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  1. #81
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Not everything, but i'm not exactly sensitive.

  2. #82
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Not everything, but i'm not exactly sensitive.
    you might not be sensitive...but at least you're honest bro.

    I do feel like that people are toooooo f'ing sensitive sometimes. I do not care that you are gay, black, purple, suck toes, etc. I am smart enough to know that not everyone in the world is going to be just like me. I guess what I don't understand is that if you are my friend (or at least an associate), like most of us here are on AR for example, you should expect me to treat you like I would any of my buddies. If you have a cowlick, I'm going to give you a hard time about it. If you are a democrat, I'm going to give you a hard time about it (oh shit...hope I didn't open a whole new can of worms.) People give me a hard time about being a redneck, hick, country boy, etc. I grew up in a small town of about 2000 people in Texas ranching and farming 90 miles from the nearest city that had a mall. You can only imagine how little of the world I was exposed to growing up.

    Yet I feel that I have come a long ways since leaving home. Then I run into people that are just way too sensitive and don't like to be given a hard time or to be joked with. It's very confusing on how to get closer to and be friends with people of a different culture than yours, when they are constantly throwing their difference in your face and making you walk on egg shells in order to be around them.


    Last edited by tryingtogetbig; 10-21-2003 at 10:02 AM.

  3. #83
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Why are gay people so sensitive about being gay? If you're gay, fine, shut up about it. I dont go around with shirts that say straight pride and have marches to the fact that i bang bitches and im proud. No one would hate gays if it wasn't thrown in our faces 100 times a day. I call people i dont like fags, not on here but i do it in real life. I'm not PC, im not tolerent to ANYONE just because they're different, but ill tell you this. My old neighborhood was DESTROYED by the gay influx here, and i do mean destroyed. Any sense of morality has gone out the window, there are gay sex shops everywhere, gay bars everywhere, i cant even find a place to grab a drink. This was once a good family neighborhood, now i wouldn't bring a kid there for all the money in the world. Like i said, do what you want in the privacy of your own bedroom, no one else flaunts there beliefs like that. Stop wearing your beliefs on your sleeve and maybe people will stop caring so much about it. But ill tell you this, next time i get held up on mass ave stuck behind 100 marching guys dressed in drag with rainbow flags while i have to get home to take a shit, im plowing throuh with my truck. Bah, call me a homophobe all you want but im not scared of anything. Im just sick of all the whining from all minorities, in fact whining from everyone. Do what you want, live your life but please everyone regardless of your sexual preference, color of your skin or handicap, stop whining cus its not my problem!

    "Why are gay people so sensitive about being gay?"

    lol . . .

    Seems to me the real question is "Why are so many straight people so sensitive about gay people?"
    I realize most of the guys on this board are pretty cool with the whole issue, so this rant isn't directed at y'all.

    There are lots of people out there that just plain don't like gay people, and feel that it is their god-given duty to make life miserable for 'em. It's these people who started all the troubles, motivated gay people to band together to better their position in society.

    Gay people nowadays are excluded from lots of social benefits that straight people take for granted. Like the advantages that come from being married, for example. Personally, I prefer to 'live in sin,' but I know some guys that have been together for 20-something years, and neither's family approves of the relationship. Should one of 'em go to the hospital, the other one can't go along; contrast that with what would happen when your father has a heart attack; your mom and family gets to visit in the hospital. My friends probably won't be able to, because the other's family will probably tell 'em to go to hell.

    Same problem when it comes to transferring property after one dies. If my friend's family wants to contest the will, chances are (here in Texas) that the property ain't gonna be passed on to the surviving spouse as it does with straight people.

    It's because of these and many many other situations that crop up that make gay people want the same marriage rights that straight people get.

    Now, I know that most of y'all are pretty cool with this, but lots of people outside of AR are not. So much so, that they're planning on getting an amendment to the US Constitution so that gay people can never have the same rights as straight people.

    Then there are the rules that keep gay people out of the military. The general rationale is that gay people have a bad effect on unit morale . . . The guys in my barracks (I'm ex-USAF) assured me, without exception, that was BS. But, the military kicked me out anyway, for no other reason than being gay. Sucked for some Colonel in San Antonio, 'cause I was in the middle of some experimental program he was running, and it screwed everything he'd been working on for over a year. The policy sucks also, 'cause the military has been kicking out gay servicemen who speak arabic (40-something in the past year) at a time when they're desperately looking for US citizens who speak the language.

