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  1. #1 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    looking for some advice

    I was wondering if anyone could offer me some advice on this cycle I was planning on doing. I'm looking to gain strength only with hardly any weight gain. I researched anavar a lot on this board before posting this and I'm confused about a few things. Some posts said it won't mess with your own test cycle so you don't need to do pct, and others say it does. I was planning on doing a cycle of 30mg a day for 6 weeks. Take two months off and then do the cycle again. I'd appreciate any advice on how to do this cycle, if I should do pct with clomid, and what other supplements to take for my body, dosages, etc. I'm a complete newbie with this stuff and don't want to do something stupid or ineffective.


  2. #2
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I have no exp with oxandrolone only cycles but i'll bump this thread for ya.

  3. #3 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    one more question. Since it seems that anavar does suppress your own test to some extent does that mean it will affect my athletic performance? I'm a wrestler. Any wrestlers or fighters on here? How did anavar affect your stamina?

  4. #4
    maxamillion is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I'm a wrester to bro. I ran winny during the season last year and wouldn't recomend it. If your gonna run anavar , winny or halo for strenght gains throw in a low dose of test like 250mg week. The winny leaned me out a bit and i gained strenght but i just felt weak at practice and my stamina and endurance dropped badly I just didn't have the drive in me without any test.

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