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  1. #1
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Exclamation Vets or doctors???

    I've read that clen is a bronchial dialator. Could taking too much clen cause nose bleeds. I'm starting to get them. I've been taking sus for 4 wks, and just started on clen sun. I took 50mcgs (not much) yesterday and was gonna take 60 today, but now I'm worried. THink the clen has anything to do with my nose bleeds?
    Last edited by JP1570; 02-28-2002 at 09:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Well they do give it to Ashma people, but I don't see anywhere where it should give you nosebleeds. However, I am not doctor as you might can tell LOL. Nose bleeds can come from a variety different things. Overtraining, diet changes, loss in body fat, simple stress.
    Maybe some of the other guys here can give some insite on this issue.
    good luck. Why are yo utaking Clen with Test anyways? I would think you should wait till after your cycle to keep your gains. I have never seen anyone stack Clen wth Sus. I plan on doing Clen cycle then a Sus for bulking, but I have not heard of anyone doing them together. But what do I know.

  3. #3
    Dr. Derek is offline Member
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    I'm not a Doctor despite my user name but I use clen heavly during contest prep and I always get nose bleeds, however I did not contribute it to clen, but rather diet, high blood pressure and low body fat levels. I will have to look into this further, about the clen angle- if I find anything out I will let you know.


  4. #4
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    bump. Thanks for the opinions already guys. Anybody have any kind of medical advice???

  5. #5
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    bump, one more time. Really curious about this.

  6. #6
    Tex is offline Junior Member
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    poss. sides for clen are restlessness, palpitations, elevated bp, headache, increased prespiration due to clen raising your body temp., insomnia, muslce spasm. checked your bp lately?

  7. #7
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Yea, I realize it could just be high blood pressure, which could also be a result of the test. I've been on the test for four wks and have had no problem till yesterday (Wednesday). I started on clen Sunday. I was mainly wondering if it could be linked to the fact that it was a bronchial dialator.

  8. #8
    gymnut4u's Avatar
    gymnut4u is offline Member
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    Here you go bro best med text i could find !!

    Clenbuterol is not an anabolic steroid ; it is a beta-2 adrenergic agonist. Its primary effects are on smooth (involuntary) muscle and on the heart. Its main therapeutic uses are for dilation of constricted airways (bronchodilation) and for relaxation of the uterus during labor (tocolysis). With prolonged use it can have some weak anabolic ("tissue-building") effects.

    As I understand it, some human athletes have taken clenbuterol for its anabolic effects. These effects are nowhere near as pronounced as the anabolic steroids , but one advantage is that clenbuterol has a shorter withdrawal period before competition than some of the anabolic steroids (which may be detectable in blood or urine for several weeks after administration). Also, clenbuterol does not have the potentially serious side effects of altered sexual function, masculinization in women or feminization in men, fluid retention (edema), and liver damage that can occur with anabolic steroid use in humans. Clenbuterol is now one of the drugs that officials test for in human athletes, so I doubt it is used anywhere near as much now as it was when it gained international attention during the Olympics in Barcelona.

    The side effects of clenbuterol and other beta-2 agonists in humans include tremors, restlessness, anxiety, elevated heart rate, and in people with underlying heart disease, disturbances of heart rhythm (arrhythmias).

    -Dr. Chris King-

    Christine King BVSc*, MACVSc , MVetClinStud
    Cary, North Carolina

    hope this helps


  9. #9
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks gymnut and everyone else who replied. I guess I'm just gonna "let it bleed" then. Hope I'm not doing any serious damage, but from everything I've read, I shouldn't be. Oh, BTW sicialian, I'm taking clen and winny with sus because I don't like a lot of water retention. I'm basically taking a cutting cycle. It's going well so far too, I'm eating real clean now and the water is staying off but the lean mass isn't.
    Last edited by JP1570; 03-01-2002 at 12:07 PM.

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