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  1. #1
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2004

    Continuing Clomid past 22 days -- Beneficial?

    Today was my last clomid dose. I feel so much better compared to the first two weeks of pct. Would it be beneficial to run the clomid @ 50mg a day for a few more days or so?

  2. #2
    dirtdawg's Avatar
    dirtdawg is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i ran 100 mgs for 30 days and 300 mgs my first day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by fitnessNY
    Today was my last clomid dose. I feel so much better compared to the first two weeks of pct. Would it be beneficial to run the clomid @ 50mg a day for a few more days or so?
    28-35 days is about average for a longer cycle....there really is no disadvantage, unless you're one of the people that gets tracers from clomid....even then, it's usually not very bad

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    I just posted in the same thread. I guess there's two out there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    FitnessNY I moved the my reply here so you can delete those other two threads.

    A few more days wont hurt IMO. Considering most of live by the rule of PCT start times, the first few days it probably wasnt doing much anyways because we still have too much Test in our system.

    Before I get flamed let me clarify. The standard PCT start time is a good general rule of thumb. However, to be sure when is the best time to start PCT each person should figure out how much test is still in their system by using active half life and dose amount. A bro taking 800mg's wk should actually start PCT later than someone taking 500mg a week. In the end, it doesn't matter too much that we start early but it does matter if we start *too* early and we end up ending PCT too early as a result. Causing us to stop PCT before we have our natty Test levels up to normal. Just my .02

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