    Yeah, the question should be, "Why are so many straight people so sensitive about people being gay?"

    Years ago I was active in the Salvation Army. Nowadays I regard that time as part of my 'misspent youth,' but back then I raised $60,000 or so running several Christmas Kettle campaigns, played keyboard for their church meetings, and did lots of other stuff for 'em. But when someone there caught wind that I am gay, they mailed me a letter saying I wasn't welcome there any longer.

    Yeah, the question should be, "Why are so many straight people so sensitive about people being gay?"

    Up until not long ago, when the Dallas police raided gay bars, they'd publish their victim's names and addresses in the local paper and send letters to their employers letting them know what they had been doing. They'd usually lose their jobs. Just for going to a gay bar.

    A few years ago, some straight teenagers from a Dallas suburb drove to the gay part of Dallas, acted like they were going to a party, picked up two other kids outside a gay bar, then took them to a city park and shot them in the head.
    The cops finally tracked 'em down, and were brought to trial. Most of 'em got off on technicalities, and the one who pulled the trigger got 8 years. 8 years for two premeditated murders.
    A newspaper reporter interviewed the presiding judge a few months later, and he said that he gave a light sentence for the murders because "I don't care much for queers cruising the streets picking up teenage boys. I put prostitutes and gays at about the same level. If these boys had picked up two prostitutes and taken them to the woods and killed them, I'd consider that a similar case. And I'd be hard put to give somebody life for killing a prostitute."
    Of course, there was an uproar, the judge was censured by the state, but was re-elected in his conservative district.

    Of course, the litany of stupid BS goes on and on and on . . . more murders, beatings, job losses, teenagers kicked out of their homes for being gay, etc etc etc . . .

    So . . . when you see bunches of gays marching through the streets, keep in mind it's not being done to inconvenience y'all. Trust me, there's lots of other things we'd prefer to be doing. But if somebody doesn't bitch about this crap, it's just going to continue. And since there ain't too many straight folks willing to do the complaining and filing lawsuits and protesting for us, we gotta do it ourselves.

    I'm sorry if you don't understand what all the noise is about, but essentially all that gay people want is the same rights and privelages that straight people have. Unfortunately, to a lot of people, that's unacceptable. And that, mon ami, is where the conflict begins.

    Which leads me to ask, "Why are so many straight people so sensitive about gay people?"

  4. #84
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    you might not be sensitive...but at least you're honet bro.

    I do feel like that people are toooooo f'ing sensitive sometimes. I do not care that you are gay, black, purple, suck toes, etc. I am smart enough to know that not everyone in the world is going to be just like me. I guess what I don't understand is that if you are my friend (or at least an associate), like most of us here are on AR for example, you should expect me to treat you like I would any of my buddies. If you have a cowlick, I'm going to give you a hard time about it. If you are a democrat, I'm going to give you a hard time about it (oh shit...hope I didn't open a whole new can of worms.) People give me a hard time about being a redneck, hick, country boy, etc. I grew up in a small town of about 2000 people in Texas ranching and farming 90 miles from the nearest city that had a mall. You can only imagine how little of the world I was exposed to growing up.

    Yet I feel that I have come a long ways since leaving home. Then I run into people that are just way too sensitive and don't like to be given a hard time or to be joked with. It's very confusing on how to get closer to and be friends with people of a different culture than yours, when they are constantly throwing their difference in your face and making you walk on egg shells in order to be around them.


    How about treating them like a human being. You say you poke fun at their differences but by doing so aren't you doing the same thing that annoys you? You are "throwing their differences in their faces" with your jokes. Some people will be offended by it.

    I am a minority and I don't feel I am overly sensitive. I do not like racial jokes PERIOD. Coming from someone Puerto Rican, Black, Asian, White whatever. I don't make racial jokes and I don't like people making them with me.

  5. #85
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    this is my only story about gays at the gym; and it's all true.

    one day i had just finished a set of incline dumbbells and sat up a little on the bench. as i did my sweaty balls got pushed down right on the bench. i pushed out this really high pitched, long fart that bubbled up between my balls and i heard this one guy tell his boyfriend, "oooooo - he sounds cute!".

    now that is pretty fucked up. these two guys are gayer than a bag of dicks and flaunt it. maybe i should start flaunting my sexuality like them...

