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  1. #1
    dtalon is offline New Member
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    Aug 2004

    tren/prop/winny cycle?

    Alright, this is about what i'm goin to start out with for my cutting cycle:
    wks 1-2 prop 100mgs EOD
    wks 1-2 tren 75 mgs EOD
    wks 3-7 prop 100 mgs ED
    wks 3-7 tren 75 mgs ED
    wk 8 prop 100ms EOD
    wk 8 tren 75 mgs EOD

    wks 3 to 8 50 mg winny tabs ED(can i go longer or is it to toxic for liver?)

    i will run clen at 80 mcgs a day for a 2 wk on and 2 wk off pattern
    will take clomid and nolva for pct

    the reason for only 8 wks on this cycle is because i am ending my cycle in about 4 wks, of eod day injections of sustanon and 300 mgs of deca a wk. this was a 10 wk cycle and i want to continue right into this for cutting down but hoping to keep most of the weight that i gained from my bulking phase. I have been eating about 4000-5000 cals a day and about 300 grams of protein. What should i take this down to? I have been using the MAX-OT style of training(for those that don't know what that is is very heavy weight at low reps and low # sets, but very intense) and have been getting good results from it. My partners that i train with still use this type of training even when cuttin down. U guys think it will be beneficial to do this while cutting down? Any feedback will be awsome about my cycle and way of training and how many cals to take in.

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Apr 2003
    I would stick to ED injections........ The way you have the injections your blood leveles will be up and down... this will cause many unwanted sides. You also want to run the test a few weeks past the tren to help with PCT.

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