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Thread: my cycle

  1. #1
    physio_sport is offline Banned
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    The Resistance

    my cycle

    ive got
    5mg x 250 anabol tablets (pink pentagon shaped tabs)
    100mg/ml x 2ml (12 bottles) deca durabolin
    50ml 100mg/ml equipose

    i want to start in january 2002

    im woried about acne. should i start using acutane now because i used to have bad acne but now its gone i get a few annoying spots occasionally but ive heard that steroids will bring back a severe case of acne.

    i want to use equipose 200mg and deca 300mg for 8 weeks and
    15mg dianabol (anabol) for 4 weeks.
    will this do the job.

    i want to get big for summer.
    i dont want to wait for a few years because i feel that the teenage years effect the rest of your life and i want to be big now because in a a couple of years time no one will care how big i am. in collage it make a big differnce to how you look and if you look big now one will mess about with you.

    thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    big_guy is offline Associate Member
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    question... exactly how old are u? and your stats.

    even though everybody says to wait. only 200mg of eq and 300 of deca . that's not a lot.. so i don't think it'll hurt u TOO badly... but if your not at least 18, wait untill u are. wouldn't it be a shame for u to go to college and have to be taking blood pressure pills....

    be safe.

  3. #3
    physio_sport is offline Banned
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    The Resistance
    ill be 18 in october and im going to start in jan ill be 18 ill start 2 to 2 months after my birthday.

  4. #4
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Being big and no-one will mess about with you?

    Ok little story here I have covered for my mate who works on the door and he is a pretty big guy.All the other guys are pretty big.When i have covered for him there are more guys who have a go at the big guy than me because its more of a challange and if they take him out they are proving themselves.Strange I know but that is true-so being big and no-one messing with you is rot.

    Wait a while whats the big rush?No-one will notice you when you are older.So a guy Mikes size you would,nt notice? If you are a BB trust me you,ll notice other BB and the general public do look no matter what your age.


  5. #5
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Your acne will get worse, and at 18 it is doubt ful it is totally under control, AAS will make you break out worse than before. But shite bro your big a big spotty MOFO!

    I'm sure Mike can recommend some med's for your 20s.


  6. #6
    Mike Guest
    oh crap.....I don't know what to say - I am tired of posting my experiences about this cause it doesn't seem anyone listens - people at that age are invincible and it just doesn't matter what i tell them - but yeah Big Al - I will be happy to recommend some blood pressure meds for his early 20s - I am sure they'll listen at THAT point - hell I have a ton of em - I could even hook him up...

  7. #7
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Can only try and offer advice bro, some of us listen, and some don't, hopefully if we're all still here in five years (on the internet that is) those that listen will be healthy and bigger! And those that don't take there own risks!


  8. #8
    Mike Guest
    This is no flame on you physio - not at all personal - I just sincerely hope you are open to advice from those in the know and are willing to be smart and healthy bout things - PM me if you'd like

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