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails advances (Gay type) at the gym-fart.jpeg  

  6. #86
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoodChuck
    i heard this one guy tell his boyfriend, "oooooo - he sounds cute!".

    now that is pretty fucked up. these two guys are gayer than a bag of dicks and flaunt it. maybe i should start flaunting my sexuality like them...

    You probably took their comment the wrong way. Sounds like it was sarcasm. "oooooo - he sounds cute!" probably meant "oooooo - he sounds repulsive."

  7. #87
    BDTR's Avatar
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    When did the world become full of.... babies? Seriously, I'm german, italian and swedish, if someone came up to me and called me a wop i'd be like ya but i have papers. I used to have a screeename with dago in it. I honestly dont care if i make ANYONE in my real life uncomfortable. Oh and by the way, you're not a minority anymore, go outside your door, i bet you wont have any trouble finding a black guy, a puerto rican, an asian and a white guy. You guys can all go to a bar together and then you wont feel so left out like rudolf the red nosed reindeer.

    For the gays, so what if everyone doesn't like you? This is the real world, i know hundreds of people who hate me, i dont lose sleep over it. You want to change everything around to suit your needs and throw american way of life out the window. I dont want to raise my children in a world where he comes home and says "dad im going over billys and his two dads", thats vile, disgusting and hideous to me. It goes against everything i believe and the laws of nature. I dont go out and bash gay people, i dont insult them, I dont really care what they are, but yeah there you have it on my opinion on this. Same sex marriages? Where does it end? Animal and human mariage? Mother and son marriage? I mean they love eachother and want eachothers benifits so why not make everyone happy and give in to anyone who can whine long and hard enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    How about treating them like a human being. You say you poke fun at their differences but by doing so aren't you doing the same thing that annoys you? You are "throwing their differences in their faces" with your jokes. Some people will be offended by it.

    I am a minority and I don't feel I am overly sensitive. I do not like racial jokes PERIOD. Coming from someone Puerto Rican, Black, Asian, White whatever. I don't make racial jokes and I don't like people making them with me.

  8. #88
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    Oh and if a mod wants to delete my post, i understand, I just figured you said you were tolerant of ALL beliefs so i figured id throw my opinion in.

  9. #89
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    When did the world become full of.... babies? Seriously, I'm german, italian and swedish, if someone came up to me and called me a wop i'd be like ya but i have papers.
    Very good for you. You've stated your opinion and I've stated mine. I don't like racial jokes period. I don't care who their coming from.

    BTW, I have a friend from high school who had two Moms. When we were little we asked him who is she? He says, my Mom. We asked who is the other lady, he says "my other Mom." We said oh, and went back to playing. He grew up to be a straight normal guy.

    But then I can see why you find it vial. From the other statements you've made it seems like you pretty much don't like anything.

  10. #90
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    To prove carlos wrong and show him that i infact am not inhuman and do like things, here is a list of stuff in which i do not hate.:

    1. My girlfriend
    2. My friends
    3. my MOTHER and FATHER for raising me right
    4. Fast cars
    5. fast women
    6. Most of my family, except for my weird great uncle who i dont really know. We call him the "candy store terror" because he totally looks like a pedophile (theres another stereotype for you!)
    7. Guns
    8. tattoos
    9. fighting, both hitting and getting hit, it reminds me im alive
    10. My dog.
    11. Good food.
    12. When people stop whining.

    Oh and carlos.... how do you feel about NAMBLA? I mean they're just doing what feels natural for them and we wouldn't want to take anyones rights away right? I'd hate to stereotype and all as to not offend any "minority" group, but NAMBLA are child molestors.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    To prove carlos wrong and show him that i infact am not inhuman and do like things, here is a list of stuff in which i do not hate.:

    1. My girlfriend
    2. My friends
    3. my MOTHER and FATHER for raising me right
    4. Fast cars
    5. fast women
    6. Most of my family, except for my weird great uncle who i dont really know. We call him the "candy store terror" because he totally looks like a pedophile (theres another stereotype for you!)
    7. Guns
    8. tattoos
    9. fighting, both hitting and getting hit, it reminds me im alive
    10. My dog.
    11. Good food.
    12. When people stop whining.

