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  1. #1
    Nixter's Avatar
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    Bowling for Columbine

    So I'm sitting in Tim Horton's last night scarfing down my sandwich and doughnut when I hear these guys sitting next to me talking about the part in Bowling for Columbine where Moore goes after Dick Clark for paying minimum wage to women who have kids to feed. The movie makes Clark look like an asshole. Now I'm all for fairness but who's fault is that? Is it Dick Clark's fault for trying to make a buck while following the law? Or is it this lady's fault for having a bunch of kids when she's too young and doesn't have the means to support them??

    This lady will probably use some pro-life argument anyways. If you think that a human fetus has any more of a soul on the day it's concieved than the eggs you crack in the pan every morning then Jesus should pay her extra wages. Besides, she didn't HAVE to get pregnant.

    This should be fun.


  2. #2
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    he makes a lot of people look like assholes. some deserve it, some dont.

    about the lady being pregnant: you dont know anything about her. therefore it is not right to say things like " is it this lady's fault for having a bunch of kids when she's too young and doesn't have the means to support them." for all you know she had a great husband and family, had no problem with bills then one day her husband got clipped by a drunk driver and died. then she had to go on welfare and take another job. you just dont know. maybe the condom broke and she got pregnant, perhaps she is very pro-life. see my point? any arguments against her are not solid at all.

    about dick clark, well, moore was attacking him for his support of the welfare to work program. He was giving people another side to see it from which is what most people dont want. most americans you will find are so gung ho about their lifestyle that they get horribly offended when you present the idea that perhaps they are being selfish, or simply wrong. (this relates directly to what doggcrapp was saying about old school weight lifters who get offended when he presents his new style of lifting).

    people dont like being wrong. what makes some people better than others is when 1)you can admit your mistakes 2)have the balls to see things from other peoples perspectives 3)entertain the fact that you might be wrong. you will find that the majority feels very strongly about "my way or the highway" its too bad really. nobody has an open mind anymore it seems.

  3. #3
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    You're right he didn't say what her story was, good or bad. He's a pro at taking one, very biased view and running with it. However, even if she was pro-life and the kids were an accident, it's still her's and the father's fault, not big business'.


  4. #4
    symatech's Avatar
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    they werent blaming big business for the kids. he's saying, how can she be a mother if she is never there. as such what will become of her kids? will they turn to drugs, gangs, murder etc. then all of the sudden its the parents fault for not being there. her not being there is big business's fault. i have no problem paying for welfare. if i needed it I would want it. everybody would. nobody likes giving but everybody likes getting....selfish world these days.

    moore is not the only one to present biased views and preach them as gospel. EVERY politician does it. democrat, republican, green, everybody.

    you think bush is telling america everything? hell no. he's only saying what will help him. clinton did it, bush sr. did it, reagan did it. all politicians do it. that doesnt make it right, but when two people present opposing views they feel very strongly about, it rarely turns into a well thouhgt out debate. more often it becomes a shouting match with imature and illogical arguments.

  5. #5
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    I'm not saying Bush is telling the people the truth, I'm no republican, hell, I'm not even American. Moore is just a boob who comes off as "I'm the little guy sticking up for all the wrong-doings of the man" Moore's got more money than most polliticians. By the looks of it, he eats more than his share of fast food being served by folks making minimum wage.

    I did like the part about Americans, fear, media, and gun control. Geez, Heston didn't need any of Moore's help in making himself look like an ass AND a racist.


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