View Poll Results: Who Pisses You Off The Most

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  • Goth Kids

    4 6.67%
  • Skateboarders (the one's that say they're independent and wear those "independent" shirts, yet millions of other kids do the same thing)

    2 3.33%
  • Really Flamboyant, Nelly Gay People. "Oh that's just super!"

    6 10.00%
  • Scrawny-ass guys that just started working out and think they're big, walking around with there arms out acting tough.

    13 21.67%
  • Teeny Boppers like Hillary Duff and Justin Timberlake

    2 3.33%
  • White people who try to act black because they think it's cool. (Not just white guys who listen to rap music, but the one's with their hats on sideways, big chains, and huge bling bling rims on an old honda)

    22 36.67%
  • Extremely liberal people who always complain complain complain about everything. They're never happy and will disagree with anything that the republican party says or does.

    5 8.33%
  • Tree-Huggin hippies with no care in the world.

    2 3.33%
  • Inbred Trailor-Park People (Not that all trailor park people are inbread, or that all inbred people live in a trailor park)

    1 1.67%
  • People like MilitiaGuy who won't shut the f*ck up about terrorist crap!

    3 5.00%
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  1. #41
    Elliot's Avatar
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    ay mass wheres my rim job?

  2. #42
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    **** yall are too funny...

  3. #43
    RP7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Gays, I hate gays. Or rather I hate the girlie flaming Homo's that put on the act of being girlie always bitching and crying about some sh*t. After shirt lifters I hate extermly liberal people, they make it easier for the people that M'guy supports to operate in our society.
    Whats a shirt lifter bouncer?

  4. #44
    palequail's Avatar
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    The OC aka Tits and Ass!!
    I don't like any....and I'm pissed I had to choose one

  5. #45
    Spoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Having education available to everyone sucks huh.
    you probably dont have any either


  6. #46
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    you probably dont have any either

    Baby, I'm an Engineer. I bet your head is spinning in circles beneath your white hood.

  7. #47
    Spoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Baby, I'm an Engineer. I bet your head is spinning in circles beneath your white hood.
    Im one of those minorities who got a good education. Peace!


  8. #48
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    Im one of those minorities who got a good education. Peace!

    I don't know where you purchased your education but I suggest you demand a refund.

  9. #49
    Spoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I don't know where you purchased your education but I suggest you demand a refund.
    Oh my..I purchased mine in L.S.E. if you even know what that is chief. Thanks for the idea il think about that.


  10. #50
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    Anyone who blindly follows party politics.

  11. #51
    ttuPrincess Guest
    I don't descriminate..
    I hate everyone!

    OK actually I guess I would vote for the scrawny ass guys in the gym.. they make me laugh, expetually cause I can lift more then them.. and Im a girl (atleast last time I checked I was)

  12. #52
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    If you even know what that is chief.
    I prefer "Sir" or "Superior Being." Either will do.

  13. #53
    cb25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    and Im a girl (atleast last time I checked I was)
    I'm sure there are plenty of people here who'd be happy to double-check for ya...

    beyond that...i absolutely agree with you...i pretty much hate everyone...

  14. #54
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    Oh my..I purchased mine in L.S.E.
    Lyncanthrope Society of Inbred Europeans?

  15. #55
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    mart has changed my views thru several PMs and i now agree fully with labeling everyone and that we are all some kind of piece of chit

    Changing the world, one person at a time.

  16. #56
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    Changing the world, one person at a time.
    Say it aint so.............No baby yet?

  17. #57
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Say it aint so.............No baby yet?

    Ant day bro. She is do on the 7th and last baby came two weeks early.
    Just post whoring and waiting by the phone.

    Oh yeah, I hate people who always High Jack threads.

  18. #58
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651

    Oh yeah, I hate people who always High Jack threads.
    yeah me too......let me know if you see somebody that does that

  19. #59
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Lyncanthrope Society of Inbred Europeans?
    you like starting **** with everyone, huh carlos?

  20. #60
    Tock's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Lyncanthrope Society of Inbred Europeans?

    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    you like starting **** with everyone, huh carlos?

    Hmmm . . . touchy subject for you, eh?

  21. #61
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    I do not hate anyone. Although I do hate the fact that I dislike some after just having met them.....I hate the fact I can't look past my own ingrained opinions of others. I hate the fact I'm not to judge a book by it's cover yet I still do it everytime. I hate the fact that the one thing that keeps me from reaching a high plain are my own **** actions.

    oh...and I hate Mart...but that's more of a love hate relationship there. hahahahaha

  22. #62
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Lyncanthrope Society of Inbred Europeans?