    Oh and carlos.... how do you feel about NAMBLA? I mean they're just doing what feels natural for them and we wouldn't want to take anyones right away rights? I'd hate to stereotype and all as to not offend any "minority" group, but NAMBLA are child molestors.
    That's a silly question. NAMBLA is fucking sick! It is a group of child molesters trying to ride the coat tails of the gay rights movement. At least we agree here.

    Things I hate:

    1. Guns
    2. Tattoos
    3. Fighting
    4. Sports Cars
    5. People who hate and are pretty negative about everything.

    I can see we don't have anything in common besides BBding. Our opinions are bound to conflict.

  12. #92
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    Fair enough.

  13. #93
    CrackSeed is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I dont want to raise my children in a world where he comes home and says "dad im going over billys and his two dads", thats vile, disgusting and hideous to me.

    I dont go out and bash gay people, i dont insult them

  14. #94
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    A man kissing a man in my eyes is disgusting, vile and hideous to me but i wont run up and say anything to them or beat them up. Like i said, let them do what they want, i dont have to like it though.
    Last edited by bdtr; 10-21-2003 at 02:50 PM.

  15. #95
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    For the gays, so what if everyone doesn't like you?

    It's not a question of whether or not gays are liked or not, it's a question of whether or not gay people are prevented from enjoying the same societal rights, priveliges, and responsibilities as those who are not gay.

    Or, you could say it's a question of why straight people should automatically be entitled to have more rights than gay people . . . that's about what it piles up to . . .


  16. #96
    bumdart420's Avatar
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    Its 2003, going on 2004 and we're STILL having discussions on the basic rights of human beings? Im getting sick of hearing both sides go on and on everywhere I go. Personally, I am way to busy training, eating, sleeping, studying, having sex, and maintaining the cleanliness of my house and belongings to give a rats ass about any homos or dykes.

    With all due respect to both sides and anyone in between who cant let it rest, I think you all have too much time on your hands.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by bumdart420
    Its 2003, going on 2004 and we're STILL having discussions on the basic rights of human beings? Im getting sick of hearing both sides go on and on everywhere I go. Personally, I am way to busy training, eating, sleeping, studying, having sex, and maintaining the cleanliness of my house and belongings to give a rats ass about any homos or dykes.

    With all due respect to both sides and anyone in between who cant let it rest, I think you all have too much time on your hands.
    If you're going to throw out insulting words at least be fair. Throw them all out. Breeders, homos and dykes!

  18. #98
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    God al'mighty...I have been avoiding this thread because of the necessity of walking on egg shells in it...but shit, give somebody a break. How many fucking times does someone have to say "to each their own" and still continue to put up with gay bashing type comments. Maybe I am a homophobe...don't really give a shit after reading this thread.

    All I did was post a picture of Richard Simmons saying this thread is gay...and holy shit you would think I shot the fucking pope. And that's what the rest of us heterosexual individuals have to put up with because the world won't change for you...Reality break...the world hasn't changed for me either...I conform. Try it sometime. Later

  19. #99
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    Did you say you wanted to shoot the pope now too? Man, you are a homophobe and a catholic hater! Shame on you....jk

  20. #100
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    On that note, im gonna go be a hate monger/bigot/homophone/straight guy or whatever else you'd all like to call me and fondle my girlfriends boobs.

    By the way, dont you think the definition is a bit biased? "homophobia - irrational fear, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals"

    Irrational? Says who?

    Anyway, if you're gay, fine. Dont block my car with your parades, dont hang rainbow flags from my apartment building and dont think i owe ANYONE a thing because they're a "minority", im here for myself and my own, no one else, i dont care about anyones plight from oppresion or suffering.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    God al'mighty...I have been avoiding this thread because of the necessity of walking on egg shells in it...but shit, give somebody a break. How many fucking times does someone have to say "to each their own" and still continue to put up with gay bashing type comments. Maybe I am a homophobe...don't really give a shit after reading this thread.

    All I did was post a picture of Richard Simmons saying this thread is gay...and holy shit you would think I shot the fucking pope. And that's what the rest of us heterosexual individuals have to put up with because the world won't change for you...Reality break...the world hasn't changed for me either...I conform. Try it sometime. Later
    If you were conforming with the rest of society you wouldn't be juicing.

  22. #102
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    Wow you have an answer to everything.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Wow you have an answer to everything.
    Not really. I'm just opinionated. I have the same attitude as you. I could careless if you agree with it.

