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  1. #41
    BARA is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander the Graet
    not to flame u bro but in those pics u dont even look atheletic and if u start using gear all u r going to do is get fat after u finiss your cycle how will u be able to maintain something that u havent even build naturally? and about your lifts or how strong u r has nothing to do with building muscle! MY dad has never lifted weight and he is 54 am 32 he is 5'5 am 5'9 he is 168 am 198 I use 100lbs dumbells for reps in any bench press angle I squat 315 for 18 reps I can do sets of 20 pull ups I am strong but in arm wresting He is still Mufasa he is srtonger than me! sure he does not look like me of lifts what I do si u see stenght has nothing to do with how u look and build your foundation! how long have u been trainnign! give it at least 2 to 3 years and if not at least lose the gut naturally and get some muscle tone by your own offorts then u can add some gear to tour training! Dont lie to yourself because we will not! we cant stop u from doing what u already heve decided to but this is the kind of responses u r going to get from most knowledable member in this forum!
    you're probably right about everything, but i just wanna say that i know/seen many people who were very skinny and smaller than me who have hit the roids and now they have very muscular bodies and have maintained most of what they have gained. this is is part of what encouraged me to look into juicing.

    ps i have been spending quite a bit of time at the gym the past 1.5 yrs, although it might not seem much but i'd like to think that i have at least a semi-atheletic body? here are a few pics, not the best poser or angles but tell me if im kidding myself. waxing would also help either way the way iam now is 10 times better than the way i used to be before i started training.

    once again thanks for your replies

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails first cycle recommendations? (pics+stats)-bodypo-007.jpg   first cycle recommendations? (pics+stats)-bodypo-005.jpg  

  2. #42
    swol_je's Avatar
    swol_je is offline Senior Member
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    Im curious, When are you supposed to take clomid?

  3. #43
    Alexander the Graet's Avatar
    Alexander the Graet is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BARA
    you're probably right about everything, but i just wanna say that i know/seen many people who were very skinny and smaller than me who have hit the roids and now they have very muscular bodies and have maintained most of what they have gained. this is is part of what encouraged me to look into juicing.

    ps i have been spending quite a bit of time at the gym the past 1.5 yrs, although it might not seem much but i'd like to think that i have at least a semi-atheletic body? here are a few pics, not the best poser or angles but tell me if im kidding myself. waxing would also help either way the way iam now is 10 times better than the way i used to be before i started training.

    once again thanks for your replies


    ok! then if u r decided to do its your body and your decision! like I said am not trying to put u down but to give u as much as good advice as i can! any way whay cycle do u plan to run! what ever u do make sure u have the proper anti E on hand like arimidex , nolva and enough clomid for PCT by the way clomid is used for PCT and you should start it 2 weeks after your last shot of test if u r usinf enanthate I would recomend that u use a test only cycle this first time 500mg a week for10 to 14 weeks should be enough then PCT if u r going to use dbol doring the first 4 to six weeks I recommend that u srtat arimidex at least 1 week before I personaly like to use dbol during weeks 5 to 8 when the test has lareday kicked in I like the pums and I think that the gains are more solid this way than at the beginning when most of the gains from dbol are just water! but thats me! I dont think u need anything else for the first cycle u may try deca if u want to but I would leave it for the second cycle! another recomendation is dont try to breaks th worlds lifting records because all u r going to breake is your joints and tendons this is because u will get strong but dont try to lift as heavy as possible but choose moderate to heavy weight that u can handle for good amount fo reps! let me give u an example before my first cycle all I could lift with 225 bench press was 6 to 8 reps then during the cycle 225 for 12 reps was easy then 275 was esay but my joint were not used to that king of weight and thye began to hurt and trainnign was unberable so i has to cut back on the weight! just be coutios not tu hurt yourself!

  4. #44
    Cisco is offline Junior Member
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    If youd decide to eat and trai properly i would suggest Test Enanthate at 500 week for 10 weeks, eq at 400 a week for 10 weeks if you get the 200mg version compared to 300mg eq and dbol 40mg day for 4 weeks Thats what i did as a begginer and gains were phenominal i shot up 35 lbs easily with a strict diet and intense training monday thru friday. Make sur eyou ahve clomid ready for PCT

  5. #45
    Alexander the Graet's Avatar
    Alexander the Graet is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cisco
    If youd decide to eat and trai properly i would suggest Test Enanthate at 500 week for 10 weeks, eq at 400 a week for 10 weeks if you get the 200mg version compared to 300mg eq and dbol 40mg day for 4 weeks Thats what i did as a begginer and gains were phenominal i shot up 35 lbs easily with a strict diet and intense training monday thru friday. Make sur eyou ahve clomid ready for PCT
    he should ran the test 1 week past the equipoise !

  6. #46
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cisco
    If youd decide to eat and trai properly i would suggest Test Enanthate at 500 week for 10 weeks, eq at 400 a week for 10 weeks if you get the 200mg version compared to 300mg eq and dbol 40mg day for 4 weeks Thats what i did as a begginer and gains were phenominal i shot up 35 lbs easily with a strict diet and intense training monday thru friday. Make sur eyou ahve clomid ready for PCT
    Have to disagree bro. First off, You need to run EQ longer and you should run your test 1 week past your EQ. And you don't need DBOL ........

    Should look something like this:

    Week 1-13 Test E 500mg EW
    Week 1-12 EQ 400mg EW
    Week 1-13 Nolva 10mg ED
    PCT - Clomid 2 weeks after last test injection.

  7. #47
    Alexander the Graet's Avatar
    Alexander the Graet is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Have to disagree bro. First off, You need to run EQ longer and you should run your test 1 week past your EQ. And you don't need DBOL ........

    Should look something like this:

    Week 1-13 Test E 500mg EW
    Week 1-12 EQ 400mg EW
    Week 1-13 Nolva 10mg ED
    PCT - Clomid 2 weeks after last test injection.
    why not dbol? because it is 1st cycle? Its just a matter of choice or not?

  8. #48
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander the Graet
    why not dbol? because it is 1st cycle? Its just a matter of choice or not?
    No need to run so much gear for a first cycle. Stick to the basics. If he runs into sides, how is he going to know if it's the DBOL or Test? First cycle is always a learning cycle.

  9. #49
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Post your diet and training program so we can look at it and critique it... even if you do decide to juice you won't gain $HIT unless these are solid.

    in my opinion, you could gain as much as you could juicing if you just FIXED your diet and training. Itll save you a lot of money on steroids and be a hell of a lot healthier but its your body and your decision.

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