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  1. #1
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Smile Severe Depression after Cycle a real possibility

    I think this needs to be talked about more and acknowledged. The possibility of severe depression after a cycle and during or after PCT is a reality. I was so severally depressed 30 days after ending my cycle. I was stunned by it. I cried 4 times a day and was close to being suicidal. After a few days it dawned on me that is was because of the cycle I did and my hormones were out of balance. I did do PCT the right way and took trib as well and this depression came on the last day of my PCT, 30 days after my cycle ended. I am now on anti depressants which have helped some. And hopefully in a few more weeks my body will be able to even every thing out again and I can get off of them. Luckily I have a good doctor who was hush about my steriod use when I told him.
    I just think if the Roid community here is aware of the possiblity of depression you will than not be ambushed by it as I was for several days and you can than hopefully deal with it easier. 6 weeks now post cycle I have lost only 3-4 pounds with my strength only being 10 #'s under while on gear. So I am glad I did this cycle and the results have been great but I really doubt after experiencing what I went through that I will ever do a cycle again. If I can keep 10 pounds of muscle in the end than I will be happy. But the depression I went through and am still dealing with was not worth my mental health even if this only stays with me a few weeks- it has been hell. So just be aware of the possiblity of having depression after a cycle even after PCT as I did. There is no need for me to stay on this site now. But this is the best board out there and we have some very good bros doing some great work helping others out. Take care..... Mark

  2. #2
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Thanks for sharing your experience with us man

  3. #3
    BigGenes's Avatar
    BigGenes is offline Member
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    I think your right. Alot of users expierence this. Personally I don't. Many people do especially while on clomid. Bump

  4. #4
    Matto20's Avatar
    Matto20 is offline Member
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    Great post. Glad to hear that you are choosing your sanity over your vanity. Sounds like the smartest decision.


  5. #5
    Unknown$$ is offline Associate Member
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    takes balls to share that...bump

  6. #6
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    when you cycle your hormones are thrown way out of balance. Depression after a cycle should be anticipated IMO, if you do not experience it I would say you are pretty lucky or you have a secret you should share. It is the pct time and the time after that truely make or break the cycle imho. You have to take control and stick to eating and working right, otherwise your gains will go. so long as you learn from it nothing is completely lost. Good luck bro!

  7. #7
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGenes
    I think your right. Alot of users expierence this. Personally I don't. Many people do especially while on clomid. Bump
    Are you saying that the clomid itself plays a role in causing depression after the cycle as well as a taxed endocrine system? If so, how?

  8. #8
    paperboy is offline Banned
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    It was probably the clomid, since you said that you were often in tears, clomid is known to have that effect on some people..

  9. #9
    longhornDr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paperboy
    It was probably the clomid, since you said that you were often in tears, clomid is known to have that effect on some people..
    It's not the clomid, severe depression is a very common side-effect of anabolic steroid use .

    Cycling steroids could be described as self-induced bipolar disorder in many users.

    The similarity is amazing between people's description of their feeling while "on" and a bipolar patient's description of their manic phases.

  10. #10
    Nickster#1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paperboy
    It was probably the clomid, since you said that you were often in tears, clomid is known to have that effect on some people..
    I am doing pct for a PH cycle I just finished up and for the first part of pct when doing 100mg clomid aday, i was on this emotional roller coaster from hell, and to compound things I am recently seperated from my wife whom I love dearly and its our wedding anniversary tommorrow, and also my daughter in law just had a little baby girl on the 12th of this month which is awsome, but oh my God, I am an emotional basketcase. Today has been the best day but I think because today is when I dropped clomid dose to 50mg a day. Clomid realy compounded and intensified everything going on in my life by 10 fold. I cant wait to get on some test. I want to feel like a fricking animal, not a female stuck in a mans body. OH well. My little grand daughter is beeeeeeeautiful though. Good looking too. Looks just like her grandpa

  11. #11
    paperboy is offline Banned
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    yea but I think the crying all the time is a side efect of the clomid, i never get that from clomid but I've heard several people say they get that during clomid pct, the hormonal imbalance that clomid sometimes causes is similar to when a woman is on her period.

    Quote Originally Posted by longhornDr
    It's not the clomid, severe depression is a very common side-effect of anabolic steroid use .

    Cycling steroids could be described as self-induced bipolar disorder in many users.

    The similarity is amazing between people's description of their feeling while "on" and a bipolar patient's description of their manic phases.

  12. #12
    hardgainer1's Avatar
    hardgainer1 is offline Senior Member
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    good to hear this, Im about to go PCT soon, i am not looking forward to going off

