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  1. #1
    general31's Avatar
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    Infection question.

    Is possible that for my first 6 shots of my prop/fina that my body was fighting off an infection and when I got my infection on my 7th shot it is because my body could not fight anymore. My calf is what is infected from a shot last friday. I debated if I should do my shot on sunday and went ahead and did it. Now my delt is getting red kind of like my calf did. Is it also possible to contaminate my gear in the vial. I need to take my shoot today, but I am worried now.

  2. #2
    w_rballs's Avatar
    w_rballs is offline Anabolic Member
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    are u sure u have an infection? when i was using the prop/fina mix the area i injected in turned red about a day or so after but went away in a bout 2-3 days. i think its just the irratation caused by the BA in the prop

  3. #3
    general31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    are u sure u have an infection? when i was using the prop/fina mix the area i injected in turned red about a day or so after but went away in a bout 2-3 days. i think its just the irratation caused by the BA in the prop
    I know the calf is infected because I had to go to the ER for it. My delt might not be. I got blood on my first stick and had to do it again, so I have two holes. Plus I moved the first one around in my delt a lot, so maybe I am OK.

  4. #4
    fitter-happier's Avatar
    fitter-happier is offline New Member
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    assuming you're using alcohol, the best advice anyone can give you is listen to your own body. i had the same reactions to the prop that w_rballs had in whatever spot i went through. hardly ever with the fina. and almost always when i'd go bi's. it would get really red and swollen (in the bloated sense) and sore as hell, and would feel itchy at times, but i tried hard not to irritate it further. on days when i worked on bi's and tri's, it even affected my tri workouts, but i just used it as an excuse to work em harder. one and a half days later, all the problems subsided. i'd like to say give it a day or two, but everyone's body is different.

  5. #5
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitter-happier
    assuming you're using alcohol, the best advice anyone can give you is listen to your own body. i had the same reactions to the prop that w_rballs had in whatever spot i went through. hardly ever with the fina. and almost always when i'd go bi's. it would get really red and swollen (in the bloated sense) and sore as hell, and would feel itchy at times, but i tried hard not to irritate it further. on days when i worked on bi's and tri's, it even affected my tri workouts, but i just used it as an excuse to work em harder. one and a half days later, all the problems subsided. i'd like to say give it a day or two, but everyone's body is different.
    Same thing happened to me with Prop. My Quad blew up and turned completed red. I couldn't walk for almost a week. I definitely had an infection, but I'm on my 3rd week of Prop and that never happened to me before. If your constantly getting an infection, then you might have contaminated gear.

    What Prop are you using?

  6. #6
    fitter-happier's Avatar
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    in a cage, on anti bi's
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Same thing happened to me with Prop. My Quad blew up and turned completed red. I couldn't walk for almost a week. I definitely had an infection, but I'm on my 3rd week of Prop and that never happened to me before. If your constantly getting an infection, then you might have contaminated gear.

    What Prop are you using?

  7. #7
    general31's Avatar
    general31 is offline Associate Member
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    I am using a homebrew, but like I said I shot 6 times before I got an infection so WTF!

  8. #8
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
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    Do you mix both the test & tren in one syringe? If so, try this ..Inject the test & tren separately different sites. Yea you need to inject more but you will isolate the gear. Also, maybe cut the dose slightly too see what happens.

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