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  1. #1
    Reciever84 is offline Junior Member
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    Acne Meds During Cycle

    Quick question. I'm running a simple second cycle consisting of 500mg Test Enth EW, 20mg Nolva ED, Clo/Nolva PCT.
    During the PCT period of my first cycle some time ago I broke out on my back pretty bad and got on a med called Cefuroxime Axetil @ 250mg ED. It helped and I continued taking it. I'm now in my 5th week of my latest cycle, still taking the acne med, and the gains aren't coming in like I would expect. I've been plateaued for about 2.5 weeks now. I think I could eat a little more (eating could be my problem if the acne med isn't) and my sleep is ok as well as my workouts. Could Cefuroxime Axetil have a negative impact on my results and should I drop it while I still can?

  2. #2
    calidude's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Matto20's Avatar
    Matto20 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reciever84
    Quick question. I'm running a simple second cycle consisting of 500mg Test Enth EW, 20mg Nolva ED, Clo/Nolva PCT.
    During the PCT period of my first cycle some time ago I broke out on my back pretty bad and got on a med called Cefuroxime Axetil @ 250mg ED. It helped and I continued taking it. I'm now in my 5th week of my latest cycle, still taking the acne med, and the gains aren't coming in like I would expect. I've been plateaued for about 2.5 weeks now. I think I could eat a little more (eating could be my problem if the acne med isn't) and my sleep is ok as well as my workouts. Could Cefuroxime Axetil have a negative impact on my results and should I drop it while I still can?
    You are taking a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which has major drawbacks - one of which is that it kills all of your good intestinal flora, thereby causing issues with digestion. Although antibiotics do well at elimating acne over the short-term, they can cause major problems down the road, and should be avoided if possible. I would drop the antibiotic if I were you and look into topical medications for your acne (especially topical retinoids). As far as your gains go, you should eat a little more if you can. What have your gains been like thus far?

  4. #4
    dannyboy62682's Avatar
    dannyboy62682 is offline Associate Member
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    this should not effect your gains with the test, what is your diet like?

  5. #5
    Reciever84 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm 6'1", started at 193lbs and am up to 204lbs but I gained most of that in the first 2 weeks most of which is likely water. I'm eating about 3400 callories a day with around 230 grams of protien included. My strength has gone up significantly to this point.

  6. #6
    Matto20's Avatar
    Matto20 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reciever84
    I'm 6'1", started at 193lbs and am up to 204lbs but I gained most of that in the first 2 weeks most of which is likely water. I'm eating about 3400 callories a day with around 230 grams of protien included. My strength has gone up significantly to this point.
    Bingo. You need more calories.

    However, it is still a good idea to get off the antibiotic. Most people (and a lot of dermatologists) don't realize how much they are harming their bodies by using antibiotics over the long term.

  7. #7
    Reciever84 is offline Junior Member
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    Would it be wiser to use Acutane? I mean, if I drop off the acne stuff altogether I'll turn into a pizza. I need to keep the stuff under control and things like B5 just don't get the job done.

  8. #8
    Matto20's Avatar
    Matto20 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reciever84
    Would it be wiser to use Acutane? I mean, if I drop off the acne stuff altogether I'll turn into a pizza. I need to keep the stuff under control and things like B5 just don't get the job done.
    Of course B5 doesn't get the job done. It doesn't get the job done for most people with acne. People on these boards make it out to be a miracle-worker and almost all of them wind up sorely disappointed with the results.

    Accutane is a serious medication. If your acne is severe enough that accutane is needed, you will want to go to a dermatologist. They will monitor you closely over the course of the treatment because the side effects are so dangerous. Although accutane is the closest thing to a miracle pill for acne, it comes with a vast amount of drawbacks. You will want to make sure it is the best treatment possible. And make sure you're ready to deal with the price tag before you even consider it.

    Retinoids are one thing you should seriously look into - although such topicals could be difficult to apply to your back without the help of someone else (girlfriend, wife, life-partner, etc). They are much cheaper and simpler to use than accutane, and have much less side effects, but are still a powerful treatment. Retin-A Micro has done wonders for me, personally. You wouldn't believe the difference it has made in my skin.

    There are numerous other therapies and considerations involving acne as well. Stress, food allergies, digestive problems, underlining illnesses - all of these are just examples of factors that can aggravate and exacerbate acne. The best way to treat your illness may just be a combination of Western and holistic medicine.

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