  13. #13
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    I think this needs to be talked about more and acknowledged. The possibility of severe depression after a cycle and during or after PCT is a reality. I was so severally depressed 30 days after ending my cycle. I was stunned by it. I cried 4 times a day and was close to being suicidal. After a few days it dawned on me that is was because of the cycle I did and my hormones were out of balance. I did do PCT the right way and took trib as well and this depression came on the last day of my PCT, 30 days after my cycle ended. I am now on anti depressants which have helped some. And hopefully in a few more weeks my body will be able to even every thing out again and I can get off of them. Luckily I have a good doctor who was hush about my steriod use when I told him.
    I just think if the Roid community here is aware of the possiblity of depression you will than not be ambushed by it as I was for several days and you can than hopefully deal with it easier. 6 weeks now post cycle I have lost only 3-4 pounds with my strength only being 10 #'s under while on gear. So I am glad I did this cycle and the results have been great but I really doubt after experiencing what I went through that I will ever do a cycle again. If I can keep 10 pounds of muscle in the end than I will be happy. But the depression I went through and am still dealing with was not worth my mental health even if this only stays with me a few weeks- it has been hell. So just be aware of the possiblity of having depression after a cycle even after PCT as I did. There is no need for me to stay on this site now. But this is the best board out there and we have some very good bros doing some great work helping others out. Take care..... Mark

  14. #14
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am in PCT... and when the depression hit, it didnt last more then 3 days. I can tell you, well before the clomid, I was all messed up, complete chemical imbalance thing... maybe for me it only seemed worst for 3 days, my jewels started getting bigger as the depression passed and which was a result of clomid, tribulus, tongkat PCT therapy. My sex drive is not entirely back... now as PCT is entering start of 3rd week, I notice sex drive is here real good one day, If wife blows me or I jack off, sex drive is back off for a day or two until I recover more.

    I know I hit the depression hard but as far as the mental effects, it lasted only 3 days max.... did yours last longer? I mean its quite intense stuff too, I cant imagine dealing with it for more then a few days.

  15. #15
    Starwin is offline Associate Member
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    as for the crying. i noticed about a week ago when i was watching a movie with my gf i got really emotional. it was kind of scary. the movie was titanic btw

  16. #16
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Actually today has got to be my best day. Either it is the anti depressants kicking in or my system is starting to even out. It has been 8 days since this depression started. I did clomid for 30 days and didn't have any kind of depression until the 30th day. I don't think it has to do with the ancillaries but with the whacked out hormones and the adjustments our bodies have to make to get back to normal after being on gear for several months with a lot of our normal functions being shutdown due to the excess testosterone . If this is the end of my emotional hell I will be very happy only having to endure this for a week. The gain of 15 pounds of muscle down to 12 pounds now has been worth it and I don't think I will lose much more muscle now after being off for almost 6 weeks now. It was the best cycle of my life and the fifth and final for me at the age of 47. This is a great site, the best on the net with the best people.....

  17. #17
    Matto20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starwin
    as for the crying. i noticed about a week ago when i was watching a movie with my gf i got really emotional. it was kind of scary. the movie was titanic btw
    Live, Rose! LIVE!!!

  18. #18
    Unknown$$ is offline Associate Member
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  19. #19
    grizzlywintergreen75's Avatar
    grizzlywintergreen75 is offline Associate Member
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    It's happened to me before, but on a smaller level. I just kinda isolated myself and kept quiet for the most part, but that went away after a few weeks. Good luck.

  20. #20
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    Actually today has got to be my best day. Either it is the anti depressants kicking in or my system is starting to even out. It has been 8 days since this depression started. I did clomid for 30 days and didn't have any kind of depression until the 30th day. I don't think it has to do with the ancillaries but with the whacked out hormones and the adjustments our bodies have to make to get back to normal after being on gear for several months with a lot of our normal functions being shutdown due to the excess testosterone. If this is the end of my emotional hell I will be very happy only having to endure this for a week. The gain of 15 pounds of muscle down to 12 pounds now has been worth it and I don't think I will lose much more muscle now after being off for almost 6 weeks now. It was the best cycle of my life and the fifth and final for me at the age of 47. This is a great site, the best on the net with the best people.....
    Might want to be careful, some anti-D's are anti-T. I dont know which ones but I think prozac and zolof are a couple of them.

  21. #21
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    I can relate to what he said , i experienced severe depression during my cycle as some of you may remember i posted in the lounge, i dissapeared from here for quite some time due to this, and it is hard , some of us find it harder than others, and as others said if you feel you dont want to do another cycle, i wish you all the best

    I went to the docs and got fluoexz (generic prozac) which im not too sure if id rate it, i did too consider quitting and even ending my cycle early, but then ive come so far and i plan on competing sometime soon itd be silly

  22. #22
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Interesting topic, I personally feel real good during pct. I'm just over a week into mine and want to hit the gym more than I do while on cycle. This past cycle was the heaviest as far as doses, but I had no suppression, and haven't experienced the normal tiredness that I usually do during pct. I ran clen for 2 days, but have since stopped and I feel better hitting the gym. Then again everything everything with steroids and my reactions seem to be ass backwards of what majority of people experience.

  23. #23
    georgie24's Avatar
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    i will never run winny again for more than 6 weeks, i did a 12 weeker and coming off was really hard. thats all i wanna say. too dark for too long

  24. #24
    Gilster's Avatar
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    Right here!Are you blind?
    I have also experienced this downer but I tend to be an angry jerk more so than depressed. It was much worse on my first cycle but is not nearly as bad as I did more cycles. I have also noticed that the longer and harder the cycle the worse the downer after the cycle, but as you cycle more and more you learn to deal with it and know what is going on sooner. You don't get caught by surprise anymore after you have done a few rounds. I am still an angry jerk I keeep it in check much easier now.

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