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  1. #1
    SomeGuy is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Spurring Discussion

    We can see that taking gear at a young age with f-up your normal growth. . .but for taking gear at an early age. . .i did my first when i was almost 20, about 90 to 95% of all hormone production in the body is normalized (at the levels they will be until they drop in the mid to late 40s) at around 19 years. Most guys don't technically stop gorwing (when final growth plate development is finished) at 22, but depending on your build and how long u have been training will greatly effect plate development. I have been training for 6 years and i am short and i will be short (5'9") for the rest of my life. Taking gear in moderation. . .no more than 500 mg week of any test shouldn't f-u up too bad in the long run. My first cycle was sust250 twice a week and 25 mg dbol a day for 6 weeks and I saw modest gains about 10 lbs and kept all of it. So i think if u do it right and and make sure to limit urself that taking gear before ur 21. . .not too much before would be fine.

    PS my dad is an MD.

    I am just in this for the opinions. . .lemme know what u think

  2. #2
    Demon Deacon's Avatar
    Demon Deacon is offline Anabolic Member
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    I personally believe that younger people taking AS will see much more results than older people. I know that doesnt make much sense but that's how i feel. However with that said I also believe that its not a good idea to use AS before lets say the age of 23. I am 21 and will continue to use AS probably for life. But that is because for me Its already too late. For someone young looking to do steroids they are better off waiting. Unless they are apart of some college sport that will make them the big bucks later in life.

  3. #3
    SomeGuy is offline New Member
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    Jul 2004

    Good Point

    I think ur right on the money. . .I am taking them now. .. and I know I will be for a little while, until i am content with myself, and I am not in a college sport, but I am an amatuer strongman hoping to go pro soon, so it is a little help on the side. Seriously though. . .i don't think u will c too many long term debilitating side effects, and with the way current medical tech is, in 15 years when u need it. . .or 20, i think we will be ok.

  4. #4
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    at 19 though your natural test levels should be high enough to get great gains...

    i played football in hs and some in college hoping to play for a check and thats why i never touched as until i was 24....the gains came like i was 18 again....

    i would advise against it until your at least 23 but since you already stared oh least it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders....

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