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  1. #41
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yep. Ive seen that happen A LOT. Im in the neutral position. Whatever happens doesnt affect me. I get paid either way. The second I show up and say "Hi" I get paid for it. Then I just sit back and watch the show when the contractor and inspectors go at it.

    I know people dont have to actually say WHERE exactly they work. Was just curious as to what kind of work. Retail, sales floor. Mechanic. baby sitter Hitman, bouncer, bartender, Internet sales, etc.

  2. #42
    bigol'legs's Avatar
    bigol'legs is offline Quadzilla
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    HAHA "hitman" I wanna know that 2

  3. #43
    clockworks's Avatar
    clockworks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    My job sucks....stressfull, long hours, politics, major backstabbing, terrible manager, etc, etc. Did I mention low pay?
    yeah least you got an awesome body.

    -- clocky baby

    p.s. hmm, hope that didn't sound too homo.

  4. #44
    clockworks's Avatar
    clockworks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by solidj55
    I totally disagree with this statement. There are very educated, hard working people out there that cant find ''good'' jobs. Sure you can go to a temp agency and get hooked up with a job, getting paid minimum wage or a few dollars per hour over that. But who can live like that without some sort of financial help from the goverment or somewhere else. Like I said I am not feeling sorry for those lazy society draining slugs that we have claiming they cant find work blah blah blah that use the system, sell drugs, etc etc. I am speaking of those that paid their dues, went to school, try hard, and still cant earn a decent living or for that matter cant even get a job due to being over qualified. I have seen this happen with family and friends so I know it is a reality.
    word doode...well said. i totally agree. i'm about to graduate with a BS in comp sci...i'm kinda scared when it comes time to find a job...=/ (which i could keep my current one forever, but alas it is temporary)

    -- clocky baby

  5. #45
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    I personnally love my job, I just don't think I'm paid what I'm worth. I'm an environmental scientist for the state and although there are some areas of my job that may seem dull, it is impoprtant and I do get to see the results of all my work pay off from time to time. That is really a rush, because in the past I have always worked like a dog making someone else all the cash while all I had to show for it was a measely little old check and a sore back.

  6. #46
    Needtobeswoledup is offline Associate Member
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    I don't like my job much either but it's money coming in so i can't complain.

  7. #47
    RayL is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    I like my job - it gets a bit dangerous at times... and down right boring at others, but I enjoy it. And I am saving money to get my ass back for more school someday.

    But the job market does suck - if you don't have a college degree you can't make sheeeit... it's not WHAT you know - it's WHO you know.
    Even with a college degree you can't make shit. Believe me, I thought the same thing as you. Well, I guess it depends on what school and type of degree you have. I have a B.S. in business and decided to go back for my MBA just because I couldn't find a job that I liked or one that paid a decent salary. I hope that I can find a position that I enjoy once I finish my MBA. And yeah, the job market does suck.

  8. #48
    RayL is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    All these people complaining about no work and they cant find a job... BULLSHIT
    Its almost impossible NOT to find a job. (at least in the majority of places. Places like Kansas and such I can see having job shortages)
    But really. Go to a temp agency. They can hook you up with a job.
    I must have been on an I HATE MY JOB thread then cause over the past week Ive seen a lot of posts saying how they hate their job.
    Im gonna delete this lame ass thread.
    Yes, there are plenty of jobs out there but not many good ones. I was out of work for 3 months and I finally took a job that paid much less than I made in the past. Many people remain unemployed for periods of time after they are laid-off because it is extremely difficult to search for a decent position while you are working in a temporary position. Not to mention, it is difficult to explain to a potential employer as to why you had to take a step backward.

    Also, the tasks associated with searching for a job can be mentally exhausting. Unless you have gone through this process during a poor economy, you can't even begin to imagine how difficult it is. I never went thru anything so difficult as having to customize a resume and cover letter for each position that you apply, only to be awarded a post card thanking you for submitting your resume.

    I agree that there are many people who abuse the system. That is one reason that I vote Republican. Down with the lazy man socialist policies!

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