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  1. #1
    mammoth's Avatar
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    Rick Collins on the new Steroid Control Act

    For those of you who are un-aware of what is transpiring, please read this sticky

    This was posted on Musclechemistry by Rick Collins himself:

    The notion that this bill "will fade into nowhere" couldn't be more off-base. According to all Washington inside sources, including lobbyists and Senate staffers, this bill is considered a "no-brainer" and will pass in the Senate with EXTREME ease unless there is a public outcry of monumental proportions. Letters are great, but phone calls are terrific, too. You can call Senator Biden's office and ask to speak to his staff. Make your points about why the bill is misguided and ask them to take notes. Do the same with Senator Hatch. Then call all members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and your own senators. All contact info is at

    Rick Collins

  2. #2
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would have to think that between all the boards just such 'outcry' could be organized. If not, it simply reaffirms my notion that the American public is the most complacent and ignorant (in the true sense of that word, not the slang) civilization in the history of this planet.

  3. #3
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Yes how many other boards has this been posted in? i have just sent out my e-mail to biden now

  4. #4
    mammoth's Avatar
    mammoth is offline Member
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    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    I would have to think that between all the boards just such 'outcry' could be organized. If not, it simply reaffirms my notion that the American public is the most complacent and ignorant (in the true sense of that word, not the slang) civilization in the history of this planet.
    I like to think that the lack of "outcry" is more due to fear of retribution and not complacency. America as a whole is complacent only because of its extreme diversity. However we are talking about a law that will affect only a particular group of individuals (bodybuilders). You are probably right though that ignorance plays a big role. If we don't do our part as a whole then we can join the ranks of the rest of America in being ignorant, complacent, and down-right lazy!

    People don't understand that when laws are "re-enforced" penalties and such will tip the scales in favor of the government. Prices on gear will skyrocket, and cases of controlled deliveries and organized busts will increase. It won't be long before a new task force is aligned to handle the enforcement of such laws. I can definitely see that happening if this new bill passes. I am disappointed with the lack of response to this issue on this board.

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