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Thread: Road Rage

  1. #1
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    Road Rage

    I must see 3 or 4 people driving like idiots each day because they are enraged. There must be hundreds of cases of road rage related deaths each year but we don't hear our holier than thow legislators propose banning cars. Yet, we have a couple of assholes who blame juicing for committing murder and the media hypes "roid rage ", grandstaning legislators perform their usual kneejerk reaction and ban AS. This totally digusts me. Ultimately we are all responsible for our own behavior. Just as I would never intentionally run some one off the road I would never commit murder juicing or not. There are heroin addicts who lie steal and rob to support their drug use. There are others who work regular jobs and are socially under control. It comes down to individuals. Sociopathic individuals have no respect for others and are not capable of feeling empathy. These types will create problems by driving like no one else has the right to be on the road. They take traffic delays personally. They have no remorse and will lie and steal and even commit murder whether they are taking heroin, alcohol, AS or aspirin. The real shame is we are empowered by The Constitution to remove these self serving legislators but year after year they are re-elected because only half of us vote.

  2. #2
    nj juice's Avatar
    nj juice is offline Member
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    Northern Jersey
    Well i have to admit, i get road rage, every now and again. Actually quite frequently to be honest. I live in the most densely populated state and traffic around here can be murder. Those who live in northern jersey like myself can attest to this. It seems like half the people on the road cant drive for shit, therefore it sometimes gets aggravating to be surronded by people like this whn you're on your way to work, play, etc.

  3. #3
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    if im driving, im not myself if i don't lay on the horn at least several times on 15 minute car trip.

    people don't know how to drive, old people suck, and construction makes for interesting merges regardless of where you go.

    honking isn't very rewarding unless you throw up the finger to back it up or raise your arms like 'wtf?!??@?@?'

    just today i had to honk at some asshole cutting me off on an exit ramp.

  4. #4
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    I will admit to road rage myself but I would never do more than flip someone the finger or maybe kick someone's ass although I wouldn't be the first out of my car. If you approach me looking for a fight you better be stronger and a hell of a lot tougher than me. I like when people complain of being tailgated all the time. If you are constantly being tailgated go faster or pull over. And, how fuckin lazy can you be if you can't spend 2 seconds to put your turn signal on. And how's this, don't speed up, you fucking ashole, when I'm trying to merge. This is usually done by a guy in his 40s who needs a good ass kicking. Don' pull out in front of me and go 2 mph under the speed limit. Done mostly by grey haired ladies or old men with hats. I will ride your ass until you go faster, turn or pull over. Hang up your phone if you can't drive and talk at the same time. This is usually some girl in her early 20s. If you are over 65 get a physical to dtermine your fitnees to drive.

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