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  1. #1
    Dmize9's Avatar
    Dmize9 is offline Associate Member
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    WTF is wrong here???

    I am about to finish my 9th week of the following cycle:
    Weeks 1 – 13: 400 mgs EQ
    Weeks 1 – 14: 500 mgs Test Enanth
    Week 16: Full 21 day Clomid PCT
    10 mgs nolva ed, including PCT

    My problem is that I haven’t really gained any weight, and my strength gains haven’t been all that great ….. (Stats 5’8, 180 lbs approx 12 –14% bf)
    So the first question would be is the gear legit?
    I basically trust the source that I got the gear from. Furthermore, I think that I have had some shriveling of the sac, which would account for the test being legit. As far as the EQ,
    It’s QV, and all the checkpoints are good, and I get great pumps, so you would have to believe that the EQ is also legit.

    So the next question would be is your diet in check (are you eating enough)?
    I think that I am eating enough, but may be wrong…. So I will outline a typical day below.
    3AM- 36 grams whey protein w/10 oz water.
    3:30 – 6:00 AM – Workout
    6:00 AM – 40 grams whey protein, w 1 cup of Oatmeal in 12 oz water.
    9:00 AM – Bison Burger on whole wheat toast
    12:00 noon – 10 – 12 oz grilled chicken breast w/ 8 oz steamed vegetables or 8 oz roasted potatoes
    10 – 12 oz grilled chicken & steak w/ 1 cup of black beans & Salad.
    2:30 PM – Myoplex lite shake (the 25g protein size)
    5:00 PM – 1 cup of 1% cottage cheese
    7:00 PM – Dinner (this often varies due to the fact it is based on what my wife cooks, it is usually my most heavy, and unclean meal of the day. It usually consists of a type of meat, and rice and beans. I usually go easy on the rice and beans and just consume a lot of meat, anywhere from 10 – 14 oz)
    9:00 PM – Before bed – 1 ¼ cup of 2% cottage cheese (or ) a shake consisting of 8 oz skim milk, 40 grams of whey, 1 whole egg, 4 oz water….. some nights I will even eat both of the above items but at different times.

    So, if that is all in check, the next question would how about your training?
    My training is solid. I know this because plenty of people have told me so. So in order to avoid writing a book here I’ll skip the details. The only thing that maybe I should not be doing is 30 mins of cardio 3 times a week immediately following my lifting, but I don’t think that this is excessive.

    So the final thing to call into question is sleep, Are you getting enough?
    The answer here is that I could use a little more sleep, I am only averaging about 6 hours a night during the week. I know this would affect my gains, but it is not so bad that I shouldn’t being seeing any gains in weight..

    So my question is am I doing something wrong here, and should I make any adjustments to get better gains??

    Any help would be greatly appreciated because this is really frustrating. I put in a lot of time, & work (not to mention ****** money) and feel that I am not getting any real results. The only time I think that I look bigger and better is when I have pumps, (and I don't think that constitutes real gains) aside from that I’m not seeing much..


  2. #2
    BEEF's Avatar
    BEEF is offline Associate Member
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    dirty south
    what are your stats

  3. #3
    Dmize9's Avatar
    Dmize9 is offline Associate Member
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    31 years old, 2nd cycle.... 5'8 180lbs 12-14% BF.

  4. #4
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    My first cycle, I didn't really gain that much weight either, but I lost a ton of fat...Are your lifts going up?

  5. #5
    Dmize9's Avatar
    Dmize9 is offline Associate Member
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    They are going up..... but it is nothing drastic, and I do seem to be losing alot of bodyfat. But I thought that this may have been due to the fact that since I started, I have been keeping my diet really clean.

  6. #6
    Dmize9's Avatar
    Dmize9 is offline Associate Member
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    Should I try to eat more cheat meals or something, just to get the increase in calories???? Or does my diet look good??..... The thing is I really don't even want to gain weight if it is going to be fat and water, that I'm just going to have to take off later. My goal was to put on around 15 lbs of quality muscle with this cycle... The way things are going I'm going to fall way short.

  7. #7
    Bruce willis's Avatar
    Bruce willis is offline Associate Member
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    how much did ur weight go up in total?

  8. #8
    Dmize9's Avatar
    Dmize9 is offline Associate Member
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    how much did ur weight go up in total?

    Right now.. none at all... I'm still pretty much flat at 180....... Nice avatar.

  9. #9
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    The first thing I thought was sleep, but 9 wks at 500test and 400eq... I dunno. Try eating alot of everything. Your diet seems very lean hence the loss of body fat. Eat alot of everything is all I can think of (not junk food). More carbs. Just a thought, nothing more.

  10. #10
    BodyMechanic's Avatar
    BodyMechanic is offline Senior Member
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    if you seem to be losing a lot of bodyfat and weight is staying the same then you are def. putting on muscle. witch would be good considering you said you didn't want to gain much weight.

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