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Thread: hcg rough draft

  1. #1
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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    hcg rough draft

    Click Drug Names to View Profile: HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin )

  2. #2
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Nice, but I don't like where you say "A typical dose of HCG is between 1500iu to 5000iu every 4 or 5 days". That sounds like a very good way to desensitize your leydig cells and potentially do permanent damage to the testicles. Better advise would be 500ius twice a week starting in the middle of longer cycles.

  3. #3
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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    go easy on me its only a rough draft....... and oh ya i know the pic didn't work

  4. #4
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    Nice, but I don't like where you say "A typical dose of HCG is between 1500iu to 5000iu every 4 or 5 days". That sounds like a very good way to desensitize your leydig cells and potentially do permanent damage to the testicles. Better advise would be 500ius twice a week starting in the middle of longer cycles.

    thanx for the input it is noted

  5. #5
    system admin is offline Owner
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  6. #6
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    break up that middle paragraph a little bit. it will make it easier to sort through. Possibly go into the pros/cons advantages/disadvantages of injecting IM vs subq. Maybe incorporate how hcg plays a role in hrt/trt treatments. And while youre doing all this research, figure out if there is a definitive answer on the reconstituting with B12... There was another thing or two on my mind...but i am a little light-headed from just getting back from the gym. Good work so far though!

  7. #7
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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    thanx jovette and 956vette, anyone else?

  8. #8
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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    here u go brian

  9. #9
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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  10. #10
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Thats a nice profile. You should break it up a little bit so it is easier to read. Seperate it into more paragraphs with a catchy first sentance. Also - you should try and delete extra words... this will help with readability too. If the sentance is still grammatically correct without the word - DELETE it. It helps move people through your copy and find the info they are looking for - you are writing for online content and people tend to have less patience with very verbose Internet copy. "That", "the" and "to" are often overused - as well as backening into sentances. Also restating information that was already presented or writing the obvious (like "the hairy dog" <- are dogs ever not with hair?... rough example...)

    For example, you could change this:

    In the 1920’s scientists first recognized a specific hormone now called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG for short (1). HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is no doubt one of the most misused, misunderstood and underutilized tools of bodybuilding we have available at our disposal. HCG is not a steroid, but a naturally occurring peptide hormone. HCG is a hormone that is produced in the early stages of pregnancy by the embryo soon after conception and later by the trophoblast (part of the placenta) to help control a pregnant woman’s hormones (1). This makes the uterine lining ready for implantation of the fertilized egg. HCG is a glycoprotein composed of 237 amino acids and has a mass of 36.7kDa. In 1958 gonadotropins were first extracted from the human body, more precisely the pituitary glands. A gonadotropin is any substance that stimulates the gonads (ovary, testes). It is heterodimeric (initiates prophase of mitosis) with an alpha subunit identical to that of LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). Because HCG is similar to LH and FSH, it can be clinically used to induce ovulation as well as testosterone production in the testes. HCG is medically used to treat women with ovarian disorders and to stimulate the testes of men who are hypogonadal (underproduction of testosterone). It is also used in the treatment of undescended testicles in young boys.

    To this (DELETED in RED) and (backing into sentances in GREEN):

    Scientists first recognized a specific hormone now called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or (HCG) for short (1) in the 1920's. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is no doubt one of the most misused, misunderstood and underutilized tools of bodybuilding we have available at our disposal. <--NICE STRONG STANCE BTW

    HCG is not a steroid , but a naturally occurring peptide hormone. HCG is a hormone that is produced by the embroyo in the early stages of pregnancy and later by the trophoblast (part of the placenta) to help control a pregnant woman’s hormones (1). This makes the uterine lining ready for implantation of the fertilized egg. HCG is a glycoprotein composed of 237 amino acids and has a mass of 36.7kDa.

    Gonadotropins were first extracted from the human body in 1958; more precisely the pituitary glands. A gonadotropin is any substance that stimulates the gonads (ovary, testes). It is heterodimeric (initiates prophase of mitosis) with an alpha subunit identical to that of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), (a "Harverd comma" typically not used in writing) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). <-- once you give the long version (ver) you can then write with the abreviated one - so start with the long-hand ver

    HCG is clinically used to induce ovulation in women, as well as testosterone production in the testes because it is similar to LH and FSH. <-- also seperated to not imply that men ovulate HCG is medically used to treat women with <-- men get ovarian disorders? ovarian disorders, as well as to stimulate the testes of men <- do women have testes of hypogonadal (underproduction of testosterone ) men. It is also used in the treatment of undescended testicles in young boys. <-- "young boys" sounds creepy BTW... maybe it's just me

    Again... GREAT JOB

  11. #11
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Nice warrior, bump

  12. #12
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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    thanx a bunch warrior that was some excellent input. i'm still doing a little more research before i make any of the suggested changes by members, hopefully i will have a new version drafted up sometime next week


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