  24. #104
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    5,066 .... im still promoing my website

  25. #105
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Alright, honestly this is going nowhere. I'm bowing out of this arguement right now before it gets anyworse.

  26. #106
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    BDTR, I got your back all the way through this thread.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    you might not be sensitive...but at least you're honest bro.

    I do feel like that people are toooooo f'ing sensitive sometimes. I do not care that you are gay, black, purple, suck toes, etc. I am smart enough to know that not everyone in the world is going to be just like me. I guess what I don't understand is that if you are my friend (or at least an associate), like most of us here are on AR for example, you should expect me to treat you like I would any of my buddies. If you have a cowlick, I'm going to give you a hard time about it. If you are a democrat, I'm going to give you a hard time about it (oh shit...hope I didn't open a whole new can of worms.) People give me a hard time about being a redneck, hick, country boy, etc. I grew up in a small town of about 2000 people in Texas ranching and farming 90 miles from the nearest city that had a mall. You can only imagine how little of the world I was exposed to growing up.

    Yet I feel that I have come a long ways since leaving home. Then I run into people that are just way too sensitive and don't like to be given a hard time or to be joked with. It's very confusing on how to get closer to and be friends with people of a different culture than yours, when they are constantly throwing their difference in your face and making you walk on egg shells in order to be around them.
    Me and my friends joke about it all the time... things like one of my best friends venting to me in the car about girlfriend problems... the saying "Women, you can't live with them, you can't live without em" came up, but then he says "Well, I guess you can, huh? Lucky Bastard!" and all of us in the car are laughing. No problem! It's called being treated equal.

    Same with the rest of our daily lives... I usually go out on Friday nights with some other guys to the gay bars, then with my really good friends / roommates (who all happen to be straight) to PB and do the pub crawl there. We joke about me trying to pull ass literally on Friday night, my roommates give me shit for it, but it's all in friendship, just like I give them shit about whoring themselves out on Saturday... We laugh about me being the wingman when we go out because I could care less about the fat chick that I'm distracting, who thinks its cool to talk to me in the first place because I am gay.

    I don't have all the eggshells, and most gay people don't either. Where the eggshells come in to play is when you start saying things that are downright cruel and demeaning. It doesn't matter whether it's talking about "fag" jokes, or racist jokes that cross the line. You wouldn't be talking to a friend of yours who happened to be hispanic and start talking about how the country is going to shit because of all the damn "beaners" ruining the country and how we should just round them all up and send them all back to Mexico. If you're joking, it's probably closing in on "the line". If you are serious, don't be suprised when he gets offended and may not want to talk to you for a while. It's not any different with gays...

    Hopefully I am making sense here....

  28. #108
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    I'm only bowing out because I dont want to get banned, if anyone wants to continue this in PM's ill be happy to do so but i honestly see myself getting tossed off soon for this and dont want that to happen.

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50%Natural
    BDTR, I got your back all the way through this thread.
    wasnt the guy just talking about stuff like this

  30. #110
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    BDTR - Just want to let you know I understand and respect your opinion... thanks for the insight as always...

  31. #111
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Thats fine and to be honest, my problem with all of this is not the fact that someone is gay, like i said i could care less if someone ate shit off a plate in their. Everyone has the right to do what they want to, im just tired of having to hear "minority" this and "minority" that about everything. No one deserves anything for being "different", i just dont need it shovelled in my face 24/7.

  32. #112
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    I am outa this "debate" also. I try to treat all people the same. If you are stupid or dishonest, then yes I won't have any patience with you, but other than that, if you aren't doing anything in your life that interferes with my life, I don't give a shit.

    NavyDevilDoc said it well...he and his friends joke around all the time...and the best thing he said IMO was "It's all about being treated equal."

    I really don't have a problem with you being gay. Don't care. I have been acquaintences with many gay people before, had one here at my house at a party last weekend as a matter of fact. I put up a big ol nasty arguement when one of our AR members got banned and I didn't agree with it...even though he was gay. He was just a nice guy. I joked around with him all of the time.

    This thread turned into a "if you don't completely agree with us and keep your mouth shut then you are a loser homophobe with no level of intellegence, no social skills, don't know how to treat humans and should be ashamed of yourself" thread. That segregates me away from anyone.

