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  1. #1
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sorta like a conjugal visit

    ...since I kicked ass on my last diagnostic, I decided to reward myself with a post. Behold:

    My girlfriend and I are moving into a new apartment on November 15th. We've signed a renters' agreement, done all that happy stuff, and went to take some dimensions today, spoke with the landlord and learned that he reserves the right to post various political signs on the property at his discretion. As a libertarian leaning individual, I find myself wanting to defend his right to do so as the owner of the property. That being said, there is something terribly unsettling, personally, about the idea that I may find myself with some variation of a pro-life or pro-affirmative action endorsement on "my" lawn - two things that would disgust me to see daily, and disgust me even more that people would tend to correlate the political statements with me, as I am the one going in and out of the place every day and will be associated with 100 main street in the eyes of the neighborhood, not the landlord.

    I find it difficult to believe that some court somewhere has not at the very least placed some restrictions on what politically or religiously charged items a landlord may or may not place on the property, as it is largely the tenants residing at the address or are left to deal with the reverberations and become associated with the "ideology". If, for example, a Muslim family moved into an apartment building (this is just a large house converted into two let's use that hypothetical) and the landlord insisted on putting up the most holy and christ-charged christmas decorations he could find, does that cross the line? Regardless of whether his motive is to praise Christ or simply to harass these tenants into leaving for whatever reason? Additionally, even here in New England I'm sure you're free to fly the stars and bars on your own front lawn, but would a court not draw the line if you elected to do so on your property that happened to be occupied by renters, as they would be the ones facing the wrath of such an item and/or come to be associated with it?

    I realize these are extreme examples, but I know for a fact that this guy is pro-life and have told my girlfriend that I will not move in to a place where every neighbor who sees me (and I won't be anonymous, I have a history in the community, am active and well known...) will come to believe that I somehow support that political ideology. If there is no recourse, is there likewise anything that prohibits me from placing a sign on the law stating that while the owner of this property supports (insert issue here), the tenants are vehemently against such a policy?

    You know what makes this even worse, my girlfriend, whom I thought was intelligent and a critical thinker, actually said she'd be willing to put up with all the pro-life signs in the world and have ALL the neighbors think that it was our position to get the apartment since it is a sweet place and dirt cheap for the amenities. I'm not a "fight the hegemony" type guy or anything, but isn't that submitting to the most degrading definition of landLORD? Because he is in a superior financial position to our own, we must, at least on some level submit to his whims in a way that are not associated with his rights or ability to operate a business. This really has me PISSED.

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I have come to one simple conclusion over my many years on earth. Don't ever compromise your beliefs or integrity for anything or anyone. It is how you will ultimately be judged and how you will judge yourself.

  3. #3
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm glad to see that someone of substance doesn't think I'm a nut or leftist freak for holding this position. My gf thinks I'm overreacting and I think she's compromising her values for a 3 bedroom at a low price.

  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I'm in agreement with you BG. Their is not a chance in hell I would allow myself to be mis-represented for material, luxury, or price.
    IMO, I would not accept that living condition. You might pay more at another home, but at least you won't be trading conviction and values for a sell out. Otherwise, you might want to get a bumper sticker

  5. #5
    Testify's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=BigGreenBecause he is in a superior financial position to our own, we must, at least on some level submit to his whims in a way that are not associated with his rights or ability to operate a business. .[/QUOTE]

    Such is Life.

    Sorry about your predicament BG. Did you at least question this contractual clause, when it came to your attention, or his intention to invoke this right? It stands to reason that the whole "dispute" is immaterial, literally, if he has no plans to make his property a political billboard. Surely, if he did mention this to you, you must know that he intends to act accordingly. In which case, you probably should not have signed the lease . . . unless you are a masochist.

  6. #6
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    I knew you posted head started to hurt..............and after reading this I think I need some asprin.

    As the landlord he can do as he wishes....with in reason and the supreme court. Rickson's dead on........find another place.

  7. #7
    hybrid's Avatar
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    I guess you have to wait and see what his political views are. You'll be able to tell by the first sign. Hopefully he shares your ideology, or is at least not at the other end of the spectrum. Otherwise you'll have to be vandalizing stuff in your own yard.

  8. #8
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Rickson
    I have come to one simple conclusion over my many years on earth. Don't ever compromise your beliefs or integrity for anything or anyone. It is how you will ultimately be judged and how you will judge yourself.

    That's great advice!

  9. #9
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    definitely find out what his political views are before deciding what you're gonna do. Maybe he has similar interests as you?

  10. #10
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Get out of the lease and move on,if your well known in your community this could very well backfire on you and still be well known but for all the wrong reasons.Just my .02 db

  11. #11
    talon's Avatar
    talon is offline Senior Member
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    Big if his actions and his beliefs are going to spill over on to yours and you feel your going to judged, by other people, about it, then find another place brotha. It wont be long until it will flustrate you to the point of breaking anyways. Heck, if your girl respects your decision she will find another place w/ you.

  12. #12
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh, and since this is the only thread I'm allowed to post on, please allow me to cover some bases if i may:

    *To KeyMastur, BigTexan, MajorPecs and fellow Texas hooligans: My return is close at hand, and though I may be shouting "Cowboy Up!" right now, I still have no intention of letting you Texans off the hook. With no one here to keep you in check I notice that each and everyone of you has a cocky swagger that you didn't have with my enforcing a little "eastern civilization" in what would otherwise be your wild, wild west.

    *To all movie buffs: I regret that the final installment of the Matrix will appear in theatres before I am allowed to post, so I will be unable to comment on it. Rest assured that I was going to use the following words/terms/phrases in my discussion: "Assiduous", "Parsimonious" "Didactic fallacy", "Manipulation of the conception of Newtonian time principles for purposes of social commentary", and the favorite "Rather Marxist/post-modern reading in the tradition of the Birmingham Center though lacking Hall’s final understanding of national identity though curiously flirting with Adorno’s."

    *To all newbies: You CAN'T drink winny. When they tell you that you can, it's done with the same intentions of the seniors in high school who tell the freshmen that the surest way to make their "phallus" larger is to rub bengay on it.

    *To all those posting in Paem's college thread: Being that there are only eight real schools, why why doesn't anyone advise her to simply knock Cornell and UPenn off the list (since they don't belong anyway), narrow it to six and roll a die after assigning each a number. Hahaha, that was largely for the pseudo-edification of Chris Adams, et al...they'll understand that sick humor.

    *To all baseball fans: Glad to see a few of you gave me due respect for calling the sox in the series thing back in june or july (whenever it was).

    *To all Cubs fans: FOOLS! Don't you realize that sosa had his cycle all planned out around NOT making the playoffs. Sure he's riding high on those last traces of test now that are tapering out, but in a few games the clomid will get to him and he'll be sunk!

    To everyone else: I can't wait to come back full time and get to work earning my custom title. I continue to suspect that I'll choose newbie member or something like that simply to avoid unsolicited PMs from people who check status and assume you'll give them a source. Later all.

  13. #13
    Testify's Avatar
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    *To all Cubs fans: FOOLS! Don't you realize that sosa had his cycle all planned out around NOT making the playoffs. Sure he's riding high on those last traces of test now that are tapering out, but in a few games the clomid will get to him and he'll be sunk!



    In light of his unforseen circumstances, Slammin' Sammy has decided to extnd his cycle with Winny! While he is uncertain about the possibility of drinking the Winny, he remains convinced that his phallus has grown a full inch since his Bengay treatments commenced.

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