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  1. #1
    smagdy's Avatar
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    why would anybody use Anadrol-50 if...

    why would anybody use Anadrol -50 if all users say they almost lose all what they have gained?

    Even if they kept 3-4 lb then it wont be worth it to harm ur liver and experience silly sides...

    so is it worth it?

    or is there anyway to keep more gaines?


  2. #2
    bowie is offline Member
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    takes a natural body builder a year to build 4 pounds of muscle. Anadol-50 & d-bol are great for jump starting your cycle for the first 4 weeks while waiting for your test to kick in. If stacked with other classes of steriod and proper pct you can keep a lot more size. not to mention you could rip the head of the incredible hulk after a month of anadrol -50.

  3. #3
    BodyMechanic's Avatar
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    i have used anadrol a couple times.Strength gains are great along with lots of water bloat.Some kind of test should be taken along side it and ran for pretty good while longer than the anadrol to keep most of the gains.I think the reason most people say they lose most of their gains off of it is because most of what you gain is water and when you come off you are going to lose the water.So when they see all this weight come off they think they are losing all the gains and it is just water.

  4. #4
    hung-solo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BodyMechanic
    i have used anadrol a couple times.Strength gains are great along with lots of water bloat.Some kind of test should be taken along side it and ran for pretty good while longer than the anadrol to keep most of the gains.I think the reason most people say they lose most of their gains off of it is because most of what you gain is water and when you come off you are going to lose the water.So when they see all this weight come off they think they are losing all the gains and it is just water.
    but can you keep the strength gains??

  5. #5
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Some of them. Again, the bloat contributes to leverage advantages during movements, making you able to move more weight.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    takes a natural body builder a year to build 4 pounds of muscle. Anadol-50 & d-bol are great for jump starting your cycle for the first 4 weeks while waiting for your test to kick in. If stacked with other classes of steriod and proper pct you can keep a lot more size. not to mention you could rip the head of the incredible hulk after a month of anadrol-50.

    please dont tell me that you just said, it takes natty bodybuilders a year to get 4 lbs of muscle. its stupid idiots like this that need to get there facts strait.i love how a good majority of the newer members here at AR are simply throwing out false statements.

  7. #7
    adamw1's Avatar
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    I used it and liked but you gotta rememmber all your doin is adding water weight so that it bridges you until your test kicks in.If your using it on its own then its obvious your going to lose all the weight as the majority is water.Personally though i would stick with dbols less sides jmo

  8. #8
    inheritmylife's Avatar
    inheritmylife is offline Anabolic Member
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    Any cycle that includes drol will have a large portion of gains retained at the end of the cycle attributable to the drol. Yes, you will drop water, but you better believe that you will keep a good bit of muscle once its all said and done.

  9. #9
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    If you stack it, you should keep alot of the gains (minus the water)...

  10. #10
    bowie is offline Member
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    itsallmental you should really know the person your flameing before doing so. Just because I haven't been on this board for very long doesn't mean I don't have experience. I'm 36yrs old 6' 250 pounds,been bodybuilding for 20 years. When I said it takes a natural bb a year to gain 4 pounds of quality muscle, I meant that as an average over a period of years. I was natural for the first 6 yrs and put on 25 pounds,you do the math. Do you think a natural bb can put on 50 pounds in 5 yrs? I think not.

  11. #11
    bubbathegut's Avatar
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    PLZ dont IM me 4 Source's
    i love the original anadrol 50

  12. #12
    big4nuthin is offline Associate Member
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    I am about to start the oxydrol 100 mg by british dragon. I only have qv winstrol 20x50mg and test prop(lots). I have plenty of nolvas. I follow a really tight diet that keeps me around 10% body fat. I want to use the drols in a way that will keep much of the water out of the picture while hopefully adding about 2-3lbs of LBM. Any suggestions? Last time I used anadrol was 10 years ago and it was the original Syntax version. I blew up like a serious water balloon!

  13. #13
    bowie is offline Member
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    I used the mallet t-3 7/5 on/off while on anadrol ,pretty much no water gain. I would run the prop weeks 1-12 e/d or eod, however long you want, weeks 1-4 anadrol, weeks 8-11 winni 50mg e/d seeing that's all you have.Nolva 20mg-30mg e/d throughout entire cycle will help keep down the water retention also. Then pct.

  14. #14
    big4nuthin is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks Bowie

  15. #15
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    different steroids have different uses, depending on competing needs a body builder will use what works for him, if andol wa sso bad then i think they would have discontinued making it.

  16. #16
    Russ616's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    itsallmental you should really know the person your flameing before doing so. Just because I haven't been on this board for very long doesn't mean I don't have experience. I'm 36yrs old 6' 250 pounds,been bodybuilding for 20 years. When I said it takes a natural bb a year to gain 4 pounds of quality muscle, I meant that as an average over a period of years. I was natural for the first 6 yrs and put on 25 pounds,you do the math. Do you think a natural bb can put on 50 pounds in 5 yrs? I think not.
    I think the argument you guys are having is kinda silly. One I understand what bowie is tryin to say. It is very hard for an experienced natural bb to put on wait. That's not to say a newbie to the gym can't gain 30lbs naturally because it happens all the time. Before I started the real deal, I gained a little over 20lbs in less than two years. But bowie don't say you can't put on 50lbs in 5 years naturally. Come on that is not far fetched. That is very possible... Just because you manage to put on only 4lbs a year doesn't make you an example for everyone... If you took me for average I gues I was gaining about 12lbs a year naturally... Not to say that I would have continued but who knows... Just food for thought... No flame intended on anyone...