    Hmmm . . . touchy subject for you, eh?
    If you guys saw Bamma's thread last night before it was deleted........I'm sure all hell would have broke loose.Carlos' bp would have been through the roof!!!!!!

  23. #63
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    you like starting **** with everyone, huh carlos?
    I'm an uppity minority. That's what we do.

  24. #64
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    If you guys saw Bamma's thread last night before it was deleted........I'm sure all hell would have broke loose.Carlos' bp would have been through the roof!!!!!!
    I saw it. Pure racist dribble does not deserve my attention. I prefer to let him wallow in ignorance while I steal all of his white women.

  25. #65
    damiongage's Avatar
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    I think bruned is the term used for making love to elliot's sweet raisin.

  26. #66
    rambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    If you guys saw Bamma's thread last night before it was deleted........I'm sure all hell would have broke loose.Carlos' bp would have been through the roof!!!!!!
    I saw it as well, that was absolutely ridiculous. He's been making those comments for a long time, I'm hoping he was finally reprimanded since he made it so blatantly obvious this time.

  27. #67
    coolwa is offline New Member
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    Yup..... Im Convinced He Has Alotta Time On His

  28. #68
    Sorken's Avatar
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    liberal people is a fuking pain in the ass... if the world would be like they want.. it will be ****ed upp

  29. #69
    JohnDoe1234's Avatar
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    How about all of the above.

  30. #70
    Spoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Lyncanthrope Society of Inbred Europeans?

    Oh my gosh i didnt make the cut for that scholl because i was only half lycanthorpe and a minority among the pure bloods. Ended up in london school of economics.


  31. #71
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
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    You guys are hilarious...Some of you just outright hate people, others say you hate people, but could really care less, and the rest hate the people who say they hate people. How's that for some categories?


  32. #72
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    Oh my gosh i didnt make the cut for that scholl because i was only half lycanthorpe and a minority among the pure bloods. Ended up in london school of economics.

    Being that you're Spanish and Asian one would think you could at least get a minority scholarship.

  33. #73
    Spoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Being that you're Spanish and Asian one would think you could at least get a minority scholarship.
    I worked 2 jobs to pay for my college education. it was very hard but i made it through.


  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
    Hip hop kids..tree huggers..uppity minorities...ghetto trash...flammers..
    Its people like you i despise. thinking your god's gift to humanity and too good for everone. Examine yourself before you judge!


  35. #75
    RP7's Avatar
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    The thing I hat the most is steroid users. They're lazy and don't know anything about training. In fact, I would probably kick the crap out of everyone on this board. Anyone who can bench over 500lbs on juice is a PUSSY. All steroid users don't know anything about diet, they think McDonalds is good protein. I hate gear heads.

  36. #76
    saboudian's Avatar
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    None of those options really make me that mad.

    There were some pricks I played against in IM soccer a few weeks ago, never went for the ball, always the man. Always came in with a elbow or out arm out there. Played dirty the whole game and ref didn't call jack because he was friends with them, but he called every foul we made which was really frustrating. With about 5 min left, one of their defenders passed the ball back to their keeper without looking, and i was cheating a bit, cause i saw that defender do that a few times, so its 50/50 ball between me and keeper, their keeper has a bad ankle, and I have about a 90lb weight advantage on the keeper, needless to say I got my revenge, and we came pretty close to fighting, and the ref ended the game right there, while holding me and their players back.

    The other person that pisses me off is my roommate. One dam month left in the school year and he decides to all of a sudden be a prick. Its night, I'm trying to go to sleep and all of a sudden he decides he's 'taking his room back'. I'm trying to sleep and he just turns on the tv, and won't even turn it down, than he says he won't go outside the room to talk on his phone while i'm sleeping. Ended up getting the RA on our floor, and ended up getting another staff member eventually to settle it, they didn't really settle anything though, but he at least shut the tv off and left room for that night to talk on his cell, which all he has to do anyways is just go a few feet down the hall and there's an open room. I swear, I came so close to throwing his ass out the room. And than he played the fuking race card, he told the RA he is gonna lose no matter what because he is black, (BTW my mentor lives in the south part of the year and is black), and he is sorry that my mentor hasn't experienced racism but he has experienced racism for the last 18 yrs. I don't think anyone has made me more mad than my roommate did last night, i almost snapped.

