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  1. #1
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    winny for a female

    hi guys im here asking a question for a female freind of mine, shes wanting to firm up and i told her i think winny would be good but i dont know what a girl is suppose to take she is 5'3" 136 lbs. can you help her out cause shes really wanting to kow thanks oh yea i already checked search and couldnt find answer to this

  2. #2
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    winny has higher chance of virilization than anavar and test on a per mg basis.

    i'd suggest starting with 5mg/day of anavar and seeing how that goes. if you can't get var then try 35-40mg/wk test prop. the next choice would be 5mg/day of winny followed by 50mg/wk of primobolan depot.

    finally, i mean no disrespect, but judging by her stats and the fact that she wants to firm up, it sounds to me like she'd be better off hitting clen /t3, or dnp if she's hardcore, and a strict diet and cardio regimine. steroids won't get her cut.

  3. #3
    Gear101's Avatar
    Gear101 is offline Member
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    winny and women should like a waste of good gear

  4. #4
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Dr. Evil is spot in with his recomendations. My has just started ana anavr only cycle (5mg/day x 2 weeks, followed by 10mg/day x 6 weeks if all goes well).

    G101 I don't agree that winstrol and women is a waste. Women are physiologically identicle to men and therefore the effects of drugs on our bodies are identicle. It's a myth that AAS cause more harm to women than men, the reason women traditionally stick to lower dosages is because of virilization (as Dr. Evil said) or masculinization...especially from the stronger androgenic drugs.

  5. #5
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    some women get testosterone therapy to help with their mood and depression as well. women naturally produce about 10mg/wk of testosterone . adding 3x that amount in steroid equivalents would still result in half the amount an average male produces and would not result in them turning into men (usually), but it would greatly help with their physique, mood, and all other beneficial effects of testosterone .

    women should only use short acting steroids IMO because it is much easier to withdraw these drugs in case of an onset of side effects. it's too late to stop injecting deca or test cyp when symptoms start because what you've already injected for the last 2 weeks will keep being released into the blood, exacerbating the side effects.

    if she's not hardcore, there's no reason to use anything other than anavar . it's price shouldn't be a deterrant because women only use 5-10mg/day anyway.

  6. #6
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Thumbs up

    Spot on again Doc.

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