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  1. #1
    sbeast007 is offline Senior Member
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    Question shooting sust250 eod

    what are the benifits of shooting sust250, eod rather than shooting every 3rd or 4th day. as in its profile sust goes rapidly into the system and remains active for weeks.

  2. #2
    AlwaysLiftHeavy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbeast007
    what are the benifits of shooting sust250, eod rather than shooting every 3rd or 4th day. as in its profile sust goes rapidly into the system and remains active for weeks.
    It does no good to run Sus eod bec. it stays in your system longer that that. Sun. and Thurs. are good days or just a 3/4day split.

  3. #3
    Starwin is offline Associate Member
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    DONT give that kind of stupid ass advice..
    shot EOD because of the short acting esters

  4. #4
    tycin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysLiftHeavy
    It does no good to run Sus eod bec. it stays in your system longer that that. Sun. and Thurs. are good days or just a 3/4day split.
    bro dont give advice if u dont know wut ur talkin about!

    shooting eod will also keep the sides down

  5. #5
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbeast007
    what are the benifits of shooting sust250, eod rather than shooting every 3rd or 4th day. as in its profile sust goes rapidly into the system and remains active for weeks.
    Unless you have readyjects from mexico, you could lower the dose of eod, but all research shows if you shoot eod the short esters can be taken advantage of and the long esters are as long as deconate with half life of approximately 10 days so all of the different tests will release at different points so you do not have to worry that you are taking 250mg and it hits you all at once. ( like test suspension )

  6. #6
    bullram's Avatar
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    the shortest ester in sust runs about 48 hrs, hense the eod injection. to get the maximum out of all the esters in sust it must be shot at least every other day!

  7. #7
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    By the way if you can get cyp, it is much cheaper and you could shoot it once per week.

  8. #8
    tycin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    By the way if you can get cyp, it is much cheaper and you could shoot it once per week.
    i would def recomend u do that or get test e. cheaper and 2 shots/week

  9. #9
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    By the way if you can get cyp, it is much cheaper and you could shoot it once per week.

    cyp should still be twice a week....more if you had test decanoate....u could get by w/ 1 shot a week

  10. #10
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
    cyp should still be twice a week....more if you had test decanoate....u could get by w/ 1 shot a week
    NO........ Come on and quit chiming in without an explaination. Listen cyp and deca are very long esters, I would even concede to two shots on enanthate as I have had experience with both. Cyp freaks around the world will not back you up.
    Last edited by Mesomorphyl; 11-10-2004 at 11:54 AM. Reason: on not one, quit not quite, conceding on two shots for enanth

  11. #11
    AlwaysLiftHeavy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starwin
    DONT give that kind of stupid ass advice..
    shot EOD because of the short acting esters
    Don't get me wrong you can take sus and/or cyp eod it's up to the individual and how someones body responds for instance I can take sus eod or twice a week but there was no difference bec. point blank as long as you are taking in the right number of grams for you that's what matters. and as far as cyp eod well you should begin to study esters bec. Cyp,Prop,and Enanth are all Test it's just the delivery times that are different. And starwin as far as your quote "about stupid advice" you should understand it's advice I'm not telling anyone to do anything it's advice so you need to pipe down. You guys need to realize to each is own when it comes to juice you need to study esterfication processes and delivery systems and receptor info. and go from there start with some basic dosages and go up in realtion to your goals and side effects. So starwin next time you wanna throw off do it else where.

  12. #12
    AlwaysLiftHeavy's Avatar
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    oh yeah starwin once sus is in your system it can stay active for 20+ days so much for short acting esters huh Sus is made up of testosterone propionate , 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone isocaproate, 60mg; and testosterone decanoate, 100 mg
    and as far as cyp or enan these are great but they cause you to hold more water so I'd say go this route of you can't get sus and by the way don't forget omnadren I'd try that before cyp or enan

  13. #13
    AlwaysLiftHeavy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    By the way if you can get cyp, it is much cheaper and you could shoot it once per week.
    I'm not knocking you but the whole point is to keep your blood levels up and stable as well as your test levels so y do u recc. once a week I'm running cyp. 2x's a week now 600mg each time for 1200mgs/week it's going ok I might go up later if I can't get anymore sus.

  14. #14
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysLiftHeavy
    I'm not knocking you but the whole point is to keep your blood levels up and stable as well as your test levels so y do u recc. once a week I'm running cyp. 2x's a week now 600mg each time for 1200mgs/week it's going ok I might go up later if I can't get anymore sus.
    1200 mgs per week you might need to split apart injects, but even front loading i will take 2 1/2 cc of test in each glute. then every week after rotate quads & glutes for the weekly injection. I know all about stable levels, more so with tren ed shots, but cyp have yet to have signs of anything shooting once per week.

  15. #15
    AlwaysLiftHeavy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    1200 mgs per week you might need to split apart injects, but even front loading i will take 2 1/2 cc of test in each glute. then every week after rotate quads & glutes for the weekly injection. I know all about stable levels, more so with tren ed shots, but cyp have yet to have signs of anything shooting once per week.
    I split them 3cc's in one quad and 3 in the other every 3-4 days e.g Sunday and Thursday

  16. #16
    AlwaysLiftHeavy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tycin
    bro dont give advice if u dont know wut ur talkin about!

    shooting eod will also keep the sides down
    don't know what I'm talking about lol
    Sides are not just drug related they are attributed directly to dosage times and amounts I take 1000mg/week and my sides were fine...why take a drug eod if it's not completely necessary that's all i'm saying...the prop in Sus hits you and is out of your system in approx 36hrs. you still have 3 other test working for if were running tren or prop these need to be taken every other day or so but if a drug doesn't have to be ran eod based on its esterfication then why do some research

