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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Question This is what U have left, how should I use it?

    Ok, to give you the history of what my cycle has consisted of the first 2 weeks, I will tell you it goes like this:

    1cc of sus 250 E3D
    6 d-bols a day (30mg) and I take 3 in the late morning and 3 at early evening.

    What I have left at the moment is:
    A little bit less than 5cc of sus 250 ( I put a little to much in one day

    About 125 D-Bol pills left (5mg of the white ones with a triangle on one side, napo's or something along that line, I have posted pics of them and they are legit)

    An un opened 10cc vial of test propionate ( just got it today)

    NOW WHAT I AM ASKING IS THIS: when should I start taking the test prop?

    I was planning on doing this: Since I am two weeks in, I have 2 1/2 weeks left of the sus 250, and I am gonna do that untill the bottle is gone (should gone close to 5 weeks, maybe 4 1/2 of it total). I am going to stop the dbol in 2 more weeks (which makes it a 4 week cycle on DBol). I was going to Start the test prop next week, which would mean that once I started it I would have: 1 week of dbol left, and 1 1/2 - 2 weeks of sus left. And when I got down to the last 2 weeks ( or maybe 1 1/2) that I have left of the prop, then take what Dbol I have left at the end of the cycle.

    Now I am getting Nolva, and test E next week also, so another question is this, should I mix the Test Eth in with this cycle or just save it and once I have been off of juice for about a month or so, start a cycle of test E and deca , Or test E and prop and winny.

    Please help me out with any opinions you have good or bad, constructive criticism is ok, I just want to know what to do to get the best gains.

    PS: or should I just throw the test E in with the prop when I start it?

    Thanks Alex

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    PS: How much of the prop should I take a week and how often.

  3. #3
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would just use the prop couple days after the last sus, at 75 mg ED... you have the deca /winny ?

  4. #4
    nathanw21's Avatar
    nathanw21 is offline Member
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    in some pu$$y
    get the test e and start it right where you left off with the sus and you will be fine. do the prop after your last shot of test e at 50mg ed for 20 days then start pct

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I dont have hte deca or winny, but I can get them this coming monday ( assumiong I have the cash) why do you ask that?

    AND BTW what kinda gains whould someone expect from a cycle like this, Bif ones, Mediocar ones, or Small ones?, I work out at least 4 times a week, and eat a faiorly decent diet

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    bumpity bump

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