  17. #17
    timvds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    please dont tell me that you just said, it takes natty bodybuilders a year to get 4 lbs of muscle. its stupid idiots like this that need to get there facts strait.i love how a good majority of the newer members here at AR are simply throwing out false statements.
    Actually I read a post you wrote that you can gain one lb a week naturally. That's 52 lbs a year. If that were true no one would need AS. The body can naturally produce 8 lbs of lean mass a year with proper diet and excersise. And thats on a person over 25 years old.

    NOW, who is the stupid idiot. I can post proof if you would like. I would like to see the proof that you can gain 1 lb a week naturally, if you would.

    Thanks--the newer members

  18. #18
    timvds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russ616
    I think the argument you guys are having is kinda silly. One I understand what bowie is tryin to say. It is very hard for an experienced natural bb to put on wait. That's not to say a newbie to the gym can't gain 30lbs naturally because it happens all the time. Before I started the real deal, I gained a little over 20lbs in less than two years. But bowie don't say you can't put on 50lbs in 5 years naturally. Come on that is not far fetched. That is very possible... Just because you manage to put on only 4lbs a year doesn't make you an example for everyone... If you took me for average I gues I was gaining about 12lbs a year naturally... Not to say that I would have continued but who knows... Just food for thought... No flame intended on anyone...

    Yes, 20 lbs of LEAN MUSCLE is far fetched to say the least in a years time. I can put on 50 lbs in a year... BUT we are speaking of lean muscle. NOT fat and muscle.

  19. #19
    smagdy's Avatar
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    so for how long must be the test. after the Anadrol 50?

  20. #20
    bowie is offline Member
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    I agree, you may very well be able to gain 10-12 pounds natural the first year,but believe me,that will not continue to happen each year,other wise in 10 years the natural bb would be competing in the Mr. O. Smagdy, most people run anadrol for only 4 weeks,say 50 mg a day for the first week, 100mg/day for following weeks, I go up to 200mg/day and I run it for 6 weeks. Not for the beginner though. Test is run usually for atleast 10 weeks. I run 1000mg a week for 16 weeks. again the beginner need not venture so high in dose.

  21. #21
    dan.19. is offline New Member
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    hay fellas can any one tell me how to find out how much of what steroid is best to take is it trial and error

  22. #22
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    takes a natural body builder a year to build 4 pounds of muscle. Anadol-50 & d-bol are great for jump starting your cycle for the first 4 weeks while waiting for your test to kick in. If stacked with other classes of steriod and proper pct you can keep a lot more size. not to mention you could rip the head of the incredible hulk after a month of anadrol-50.
    lol.. i don't know where you got that figure but i put on about 20 lbs of muscle this year naturally, and this is my third year of serious training, a total of 50 lbs gained.

  23. #23
    bowie is offline Member
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    this is the last time I will address this.Your trying to tell me that you put on 50 pounds of quaility muscle in 3 years. Impossible. Maybe you put on 50 pounds of weight,that doesn't mean it's muscle. Is there a mod out there(with atleast 10 years of training) to put a end to this silly notion that a natural bb can put on 20 pounds of quality muscle in a year. I have been training for 20 years, at times with some of the best in canada,I have never seen a natural bb in any gym i've trained in, put on 20 pounds of quaility muscle in a year, took me 20 years with over 25 cycles to put on,and keep, 70 pounds of quality muscle. I'm out of this convo!!!

  24. #24
    timvds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    this is the last time I will address this.Your trying to tell me that you put on 50 pounds of quaility muscle in 3 years. Impossible. Maybe you put on 50 pounds of weight,that doesn't mean it's muscle. Is there a mod out there(with atleast 10 years of training) to put a end to this silly notion that a natural bb can put on 20 pounds of quality muscle in a year. I have been training for 20 years, at times with some of the best in canada,I have never seen a natural bb in any gym i've trained in, put on 20 pounds of quaility muscle in a year, took me 20 years with over 25 cycles to put on,and keep, 70 pounds of quality muscle. I'm out of this convo!!!
    I hear ya bro. I guess you didn't recieve the latest batch of "magic beans" that packs the lean muscle on overnight. I'm still waiting on mine as well.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by timvds
    I hear ya bro. I guess you didn't recieve the latest batch of "magic beans" that packs the lean muscle on overnight. I'm still waiting on mine as well.
    gimme the proof where i said you can put on a pound of muscle a week naturally for a year, and the exact topic it came from. theres no way in hell i would say somethin retarded like that. ya i have been training for 7 years time- long enough to understand how much muscle you can build in a given amount of time. and i believe 4 lbs a year is a joke. there are guys( and i know im not the only 1), who have been training for years naturally, who look 5 times better than those who are more experienced cyclers on here.
    Last edited by itsallmental; 06-30-2004 at 03:19 PM.

  26. #26
    timvds's Avatar
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    sure, hold..

  27. #27
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    im still waiting, i would let this topic go, but you called me out on false info, now what r u gonna do?

  28. #28
    timvds's Avatar
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    Still looking bro.. I havent gone anywhere..

  29. #29
    timvds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    im still waiting, i would let this topic go, but you called me out on false info, now what r u gonna do?

    Im the on with the false info.. I'm posting a link to a thread on meso. I have no idea how I got you confused with this guy. I apologize. I'm a loser. You're the man, Im an idiot. Seriously now, Sorry!!

    Can we still work out sometime?

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    hah no biggie bro, honestly if you would of posted a link with me saying you could gain a pound of muscle a week natty, then i would leave AR and never return.

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