    Anyways, good thread to vent.

  37. #77
    Spoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saboudian
    None of those options really make me that mad.

    There were some pricks I played against in IM soccer a few weeks ago, never went for the ball, always the man. Always came in with a elbow or out arm out there. Played dirty the whole game and ref didn't call jack because he was friends with them, but he called every foul we made which was really frustrating. With about 5 min left, one of their defenders passed the ball back to their keeper without looking, and i was cheating a bit, cause i saw that defender do that a few times, so its 50/50 ball between me and keeper, their keeper has a bad ankle, and I have about a 90lb weight advantage on the keeper, needless to say I got my revenge, and we came pretty close to fighting, and the ref ended the game right there, while holding me and their players back.

    The other person that pisses me off is my roommate. One dam month left in the school year and he decides to all of a sudden be a prick. Its night, I'm trying to go to sleep and all of a sudden he decides he's 'taking his room back'. I'm trying to sleep and he just turns on the tv, and won't even turn it down, than he says he won't go outside the room to talk on his phone while i'm sleeping. Ended up getting the RA on our floor, and ended up getting another staff member eventually to settle it, they didn't really settle anything though, but he at least shut the tv off and left room for that night to talk on his cell, which all he has to do anyways is just go a few feet down the hall and there's an open room. I swear, I came so close to throwing his ass out the room. And than he played the fuking race card, he told the RA he is gonna lose no matter what because he is black, (BTW my mentor lives in the south part of the year and is black), and he is sorry that my mentor hasn't experienced racism but he has experienced racism for the last 18 yrs. I don't think anyone has made me more mad than my roommate did last night, i almost snapped.

    Anyways, good thread to vent.
    Your roommate sounds like a self-centered jerk! i would have raised hell and kicked his azz!


  38. #78
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    I would beat his ass. Wether he was black , green or purple. I for sure would have whipped his ass if I heard he used the race card in that sittuation.

    I hate Juggy but he gives awsome head.

    Quote Originally Posted by saboudian
    None of those options really make me that mad.

    There were some pricks I played against in IM soccer a few weeks ago, never went for the ball, always the man. Always came in with a elbow or out arm out there. Played dirty the whole game and ref didn't call jack because he was friends with them, but he called every foul we made which was really frustrating. With about 5 min left, one of their defenders passed the ball back to their keeper without looking, and i was cheating a bit, cause i saw that defender do that a few times, so its 50/50 ball between me and keeper, their keeper has a bad ankle, and I have about a 90lb weight advantage on the keeper, needless to say I got my revenge, and we came pretty close to fighting, and the ref ended the game right there, while holding me and their players back.

    The other person that pisses me off is my roommate. One dam month left in the school year and he decides to all of a sudden be a prick. Its night, I'm trying to go to sleep and all of a sudden he decides he's 'taking his room back'. I'm trying to sleep and he just turns on the tv, and won't even turn it down, than he says he won't go outside the room to talk on his phone while i'm sleeping. Ended up getting the RA on our floor, and ended up getting another staff member eventually to settle it, they didn't really settle anything though, but he at least shut the tv off and left room for that night to talk on his cell, which all he has to do anyways is just go a few feet down the hall and there's an open room. I swear, I came so close to throwing his ass out the room. And than he played the fuking race card, he told the RA he is gonna lose no matter what because he is black, (BTW my mentor lives in the south part of the year and is black), and he is sorry that my mentor hasn't experienced racism but he has experienced racism for the last 18 yrs. I don't think anyone has made me more mad than my roommate did last night, i almost snapped.

    Anyways, good thread to vent.
    Last edited by mart651; 03-26-2004 at 08:29 AM.

  39. #79
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    I would beat his ass. Wether he was black , green or purple. I for sure would have whipped his ass if I heard he used the race card in that sittuation.
    Throwing the first punch is a bad idea. He would be the one to get in trouble for it, not the asshole. Now if this asshole guy hits him first ... that's a different story. Beat his ass!

  40. #80
    Elliot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Throwing the first punch is a bad idea. He would be the one to get in trouble for it, not the asshole. Now if this asshole guy hits him first ... that's a different story. Beat his ass!

    guys violence isnt the answer.. under his pillow..

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