  17. #17
    GetPumped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALwaysLiftHeavy
    Don't get me wrong you can take sus and/or cyp eod it's up to the individual and how someones body responds for instance I can take sus eod or twice a week but there was no difference bec. point blank as long as you are taking in the right number of grams for you that's what matters. and as far as cyp eod well you should begin to study esters bec. Cyp,Prop,and Enanth are all Test it's just the delivery times that are different. And starwin as far as your quote "about stupid advice" you should understand it's advice I'm not telling anyone to do anything it's advice so you need to pipe down. You guys need to realize to each is own when it comes to juice you need to study esterfication processes and delivery systems and receptor info. and go from there start with some basic dosages and go up in realtion to your goals and side effects. So starwin next time you wanna throw off do it else where.
    I have to agree with starwin and the other bros. Your advice to shoot sustanon twice a week is way off key. That is like saying someone should shoot propionate twice a week. The advantage to taking sustanon mostly is to get a FULL effect from all the different esters which include BOTH the SHORT and LONG acting ones. If you shoot it twice a week, you will get the full effect from the two long esters, but the two short acting esters would not be taking advantage of because of their short half life. If this is the case, just you might as weel go by some cyp or enan and shoot it twice a week instead of wasting money on sustanon and not getting the full beefits from the short acting esters also.

  18. #18
    AlwaysLiftHeavy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetPumped
    I have to agree with starwin and the other bros. Your advice to shoot sustanon twice a week is way off key. That is like saying someone should shoot propionate twice a week. The advantage to taking sustanon mostly is to get a FULL effect from all the different esters which include BOTH the SHORT and LONG acting ones. If you shoot it twice a week, you will get the full effect from the two long esters, but the two short acting esters would not be taking advantage of because of their short half life. If this is the case, just you might as weel go by some cyp or enan and shoot it twice a week instead of wasting money on sustanon and not getting the full beefits from the short acting esters also.
    it's your call prop stays in your system for 36-48hrs so its subsiding every time I take my next works for me I get better results 2x's week than eod so...

  19. #19
    AlwaysLiftHeavy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetPumped
    I have to agree with starwin and the other bros. Your advice to shoot sustanon twice a week is way off key. That is like saying someone should shoot propionate twice a week. The advantage to taking sustanon mostly is to get a FULL effect from all the different esters which include BOTH the SHORT and LONG acting ones. If you shoot it twice a week, you will get the full effect from the two long esters, but the two short acting esters would not be taking advantage of because of their short half life. If this is the case, just you might as weel go by some cyp or enan and shoot it twice a week instead of wasting money on sustanon and not getting the full beefits from the short acting esters also.
    ...and by the way it's much different than telling someone to shoot prop. 2xs as week bec. Sus250 only has 30mg of prop

  20. #20
    GetPumped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysLiftHeavy
    ...and by the way it's much different than telling someone to shoot prop. 2xs as week bec. Sus250 only has 30mg of prop
    Well why do you think they put the prop in it to begin with? Like I said before, you might as well shoot some test with a single long acting ester like cyp or enan if you aren't going to take advantage of the short acting esters in the sustanon that need to be shot EOD. People use sustanon to get the MOST out of all the four different tests that sustanon is made from. If you don't shoot it EOD, the test prop and test phenylprop will not fully be taking advantage of. So that is like saying they should just leave out the two short acting esters and just make sustanon with test isocaproate and test decanoate??? Just don't make sense.

  21. #21
    AlwaysLiftHeavy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetPumped
    Well why do you think they put the prop in it to begin with? Like I said before, you might as well shoot some test with a single long acting ester like cyp or enan if you aren't going to take advantage of the short acting esters in the sustanon that need to be shot EOD. People use sustanon to get the MOST out of all the four different tests that sustanon is made from. If you don't shoot it EOD, the test prop and test phenylprop will not fully be taking advantage of. So that is like saying they should just leave out the two short acting esters and just make sustanon with test isocaproate and test decanoate??? Just don't make sense.

    my advice buy a freaking anabolic encyclopedia the only one that hits u quickly is the 30 mg of prop that leaves testosterone phenylpropionate and testosterone isocaproate both will typically stay active for about 2-3 weeks each and the testosterone decanoate stays active in the body for up to a month. I mean do some freaking research it's like this they made sus250 bec all of these test when put together have a great synergistic effect so it's nothing like running cyp or enan yes they work but they are comprised mainly of 1 ester versus sus250 which has 4 so its not that you are wasting time it's the fact that these all work together check out some sites online basskilleronline,com

  22. #22
    GetPumped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysLiftHeavy
    my advice buy a freaking anabolic encyclopedia the only one that hits u quickly is the 30 mg of prop that leaves testosterone phenylpropionate and testosterone isocaproate both will typically stay active for about 2-3 weeks each and the testosterone decanoate stays active in the body for up to a month. I mean do some freaking research it's like this they made sus250 bec all of these test when put together have a great synergistic effect so it's nothing like running cyp or enan yes they work but they are comprised mainly of 1 ester versus sus250 which has 4 so its not that you are wasting time it's the fact that these all work together check out some sites online basskilleronline,com
    Ok bro, think what you want. You are basically saying that almost every vet/mod/mem is wrong in shooting sustanon EOD. Your theory of shooting it twice a week is WRONG because the SHORT ACTING ESTERS WILL NOT FULLY BE EFFECTIVE! I will not get into an arguement with you over this matter, nor will I continue to bicker over this subject. Have a nice day and good luck with your sustanon 250 shots twice a week. Lata bro.

  23. #23
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
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    well **** man, I'm on sust right now and i have done my research for a while before i started....the safest most effective way to use it is to shoot EOD. no question about it. good luck

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