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  1. #1
    Rugby13's Avatar
    Rugby13 is offline Member
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    I hate talking on the phone!!!

    Firstly let me just say that I hate talk on the phone. I cannot make small talk and that's why i married my wife, because we can have those awkward silences when we're together but they not awkward if you know what I mean.
    With that said here's my situation:
    The problem starts when my wife leaves to go to school (or just when she goes to the shop down the road) every Tuesday so I'll see her in the morning knowing that she'll be back Wednesday morning after spending the night at her moms house Tuesday night. I tell her to let me know when she gets there so I know she's safe which she does but then she wants to talk so she tells me what she wants to tell me and then expects me to do the same. Now my day hasn't been eventful at all so I say nothing cause I honestly have NOTHING to say so she gets pi**ed. I end by telling her to call me before she goes to bed to say good-night except that between now and then she calls 2 or 3 more times just to call and this gets me so irritated because she gets mad because I don't have anything to say. And then she throws the "don't you want to talk to me" line out there and that really gets me going. I JUST DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY!!!!!! To me the phone should just be for saying what needs to be said and THAT'S IT!!!
    Anyone else hate teh phone as much as I do??

    P.S. Now with the Fina kicking in it's not helping my irritations much either
    Last edited by Rugby13; 03-25-2004 at 10:41 PM. Reason: question to statment

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    I'm with you. I hate talking on the phone. Talking on the phone right now and trying to get off so I can watch my tv. Women...."talk to me"

  3. #3
    151's Avatar
    151 is offline Associate Member
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    Oh, god. . .I hate talking on the phone, too. I have plenty of those "awkward silences." I don't like talking about myself, so I end up not really saying anything at all. And they'll say, "You're not talking much."
    "I'm a good listener," I always say.

    Blah. . .I hate the phone. I just say what I have to say and then I'm finished. If I could find a girl that hated talking on the phone as much as me then I'd be happy.

  4. #4
    Rugby13's Avatar
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    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. She had me thinking I'm some insensitive bastard for not thinking of something to say to her.....

  5. #5
    151's Avatar
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    lol . . .I was trying to talk on the phone and watch a basketball game at the same time earlier. I think the basketball game won out.

  6. #6
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    bro simple ask her "so what did u do today" that will keep her going 4 at least 1hr......well your a married man so y dig? me im great on the phone talk 4 hrs if need be....local chicks can yap yr ear off.

  7. #7
    Rugby13's Avatar
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    The problem is that every now and then she'll stop talking and ask me if I heard what she just said and I'd have no idea. I tried putting the phone don once to get something but she caught me out and boy did I get it. I just don't get it. I tell her that if she doesn't want me to get irritated then call me when you have something to say, say what you want to say and then say goodbye....simple. It's not like I'm never gonna see her again.

  8. #8
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    you doofus! you have to get better at listening with half of one ear - she doesnt want you to talk as much as listen - on the phone you dont even have to have a listening expression - just ask a seemlingly meaningful question once in awhile based upon a keyword you heard and all is golden.

    Men just dont talk as much in general

  9. #9
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    When this happens I just start talking about my routine or diet.....10 seconds into the conversation shes looking to end the call and I'm watchin American Choppers. You know what works even better? Speaker phones....God Bless Speaker phones....everyone hates it when you talk to them on it....if they don't hang up when you refuse to pick up the headset at least you can take a shower or something.

  10. #10
    Tock's Avatar
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    I tell everyone to email me. They enjoy email as much as I like the telephone.
    I keep an answering machine turned on, and make it a policy never to pick it up when it rings. If I wanna talk to 'em, I'll call 'em back in a day or two, if not, well then, I don't. Everyone is clear about what I think of phones, they know they'll get a quicker reply with email, so they live with it . . . they consider me somewhat eccentric, but so what . . .
    Now if someone needs to talk through a problem or situation or just needs to talk, they can have my undivided attention for as long as they want. It just ain't gonna be on the phone.

  11. #11
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    Here's a gem. Every once in a while, repeat the last thing she said in a inquisitive tone.

    Her: "Blah blah blah. The line was long."
    You: "The line was long?"

    Done and done.

    100% success rate.

  12. #12
    Elliot's Avatar
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    You know how you keep women entertained on the phone..

