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  1. #1
    noddy1 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004
    Brisbane Australia

    Uncertain wait time?

    Is it me or does anyone else do this? I get all my gear legit! Start a cycle then for about 3-4 weeks sit in an uncertain patch thinking 'have I really got legit gear? Is it going to kick in' I might be on my own here im not sure!

    I started a cycle just on 3 weeks ago, gains so far are general strength e.g. 10 pounds here and there. 7 pounds of body weight.

    Does anyone else go though this 'doubt stage' if so when do you go through it and when do you realise 'gear has kicked in' and everything becomes obvious.

    BTW i have dont 2 cycles prior to this and have been through the same thing both times. lol.


  2. #2
    DoctaBig's Avatar
    DoctaBig is offline Member
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    lol, i do. Especially when i use a new source. I hate it when you get all fired up just to find out a week later when you put up 40 more lbs on the flat that everything is A.OK.

  3. #3
    noddy1 is offline Associate Member
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    Brisbane Australia
    Mint its not just me lol. Yeah im just on week 3 now and am sitting on the fence a little waiting for it all to start cranking hard You always know in about week 5 or 6 when the guys at the gym say 'what the f##k are you on' haha love that buz!


  4. #4
    noddy1 is offline Associate Member
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    Brisbane Australia
    If so how long does evryone sit in this period for 'waiting'


  5. #5
    Jackman's Avatar
    Jackman is offline Banned
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    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    im to busy eating,working out and growing to wory about anything else

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