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  1. #1
    jamieormichelle is offline Female Member
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    Sep 2004

    Question mixing water & oil base

    Ok, I'm curious about this. I have been reading and maybe just not found the right place but I'v seen alot of places where you are not suppose to mix the two(in the same rig) for instance prop and winnie then I've read posts where "I know a guy who used to do that but I never have because your not suppose to." Ok so I get that you shouldnt but why?

    Also I have another question. A friend and I were having a discussion about prop. He has been in the roid world for atleast 25 years but never did it (massive dude did much stronger cycles) Anyway Since he wasnt fimiliar with it I was telling him what wonderful wisdom I had aquired on the subject. He had a hard time believing that it was an oil base since the half time was so short taking into consideration that usually water based inj. were prone to have the short life span. I know it is oil based , can you explain what properties it has to give it such a short span.

    thanks, chelle

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    No reason why you can't mix water and oil based together. I've done it many times with no problems.

    The reason why test prop becomes effective so fast is because of the ester attached to it...same with oil based test susp which is effective almost immediatly after it's injected. Oil has nothing to do with a substance taking longer to become active once's all about the ester the drug has attached to it.

  3. #3
    jamieormichelle is offline Female Member
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    Sep 2004
    Thanks MB, My friend wasn't being a dumba@@ I probally was,. It seems he already knew the ester explanation. Just never tried prop. He says "Have to inject to often for his tastes. But he really hadn't ever heard of it. I think he was just putting me in check as far as the why and hows.

    Now I know the answer if anyone ever asks....... Research and questions......... Thanks Alot.


  4. #4
    Georgie's Avatar
    Georgie is offline Member
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    No reason why you can't mix water and oil based together. I've done it many times with no problems.

    The reason why test prop becomes effective so fast is because of the ester attached to it...same with oil based test susp which is effective almost immediatly after it's injected. Oil has nothing to do with a substance taking longer to become active once's all about the ester the drug has attached to it.
    I have injected winny and prop before together and never had any problems per say. But it hurt like hell. So I started seperating the shots and doing 1 shot of each per day, and for me, even though its annoying to have to do two shots everyday, it was worth it not to have the pain. There is a thread around here somewhere by Einstein that says the problem with mixing the two is that the water in the winny can suck out the ba in the prop which can cause crystals to form in your muscle causing a lot of pain.
    Last edited by Georgie; 10-02-2004 at 04:49 PM.

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