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  1. #1
    sprinter is offline New Member
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    Sep 2001

    Question Life After Steriods

    Hypotheticaly speaking- If I were to do a full cycle of steriods , upon going off of them would I be the same person once my bodies regular testosterone levels etc. returned? ie- would I be able to get the same natural gains that I could get prior to steriods? I gain muscle strength and size quite well naturally, I would hate for that ability not to be as good as it once was. Also, does your nervous system function as well after steriods? I know that nervous adaptations are about as important to strength, and speed as is muscle size. Some steriods have nerve stimulating effects.

  2. #2
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well... if you are gaining muscle naturally at a very good pace... perhaps you are not ready for steriods yet.

    When you come off, you'll be the same person. Just take the clomid and you'll be back to normal. If you used steriods for like 40 years religioulsy, when you quit, I'm sure you might feel a little different, but one cycle... don't sweat it.

  3. #3
    juiceon's Avatar
    juiceon is offline Associate Member
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    heading west
    Actually I've learned a lot about my body, proper workouts, nutrition, and rest from going on cycles and seeing the results happen in fast-forward. Small adjustments can yield great results quickly, so you know what it was that you changed that made the difference. Thus, you learn a lot and can apply that knowledge to natural lifting (with perhaps some adjustments) and come out of the whole thing better for it.

  4. #4
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    you should be fine post cycle. the only problem immediately post cycle that you don't feel like working out. if you can bust through the laziness and continue to eat right, you should be able to grow just as easily. if your coming off a bulk cycle, start taking creatine when you finish your cycle. it will keep extra water in your muscles, and you will keep almost all gains or maybe even get stronger

  5. #5
    sprinter is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Thanks everyone. A appreciate the helpful advice.

  6. #6
    sprinter is offline New Member
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    Sep 2001
    Oops typo. Anyhow, thanks

  7. #7
    The Iron Game Guest
    the point is, you shouldnt be doing steroids until you reach your maximum potential, so when you do stop steroids, no you shouldnt be able to gain naturally

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