    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: Really?!
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: and..?
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: Same thing happend to me
    Her: Really?
    You: Hold on another call...
    Her: okay


    You: okay so what were you saying before..?
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: Really?!
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: and..?
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: Same thing happend to me
    Her: Really?
    You: Hold on another call...
    Her: okay

    Works everytime..

  13. #13
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    That is my feelings exactly. Luckily my wife has always known I am a dick. So when I say I don't want to talk on the phone, she knows that it can only get worse from there and lets it go.

  14. #14
    Sierra_Breeze's Avatar
    Sierra_Breeze is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    You know how you keep women entertained on the phone..

    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: Really?!
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: and..?
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: Same thing happend to me
    Her: Really?
    You: Hold on another call...
    Her: okay


    You: okay so what were you saying before..?
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: Really?!
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: and..?
    Her: Blah blah blah blah blah
    You: Same thing happend to me
    Her: Really?
    You: Hold on another call...
    Her: okay

    Works everytime..
    Lmao that's a good one Elliot but you forgot a couple,
    her :blah blah blah
    you :NO WAY!
    her :blah blah blah
    you: Your kidding me?!
    her:balh blah blah
    you: (the ever popular) uhuh, yeah, uhuuuuh!
    works for my neighbor who thinks she has to call me every 5 minutes And I, can always use this one ......
    me: oh sh!t I've got to let you go, the dryers on FIRE!

  15. #15
    Elliot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sierra_Breeze
    Lmao that's a good one Elliot but you forgot a couple,
    her :blah blah blah
    you :NO WAY!
    her :blah blah blah
    you: Your kidding me?!
    her:balh blah blah
    you: (the ever popular) uhuh, yeah, uhuuuuh!
    works for my neighbor who thinks she has to call me every 5 minutes And I, can always use this one ......
    me: oh sh!t I've got to let you go, the dryers on FIRE!

    i use thoes in a extended heart to heart talks..

  16. #16
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot[SIZE=3
    ]i use thoes in a extended heart to heart talks with TTGB before I go over and give him what he wants.[/SIZE].

    To much info for us bro.

  17. #17
    Elliot's Avatar
    Elliot is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    To much info for us bro.

    Your just a hater that ttgb is better lookin then mass.. woah was that ghey..

  18. #18
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    Your just a hater that ttgb is better lookin then mass.. woah was that ghey..

    Yes I am and yes that was gay.

  19. #19
    Elliot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    Yes I am and yes that was gay.

    look at the pot calling the kettel black..

  20. #20
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I realy realy hate to talk on the phone to. I have like a phone phobia or something its realy sic. If I have to call someone I dont know I get all shaky and sweaty and I even hate calling good friend. I just cant chit chat on the **** phone, totaly impossible!! God **** phones worst invention ever!!

  21. #21
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I realy realy hate to talk on the phone to. I have like a phone phobia or something its realy sic. If I have to call someone I dont know I get all shaky and sweaty and I even hate calling good friend. I just cant chit chat on the **** phone, totaly impossible!! God **** phones worst invention ever!!

    You may need to see a doc but I am with you.

  22. #22
    Rugby13's Avatar
    Rugby13 is offline Member
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    Well I'm glad I'm not the only one.....The prob with that one Jug is that she's actually interested in anything I do, which is good, but then I'm in trouble anyway cause then she'll ask questions about that to. AAAHHHH I'm just screwed man, that's what you get for marrying the perfect girl (truly takes an interest in everything I do)

  23. #23
    decadbal's Avatar
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    answering machine, i never answer my home phone, work phone or cell, i use the message system....

  24. #24
    big daddy k de's Avatar
    big daddy k de is offline Senior Member
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    ahhh there are phones all over ....riging in the gym with the dumb cell phones and at home it pisses me off

  25. #25
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    I love being single...My ex used to be JUST like that!!!! Talk, talk, talk, about NOTHINg...and she always tried to give me some kind of guilt trip for not wanting to talk to oh man.......I have come to the realization that 99% of women are the same when it comes to that crap...

  26. #26
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    I love being single...My ex used to be JUST like that!!!! Talk, talk, talk, about NOTHINg...and she always tried to give me some kind of guilt trip for not wanting to talk to oh man.......I have come to the realization that 99% of women are the same when it comes to that crap...

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