aguro is offline Associate Member
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    Cool thanx monster and daem! I think it gonna turn out to be a good party. I just hope that the weather will be good..!

  10. #10
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
    FKITLETSGO is offline Senior Member
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    get her pregnant and say your legal and i wont go to jail for it..supriseeeeeeeeee!

  11. #11
    BigBuddha's Avatar
    BigBuddha is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by FKITLETSGO
    get her pregnant and say your legal and i wont go to jail for it..supriseeeeeeeeee!

    Hey FK, will you do me a favor and save me a VIP spot in hell please?

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