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Thread: Questions!!!

  1. #1
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    hey guys! my friend he's 19, weighing 156(very similar to me) wants to gain about 30 lbs. i tried to convince him not to gear cuz he's young but he won't listen. since he wont listen and going to do it anyway, could you guys give me some good suggestions?? this is how he's running his gear

    Deca 400mg week 1-10
    Sust 500mg week 1-10
    Dbol (he has no clue how much to take but he bought a lot)week 1-4
    he's also got arimidex , and clomid.
    could you guys lay out a good format for him?? so my friend doesnt kill himself doing this? thank you.

  2. #2
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    please respond to this im really worried about my friend.

  3. #3
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    he won't kill himself with gear, but he also doesn't need that kind of quantity for just a teenager. i would first recommend that he doesn't juice at all. next i'd need to know what his stats, goals are.

    here's what i'd take if i were an impatient 18yr old:

    300mg test wk 1-8
    200mg deca wk 1-8
    25mg/day dbol wk 5-10
    arimidex 0.25mg as needed.
    clomid wks 11-13

    this should wet his whistle, but he doesn't need it...

  4. #4
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    thanx alot guys. i tried to convince him about couple of weeks now but he's so stubborn and he's going to do it. his stats are very similar to my stats. he's 5'10" 152, 19 yrs old. well im 5'9" 154 and 19 yrs old. he wants to be 180lbs. you think he can reach that?? he knows some kids who geared when they were 17, and they did get huge, but now they're joints are faling apart or something. but he's still going to do it anyway. how could i stop him??? help!!

  5. #5
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    so he should basically run
    300mg sust wk1-8
    200mg deca wk1-8
    26/mg daily dbolwk5-10
    arimidex .25mg daily??which week?
    clomid wk 11-13

    seems like good. ill tell him that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    i think you should jump start the cycle with the d-bol, but would take 40 mg/day for 3 weeks,

  7. #7
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    I agree with st82hellnbak exept for the dosages and duration of the dbol . I would do dbol at 25mg for the first four weeks for a newbie. And Yes tell him to do the arimidex everyday as precautionary measures. And tell your friend he is cheating himself. I wish I was his age again. I would take full advantage of that natural test and gh running through his body.

  8. #8
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    ok guys, so basically
    300mg sust wk1-8
    200mg deca wk 1-8
    dbol 25mg/day wk 1-4
    arimidex .25mg/day wk1-8
    clomid 11-13

    i told him everything i can possibly could but there is no way of stopping him. he wants to reach 180lbs. and he's a lil over 150 right now. you guys think he'll reach 180 in 8 weeks?? i dont think he can keep all of it. how much you think he can keep?? well im just really concerned because my friend is a fool and he doesn't really know what hes doing. thanx

  9. #9
    Methuselah's Avatar
    Methuselah is offline Member
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    Originally posted by st82hellnbak
    i think you should jump start the cycle with the d-bol, but would take 40 mg/day for 3 weeks,
    I think 40mg is a bit high and would stay with 25mg. I would challange Dr. Evil and ask why weeks 5-10. He might have a point that you're missing. Don't jump to conclusions.

    I'll bet you the cycle that your friends face looks like pizza within 5 weeks. That's aweful young to play with the chemistry; it's not quite stable on its own yet at 18.

  10. #10
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    he's 19 right now. he's gonna get that much acne??? hmm maybe dat'll stop him from doing it. he think he's gonna get mild pimples cuz he says he's gonna take acutane. i thought d-bol was a jump start gear. he hasn't started yet cuz he's asking me to ask around as he's doing research him self. he's gonna get dat much acne huh?? damn...dat'z gonna be disgusting. he barely had pimples all his life. he's trying to convince me to do it but, obviously im not ready yet and idon't wanna do it at this age. one thing i need to ask is how much gain you think he can hold after his cycle?? he's only doing one, and i know he wont do it again cuz he's very stubborn and never changes his mind. thanx

  11. #11
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by Dr.Evil

    here's what i'd take if i were an impatient 18yr old:

    300mg test wk 1-8
    200mg deca wk 1-8
    25mg/day dbol wk 5-10
    arimidex 0.25mg as needed.
    clomid wks 11-13

    this is what i would do also, this is a good recommendation.
    also, dr evil is right on another point-he dosent need it........

    peace bb79

  12. #12
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    Why do it when his age is only 19 and producing test of his own at a good rate and from what I learned from here , he can really mess himself up in the future. By the way when I was doing d-bol I was taking 25 mg a day and spacing them out during the day cause If Im right each pill is active for about 4 hours.

  13. #13
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    but isn't D-bol use to jump start a cycle?? i know he can mess himself up. but he's only doing one cycle. even one cycle can do that?? i thought pple take it for years!! you guys think he'll actually gain 30 lbs from this?? and keep 25 of it??
    how bout acne?? is he going to get alot??? but he never had pimples that much b4. damn if his face is gonna look like pizza...dat'z pretty bad.

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