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  1. #1
    Professor's Avatar
    Professor is offline New Member
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    Androgel, Scrotal Skin permeability, worth it?

    So I am on TRT, 400mg cyp every wk, but my doc thought I should havea back-up supply of topicals, so gave me a script for androgel at 7.5 grams/day. Now normally applied that means a steady-state release of 75mg/day, a 10% permeability rate. However, Scrotal skin is approximately 5 times as permeable as other skin on the body- perhaps 50-60% net transferrence. This means a steady state test level of ~375 mg +-, and more should I use a larger dose (which I can request). In a hypothetical situation much like mine, can anyone think of a reason why you would not do so in addition to or to substitute for a portion of standard injection?

  2. #2
    dogsofwar's Avatar
    dogsofwar is offline Member
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    You do NOT get 75 mgs per day of test from androgel . With 10g packets applied everyday, you will get about 70mgs per week. You have to factor in the absorption rate. There are threads discussing this in AR. The directions specifically indicate not to rub it on your nutz.
    Last edited by dogsofwar; 10-17-2004 at 05:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Professor's Avatar
    Professor is offline New Member
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    I quote from the pharmocologic pamphlet:
    AndroGel ™ is a hydroalcoholic formulation that dries quickly when applied to the skin surface. The skin serves as a reservoir for the sustained release of testosterone into the systemic circulation. In a study with the 10 G dose (to deliver 100 mg testosterone), all patients showed an increase in serum testosterone within 30 minutes, and eight of nine patients had a serum testosterone concentration within the normal range by 4 hours after the initial application. Absorption of testosterone into the blood continues for the entire 24-hour dosing interval. Serum concentrations approximate the steady state level by the end of the first 24 hours and are at steady state by the second or third day of dosing. A daily application of AndroGel™ 5 G, 7.5 G, or 10 G delivers 50 mg, 75 mg, or 100 mg of testosterone, respectively, per day, to the skin's surface. Approximately 10% of the applied testosterone dose is absorbed across skin of average permeability during a 24-hour period.

  4. #4
    Professor's Avatar
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    Therefore, my question still stands. and yes, while the directions do in fact state that you should not use on scrotal tissue, part of the reasoning behind that presumably has to do with the idea that you would get a much larger dose of testosterone than has been prescribed, as the means of transport and the solution in androgel does not differ from that of the patch, and scrotal patches and bodily patches differ only in the amount of testosterone in them.

  5. #5
    dogsofwar's Avatar
    dogsofwar is offline Member
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    Alright Mr Smarty Pants newbie The first few lines of the Prescibing information indicates:
    A daily application of AndroGel ® 5 g, 7.5 g, or 10 g contains 50 mg, 75 mg, or 100 mg of
    testosterone , respectively, to be applied daily to the skin’s surface. Approximately 10%
    of the applied testosterone dose is absorbed across skin of average permeability during
    a 24-hour period.

    Ok, so the basic mathmatics that you learned in the 2nd or 3rd grade Mr. "Professor" (only funnin ya here would clearly give you the ability to make a mathmatical solution as to how much test is actually delivered:

    Given these facts:
    7.5 g contains 75 mg of testosterone
    10% of the applied testosterone is absorbed thus ( .1 x 75mgs = 7.5mgs absorbed)

    Which in fact, not theory would be:
    75 mgs of testosterone x 10% absorption rate = 52.5mgs per week
    OR another way to say it would be:
    7.5mgs per day for one week is equivilent to 52.5mgs of actual absorbed product

    If you could in fact absorb 75mgs of testosterone per day from a 7.5 gram solution of Androgel, none of the millions of people would be using syringes, alcohol prep pads and sterile proceedures. I do believe that transdermal systems will in fact be the future. I would rather not stick myself every other day for weeks on end. I began with AAS for HRT using Androgel and had zero results.

    To give an educated opinion regarding a transdermal on your nutz:
    1) I doubt they are big enough to actually absorb the 10 packets a day that
    a 500mg per week typical cycle would require. Not joking about this, no ones nutz
    are that big.

    2) Yes, there would be a difference in the amount of test absorbed in deez nutz. I couldn't imagine having to rub that **** all over the nutz everyday. It would most likely have to be a 10 times a day application given the amount of solution and the lack of surface area for the application.

    3) Why would you want to use a compound such as Androgel in the first place when you can just add a little more to the pin for about the same cost or less than Androgel ?

    I really am just funnin' ya with some of the above comments, please don't take it personally. I needed to write this up for a few other boards as well. Thanks ~dow

  6. #6
    BlueCollar is offline Banned
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    androgel is good for is peanut butter and andro-jelly sandwiches. I give them to to kids on halloween

  7. #7
    dogsofwar's Avatar
    dogsofwar is offline Member
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    Hahahah Andro-jelly sandwiches. That kills me man.. hahah.

  8. #8
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    And what sane (legit or moral) hrt doc prescribes 400mg/wk of cyp?

  9. #9
    dogsofwar's Avatar
    dogsofwar is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette

    And what sane (legit or moral) hrt doc prescribes 400mg/wk of cyp?
    I couldn't agree more. I still question why you would want to add androgel as supplemental during a cycle regardless of its absorption if you are already injecting. Hmmmm...

  10. #10
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Professor, does your doc monitor your hormone levels? How often? And do you not have testosterone off the charts on 400mg of cyp per week? I am curious

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