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  1. #1
    joe_capone is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    how many of you...

    just cycle to look good for the summer.. maybe once a year? while you work ur ass off during the winter preparing to get ripped for summer while on cycle?

    well thats the thing about me.. ive never done any bulking cycles with dbol or anadrol and out of all the cycles ive done in my life i never went over 500 mg's of test.

    i dont know why some people abuse drugs thinking the higher the doses the better when its all about diet and how u work out and how u know ur body works and whats best for it. honestly it realy dissapoints me to see people using very high doses like that.. well it dissapoints me because some people just do not care about their health and just wanna explode into freaks not thinking about the long run.

    some people at my gym realy come up to me and tell me man only if u bulked up.. stop doing cutters eat everything get big. ahh id rather die then look like greg kovaks.

    everytime im on cycle i get worried and convince myself that i need to go off.. and i should stay off for the rest of the year until summer starts to come up again.

    i seem to make good gains very decent and im always satisfied with low doses 500mg of test per week.. yes thats a low dose compared to how much some people here take.

    anyways im going to get the the point of this thread... the question is..

    is it healthier to just cycle once a year to look "good" then to cycle your ass off and grow into a beast? will a heavy drug user suffer more consequenses then the user who just cycles once a year ?

    no offence to anyone here its jus something that i have been thinking about and i just wanted everyones opinion.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Plenty of people do can find them in Frat Houses across the country....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Prop ED Builds Character
    low and behold i am in a frat. HAHAHA

  4. #4
    joe_capone is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    ok frat houses? are u being sarcastic? as i said im the type of person who works my but off during the year natrualy to make my upcoming cycle during summer worth every penny. my arms off cycle are nearly 19' my weight is at 200lbs and im only 5'8ish my waist is 33' so im satisfied with what i have.. yeah while i come off cycle my body fat aint as low as it should be during cycle but i do maintain the lean muscle mass i gain from previous cycles with proper pct. i dont want to lie to you but i do think abotu cycling more then once a year but i just hold myself back from it and avoid it till i realy feel ready for it. i wouldnt cycle untill im 100%.

    you might look at me as if im a retard who only cycles for girls attention. nah thats wrong. im not the lazy type who depends on juice to take my ass to the gym. i work my ass off while not on cycle throught the year to maintain my previous cycles. id even diet down on and off to get my body fat % down to make better use of the cutters. but anyways... my point is im not that retard u find in frat houses drinking their asses off.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    It's very common; kids in frats doing a cycle to look "ripped" for the summer....or spring break...or ....whatever.

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