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  1. #1
    LetsRideTLR is offline Junior Member
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    Some advice on starting my second cycle..

    I need your guys' help here. I am looking on starting my second cycle. Last year i did a sus/deca /clomid cycle for about 6 weeks. I was satisfied with the results while i was on it, but when i got off, i lost about 60-70% of my gains. Not to mention i broke out like there was no tomorrow and i grew hair where i never knew i could grow hair before.

    I am looking for something that will give me quality mass and strength gains. I dont want any water retention and minimal side effects. I dont want a quick fix that will give me mass for a few months, rather for something that will allow me to keep my gains. To me quality is much more important than quantity.

    I am 23 yrs. old, 5'11" 180 lbs., about 10-12% bodyfat. I've been working out consistently for the past 4 years now. Working each muscle group once every 6 days and eating 4-6 small meals a day and taking in about 180-220g in additional protien depending on whether i can stomach it and 10g of l-glutamine. I am a hardgainer. I find that I only gain about a pound more or less of muscle a month. Genetics are definately not on my side. Not to mention that I am asian and asians dont get big.

    What would you guys recommend I do for my next cycle? Thanks for your input guys.
    Last edited by LetsRideTLR; 03-03-2002 at 02:35 PM.

  2. #2
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    2nd cycle?

    500mg test enanthate /week- weeks 1-10
    40mg dbol ed weeks 1-4


    600mg eq/week -weeks1-10
    40mg winstrol ed weeks1-6

    dont forget the anti'es and clomid at the end. i know you said you did clomid at the end of your last one, tell me how you dosed it ok? also, you need to get your protein intake up in to the 300-400 gram range.

    peace bb79
    Last edited by iron4life79; 03-03-2002 at 03:50 PM.

  3. #3
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    i like the second one that bb79 posted
    eq/winny will bring more keepable gains the the test /dbol cycle which will result in alot of water weight which you will lose alot of.
    eq/winny and maybe just a small dose of test as a base
    wk 1-4 test prop 50me ed or 100 mg eod
    wk 1-10 eg 400 mg wk
    wk7-13 winny 50 mg ed
    clomid 2 days out

  4. #4
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    i was gonna add the prop and didnt think he would go for it.......thinking to much stickin for 2nd cycle. im glad you put that in there 4p. he has a better option now. i also figured he might be happy with gains from the 1st one after the water came off, but maybe not.......

    peace bb79
    Last edited by iron4life79; 03-03-2002 at 04:26 PM.

  5. #5
    LetsRideTLR is offline Junior Member
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    barbell... i took 50mg clomid a day for 2 weeks a week after my last shot of my first cycle. I was happy with the gains from the first, but i broke out like crazy on my soulders and face and im left with some scars. My girlfriend was trippen out on the fact that I have hair on my chest now and i had to play stupid. haha.

    Im looking at 4P's cycle and i was wondering, will i need any other anti-e's or will clomid after the cycle be sufficient? Is 3 mo. enough time to wait in between cycles?

    On a sidenote, my source offered me some ttokkyo labs trenbol. He says its good stuff, other than the price. Ive been reading some websites and other posts on the board about it. What do you guys think, is it recommended that i incorporate this into my next cycle?

    Im sure this question has been asked before, so sorry for asking it again. Can i mix a water base with an oil base in the same injection?

    Thanks again for the input...
    Last edited by LetsRideTLR; 03-03-2002 at 04:58 PM.

  6. #6
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    tren isnt really a good one for 2nd cycle.there are some safer choices.but if you had to hehehe
    wk1-5 fina (im not sure of tts mg/ml)but 75 mg ed
    wk 1-10 eq@400-600-mg wk
    wk 7-13 50 mg winny ed
    clomid 2 days out

    no you can not mix oil/water based gear.there are some that will say its ok but DONT

  7. #7
    LetsRideTLR is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds good to me. You guys have been a big help. I appreciate it.

  8. #8
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
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    If you are a hardgainer bro, you need to work on that diet. I'd up your meal intake to 6-8 meals a day minimum, shoot for 30-60g of protein each meal. I usually get 5 real food meals in and then have either 3 shakes or protein bars spread out throughout the day - you need more than 200g of protein to gain weight. I would also supplement with flaxseed oil. Use chicken, tuna, milk, eggs, turkey, beef, whatever to get your real protein but you need to get it. I like making a shake with milk right before i go to bed, I read somewhere that the fat in milk makes protein digestion slower so throughout the evening you'll have something other than your muscles to digest. Do not underestimate your body's needs for good carbs and fats in addition to all the protein. You can take all the sauce you want, but if you haven't taken a hard look at your diet, you're gains will minimal - the difference is like night and day, my friend.

    as for the cycle - I'm really liking 4plates' last contribution, the fina will kick your ass while the EQ builds up and you can ride the winny right on into clomid depression :P You will make serious gains off that cycle - more so if you tighten up that diet dude. best of luck!

  9. #9
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
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    shoot, just reread your post - you said ADDITIONAL protein... I'm sorry if I assumed your diet was off. I'm not going to edit the post though in case some newbie comes by it. I want to be a preacher for a better diet first, then juice. peace.

  10. #10
    LetsRideTLR is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks golden. The 200g of protien is from the shakes alone. I usually load up on the carbs before the workout. I'll take your advice and try to squeeze another meal or so in my day as long as my stomach doesnt end up exploding. =) I will start 4P's cycle in a few days. I think ill go fina eod though, i dont want to end up trying to beat up whoever comes along my way. My temper is aready bad as it is =D. Ill keep you guys posted and let you know how it comes along.

  11. #11
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    1st off, 4p is right, tren is too much for a 2nd cycle imho.
    also g.f. is right on one point, the diet must be in order for you too see maximum gains from your cycle. if i were you, i would run the clomid this way:
    day1 300 mg
    days2-11 100mg
    days12-21 50mg
    you might see yourself holding more of what you built doing it this way.
    no additional anti'es will be needed if you do 4p's second cycle. but i have to reiterate this point- i think tren is too much for your 2nd go-round.

    peace bb79

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