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  1. #1
    roro is offline New Member
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    instead of talking about scammer lists why not some reliable supplier lists? is it not allowed? and if so how can one ever really know if they are going to get scammed? just hope and pray there shit comes sometime in the future...

  2. #2
    gymnut4u's Avatar
    gymnut4u is offline Member
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    legit supplyers !!!!!!!!!!

    Well bro ,this is not a flame at all ,
    but do you not think that the cops are on the board to ????????If there were such a list and it did become public ,they wouldnt be legit for long they would be ,hooked up and taken away like coke dealers,If you want to know if a source is legit ask a mod or vet in a pm ,if they are golden you will know,you are not buying flintstone chewables !!!!!!!!!!!!!These bros have alot to lose ,home,freedom,car,$$$$$$.That is why they are some what hidden for there protection and for the people that need them !

  3. #3
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool No, no, research, and yes. In that order.

    Originally posted by roro
    instead of talking about scammer lists why not some reliable supplier lists? is it not allowed? and if so how can one ever really know if they are going to get scammed? just hope and pray there shit comes sometime in the future...
    You've certainly asked a valid question, roro, but I'm afraid that A.R. is not "that type of board." (Yes, there are "that type of boards" out there, but don't ask me to name them.)

    Source posting is not allowed on A.R. for a number of reasons. The first is that it could be construed as illegal. We can talk about AS all we want, but to list sources could be construed as participating in illegal activity. Second, a reliable supplier could be here today and gone tomorrow, or even reliable today and unreliable tomorrow.

    How can you ever really know if you are going to get scammed? You can't. Life is a crapshoot, and so is buying gear. That's part of the risk of of getting into AS - you can get ripped off just as easily as you can when buying anything else.

    What we do do here is share information other than how to get gear. We do so in the hope that you will do whatever you do intelligently. But philosophically and legally, we have to take a position similar to, say, a needle exchange program. We do not endorse the use of AS, but recognize that lots of guys and gals are going to use them. So if you're going to use them, our responsibility is to make sure you do whatever you choose to do with as much information you can get. (In that sense, we are also like schools and sex: We may not endorse your boinking each other, but we know that you're gonna boink each other. So have some condoms! )

    One cautionary note: The mere fact that you have posted your inquiry may result in your getting PM's (private messages) and e-mails offering to supply you with gear. That's actually the easiest way to be ripped off, because you've already identified yourself as a potential "mark." (You also have no guarantee that anyone who contacts you is not a law enforcement officer.) So take any offers or contacts you receive with a heavy grain of salt and be careful, bro.

  4. #4
    roro is offline New Member
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    Feb 2002
    good info, thanks...

  5. #5
    GenuinePL's Avatar
    GenuinePL is offline Senior Member
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    Re: No, no, research, and yes. In that order.

    Originally posted by TNT

    boinking ! )
    Great advice TNT, but you couldn't just use a different work in it. I almost pissed my pants when I read this. It reminded me of Road Trip.

  6. #6
    Gear101's Avatar
    Gear101 is offline Member
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    to pick up on TNT first subject.... most of the broads that will give you a scource aren't the ones you want to hang out on... and i'll tell you why..AS if taken in the wrong way can really screw you up... most of the good broads what you too learn how to diet right then how have a good workout then learn about AS... most of the time i you go through all this then it would be a good time to look for a source... but mosy people do this backwards... get the AS then all the other things will fall into line....wrong... as most of the vets as well as mods will tell you... Just hang out and learn and read the road and most of the time a good sorce will fall into your lap after a while.... good luck bro... be safe and healthly.....

  7. #7
    GenuinePL's Avatar
    GenuinePL is offline Senior Member
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    Stay and Hang out like Gear101 said. It's the best way for everything

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