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  1. #1
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    How should I do enanthate and sust. cycle.

    I have 10 C's of enanthate and 10 c'S of sust. What do you all think would be the optimal way to stack it? Also, do you think I should be taking clomid and nolvades throughout the cycle?

  2. #2
    BWhitaker's Avatar
    BWhitaker is offline Senior Member
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    No flame...but you need to do some more research. You wont stack enanthate with sust as they are both test. Sust is a multi estered test and enanthate is a single long ester. Pick one....i would go with enanthate...however you dont have enough to use them by themeselves.

    Nolva throughout cycle at 10mg a day, clomid is used during proper pct.

    Look around first

  3. #3
    max-it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    I have 10 C's of enanthate and 10 c'S of sust. What do you all think would be the optimal way to stack it? Also, do you think I should be taking clomid and nolvades throughout the cycle?

  4. #4
    kronik is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    I have 10 C's of enanthate and 10 c'S of sust. What do you all think would be the optimal way to stack it? Also, do you think I should be taking clomid and nolvades throughout the cycle?
    Oh boy...

  5. #5
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    That's kind of what I thought, but I did the two together except I only had 5 C'S of sust. and I gained twenty pounds. Although it was only the second cycle I had ever done. Another thing is that I havn't juiced in about a year and I ahve been training consistently. I dont need to get huge anymore just trying to ge back some of what I had. I know some of these posts get kind of annoying, but with all of the conflicting information and opinions out there I am just trying to get a beter Idea of what is the best. I can't get anything else right now either so I am stuck with no choice and I am very anxious since it has been so since I have Juiced.

  6. #6
    BWhitaker's Avatar
    BWhitaker is offline Senior Member
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    well they are both test so you could just run the sust and then when that is gone do the enanthate . Either way, just make sure you do some good research

  7. #7
    Jeremy34's Avatar
    Jeremy34 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    That's kind of what I thought, but I did the two together except I only had 5 C'S of sust. and I gained twenty pounds. Although it was only the second cycle I had ever done. Another thing is that I havn't juiced in about a year and I ahve been training consistently. I dont need to get huge anymore just trying to ge back some of what I had. I know some of these posts get kind of annoying, but with all of the conflicting information and opinions out there I am just trying to get a beter Idea of what is the best. I can't get anything else right now either so I am stuck with no choice and I am very anxious since it has been so since I have Juiced.
    Somehow I find it hard to believe you gained 20 lbs from using just 5 cc's of sust....And I'm guessing you lost almost all of it shortly after finishing, right? I know many newbies in my hometown who think they can get away with using one 10 cc bottle of test and get good results. Sure, your going to gain weight....your going to retain water like a SOB, then lose it when you find out that you were supposed to be using that stuff you never heard of called Clomid. Not meaning to flame here, we all have to start somewhere, just glad you found this board early, many never do, and therefore never learn.

  8. #8
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy34
    Somehow I find it hard to believe you gained 20 lbs from using just 5 cc's of sust....And I'm guessing you lost almost all of it shortly after finishing, right? I know many newbies in my hometown who think they can get away with using one 10 cc bottle of test and get good results. Sure, your going to gain weight....your going to retain water like a SOB, then lose it when you find out that you were supposed to be using that stuff you never heard of called Clomid. Not meaning to flame here, we all have to start somewhere, just glad you found this board early, many never do, and therefore never learn.
    First of all I am a newbie to this board, but not a newbie to the juice or to good quality information on the matter. I said in my post "Idid the two together before, but I only had 5 C's of sust". I did not say I only had 5 c's of sust. and nothing else. I did forget to mention how much enanthate I had, but I also stated that I was taking it at the same time. I was a newbie at the time, but that was about 6-7 years ago. True, I did not know about clomid at the time.

  9. #9
    dumblucky's Avatar
    dumblucky is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    I have 10 C's of enanthate and 10 c'S of sust. What do you all think would be the optimal way to stack it? Also, do you think I should be taking clomid and nolvades throughout the cycle?
    do 1cc of each per week
    10mg of nova daily
    3 weeks after lst shot of sust
    start Pheedos PCT

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