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  1. #1
    gatorgirl_c's Avatar
    gatorgirl_c is offline New Member
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    Winstrol Question

    Guys and girls I need your help! I already posted on the female forum but maybe you guys have a girlfriend that has been on a cycle and could help answer this question!

    I have been on a somewhat light cycle of Winstrol now for 3 weeks and 2 days( 35 mg's eod). I should get my period any day now and haven’t. I am incredibly bloated, feel fat and horribly cranky. I am not sure if it is from pre-menstuel or the Winny.

    Should I be worried that I am not going to get my period from taking a steroid ? I guess the real question is, will I still get my period? Any help is appreciated!!

  2. #2
    Matto20's Avatar
    Matto20 is offline Member
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    I'm not familiar with women and anabolics, but I know that is a fairly significant amount of androgen (winny especially) for a woman to be taking - and it might cut down on your sides if you split up your dosages more.

    If I were a chick, however, there's no ****ing way I would take winny. Anavar and primo might be the only things I'd touch, and at extremely low does, but I doubt it...

    Good luck. Hope things get better for you.

  3. #3
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    That isn't a light dose for a female and winny is known for its sides, mass gains, and water retention in women. You may very well not get your period.

  4. #4
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Yeah 35mgs eod of winny is actually a very high dose for women.
    You should be at 10mgs tops, and even then I"ve seen women get the sides your getting.
    I'd stop winny and look into var/primo in the future.

  5. #5
    kronik is offline Senior Member
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    Bump for help...see how easy it is...

  6. #6
    gatorgirl_c's Avatar
    gatorgirl_c is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info on that. I am new so it's nice to have people be nice enough to give you that sort of info like bumping. Instead of people being rude to you and telling you NOT to post twice, but rather telling you how to bump. Thanks!

  7. #7
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Many women prefer Anavar , like MB said....

    I have read some weird stories of women on Winny, so I wouldn't really recommend it to begin with....

    Good luck dear! Also, PM system should have a female member title, instead of newbie....

  8. #8
    Little Girl is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gatorgirl_c
    Guys and girls I need your help! I already posted on the female forum but maybe you guys have a girlfriend that has been on a cycle and could help answer this question!

    I have been on a somewhat light cycle of Winstrol now for 3 weeks and 2 days( 35 mg's eod). I should get my period any day now and haven’t. I am incredibly bloated, feel fat and horribly cranky. I am not sure if it is from pre-menstuel or the Winny.

    Should I be worried that I am not going to get my period from taking a steroid? I guess the real question is, will I still get my period? Any help is appreciated!!
    Winstrol made me bloating too.. I hated that stuff. I was feeling like a basketball balloon.
    IMO, I think you should not inject it but take it orally (tab), first. The dosage is not that accurate when injected compared to a tab and for us woman, this is very important. I also think you started with a dosage that is a bit too high. remember, winny is often called ''snake bite'' by women because the sides are coming fast and yo don't have the time to react. Some of those sides are not reversible... and sometimes, they even come AFTER you stop taking it. I think there is better option (anavar and primo) for a first cycle. Remember, it's not a game.. but you better play safe than sorry. I would have start by 5mg ED then slowly increase. The most I took was 10mg ED and this was way too much, I almost exploded! lol! And this WAS NOT my first cycle!

    For the period question, for some girls it could take months before it comes back to normal and for some others (like me), it changes nothing in the menstrual cycle.

    I don't beleive in luck, only work can bring us to reach the top!

  9. #9
    quez82's Avatar
    quez82 is offline Associate Member
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    Take a read on this...Something I got from my forums from LiftsIron..

    Winstrol can be taken orally or be injected. Winstrol should not be used for a beginner’s cycle. Most women either love winny or they hate it. It is a favorable drug to be used in a cutting cycle, when your diet is good. Winstrol builds mass and gives awesome strength gains. Side effects can occur, and things to watch out for include deepening of voice, enlarged or sensitive clitoris, and acne. Women usually take 5-10mg daily. Keeping this dose low will decrease chances of unwanted side effects. It is usually wise to split the dose up during the day, to keep blood levels on an even base. With the injection, usually 25mg every 3rd or 4th day is a normal dosing. Run this cycle for 8 weeks. Remember to take milk thistle, because this steroid is stressful on the liver.

    Here's something I would recommend..Var definitely because of little to no sides..

    A great beginner cycle for women is Anavar . Anavar is one of the mildest anabolics out there, with low androgenic activity. It is known to increase strength and add quality muscle. Any women fearing side effects should definitely stick to Anavar. At a low dose of 5 mg everyday, most women see no ill side effects. A typical cycle should run from 6-8 weeks

  10. #10
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    some of the sides could be due to inconsistant blood levels...drop the dose to 5-10mg ed, not eod...

    princess is useing var right now and loves sides...i would probably drop the winny all togather and try going to lighter compond...oral primo acte wouldnt be to bad either i wouldnt think

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