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Thread: Prop in Sust.

  1. #1
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    Question Prop in Sust.

    Just wondering but im running 400mg of sust a week with 300 deca per week. how long does it take for the prop to start kicking in? im about to be in the 3rd week of my cycle tomorrow? when is a reasonable average time to notice?

  2. #2
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimmReaper
    Just wondering but im running 400mg of sust a week with 300 deca per week. how long does it take for the prop to start kicking in? im about to be in the 3rd week of my cycle tomorrow? when is a reasonable average time to notice?
    That would all depend on how much you are taking and how often. In 250 mg of sust, there is only 30 mg of prop. On the low to mid range dosage of prop most people would be taking at least 50-75 mg per day or 100 mg EOD. To me it dosen't seem like there is enough prop in sust to be making much of a difference. Even if you were to shoot 250mg of sust EOD (which would be 1gram of test per week) you would only be getting 120 mg of prop per week. At the very least I would say you would need 400 mg of prop per week to see noticable gains. The blend in sust doesn't make much sense to me. IMO i think it is better to stick with a singe type of test and preload the cycle with prop if you can't wait for the long acting esters to kick in. And from your post it says you are shooting 400mg of sust per week (not sure how you are working that out, I thought sust blends all come in 250mg, educate me if you can), thats less than 60 mg of prop per week. Thats nothing......
    Last edited by Georgie; 10-04-2004 at 12:15 AM.

  3. #3
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    By now you should be feeling above normal testosterone levels , as phenylprop and prop esters should both be in full effect, which make up 144mg of the 400mg. some the isocarpoate and decanoate will also be releasing some by now. However, I wouldnt expect you to see the gear in full force until about wk4 or 5.

  4. #4
    shootdeep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeefCakeStew
    By now you should be feeling above normal testosterone levels, as phenylprop and prop esters should both be in full effect, which make up 144mg of the 400mg. some the isocarpoate and decanoate will also be releasing some by now. However, I wouldnt expect you to see the gear in full force until about wk4 or 5.
    i agree. as far as the prop goes, i usually feel it about 8 hours after the injection. the "prop boost" doesn't last very long though. it takes about 5 weeks for me to really feel the full effect of sust. it seems like i wake up one day and >>WHAM<< it's there.

  5. #5
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeefCakeStew
    By now you should be feeling above normal testosterone levels, as phenylprop and prop esters should both be in full effect, which make up 144mg of the 400mg. some the isocarpoate and decanoate will also be releasing some by now. However, I wouldnt expect you to see the gear in full force until about wk4 or 5.
    Sorry, my bad I forgot there were two prop esters in sust. So you are getting a little more than 60 mg of prop a week, but 144mg/wk is still nothing.

  6. #6
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    you really think it's nothing?

  7. #7
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    if you want to get a faster up swing ad some propionate , its cheap.

  8. #8
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
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    well last time i did test e, i am trying sust this time to see if my results turn out as great or better? any one have an opinion as to what is better sust or test e?

  9. #9
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimmReaper
    you really think it's nothing?
    Yeah, like I said when an athlete is shooting prop they are shooting at the very least 50mg per day or 100mg EOD. Thats 350-400 mg per week. You are only getting 144mg/wk. And I would say most athletes shoot more like 75mg-100mg ED. Thats 525mg-700mg /wk. So like I said, I don't understand why the prop is even in there. The dosages don't make much sense, IMO.

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