    I won't ever treat you (gay or not) any different than I expect other people to treat me. I am not smart enough to remember which of you is gay, which are cool about it, etc. Life is too short to be taking life that serious. When we get into a topic or thread not relating directly to bb'ing...I'm going to give people a hard time and expect and respect the same in return. If you don't like it...block me on your block list. We'll get along a lot better that way.

    I really don't have anything else to contribute to this thread, so I'm outa here. I look forward to sharing info back and forth with each one of you in the future, and of course, if you have a problem with me PM me and maybe we can work it out one on one.



  33. #113
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    SGFuryZ, perhaps you missed my point. The words that you posted are a very standard response in favor of homosexuality - which is fine, but is mis-directed when addressed to me - as I don't have any problem with homosexuals. I feel like everyone has to live their own life and be responsible for the same.

    I am highly non-interested in this topic, so I am going to keep it short and simple.

    As previously stated, my use of the term unnatural is not done in a negative sense. There can be positive things which I (and MANY millions of others) consider unnatural.

    And, there can be unnatural behaviors which we all (or most of us) consider acceptable and positive. For example, it probably isn't natural (the intended use) to stick one's tongues in someone else's mouth (comonly called 'french kissing' or 'tongue kissing'), but it is widely practiced.

    Likewise, putting a penis in another man's (or woman's) rectum in not natural (i.e. the rectum is not made for things to go in). This does not mean that people cannot choose to do it. I really don't care! It is not of any interest to me what others want to do with their body parts - sexually.

    As far as homosexuals on an island -- like I said, nature would run its course, and they'd cease to exist - because it is unnatural. It is not the intended sexuality - again what is intended and what people can do are two different matters -- I acknowlege that. However, this does not mean (in and of itself) that it is wrong or that people cannot do it.

    If one feels good about being a homosexual, then one can do it without feeling like s/he needs others to approve of it, endorse it, agree with it, or not speak out against it (free speech goes both ways).

    I think we can leave this topic where it is, as you'd be barking up the wrong tree with me. I don't wish to get into any sematical debates about the term unnatural either - I made it painfully clear what I mean by my use of the term. And, I certainly do not even pretend to have any say or control on how others run their lives.



  34. #114
    WoodChuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by navydevildoc
    You probably took their comment the wrong way. Sounds like it was sarcasm. "oooooo - he sounds cute!" probably meant "oooooo - he sounds repulsive."
    Nooooooo way. These are two hardcore homosexuals. Another guy even commented on how he was shocked they were turned on by the fart. I mean think about it... if you guys heard a hot girl fart out her pussy you'd at least be amused by it right? Well these two are thinking of my anus as "man pussy".

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails advances (Gay type) at the gym-sodom4.gif  

  35. #115
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    Funny pic. I like all of those type pictures especially the ones that talk about beer like "helping white guys dance since 1860" "helping ugly people get laid since 1821". Many people on here will take offense to it woody. Don't kick the ant mound again.

  36. #116
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    no gay problem at my gym...squat rack, bench, lat machine, dumbells...all steel. cardio there consists of a jumprope. no assmasters... as far as gays, i have no prob. wish there were more gay guys... that=more chicks for me

  37. #117
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    Some of you guys are so homophobic, honestly it is not a big deal if some guy hits on your just tell him your are not interested but you do not have to act any differently and be all scared they are checking you out.

  38. #118
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    i do the same when ugly fat girls hit on me.

  39. #119
    freakout is offline Associate Member
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    In my country, the busiest and biggest gym has the most gays.

    It has become even a trend that guys who take good care of their bods are mostly gays.

    Most gays do take good care of their bodies but it does not necessary mean the other way.

    Same theory. You see a guy smiling at you when you work out or you pump your body. It is normal to assume that the guy is trying you out. After chatting with him, you would find out he (i) is trying to get someone to suck his dick (ii) trying to get you in bed with him

    But you might meet guys who are trying to know more friends as buddies because they appreciate your hard work and I am rather ashamed of myself when I see them hanging out with their girls/wives.

    Perverts? There are many and similarly equal amount of perverts who are straight. In my previous gym,one fat uncle stopped a lady in the middle of her workout to ask if she would like to suck his dick later.

    See the point? It happens all the time.. so whats wrong?

  40. #120
    WoodChuck's Avatar
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    you need to find a new gym bro...

    it would drive me nuts after a while if all any of the guys wanted to do was "suck my dick".


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