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  1. #1
    Jin's Avatar
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    Question Why Testosterone???

    Hello all at As,

    I would just like to find out from everyone here, why exactly do they take any type of testosterone weather be it cyp, enethate, suspension, sustanon etc... I have done about 7 courses of juice in total and 3 out of that seven i have taken some kind of a testosterone with all my other gear. Do you guys take it because it gives you power or size or what.

    I must say it does give you size and power, but you also have the risk of messing up your own testoserone production and even get gyno if you are sensitive to test.

    Another reason why i am asking this question is because i get by far better results if i take something like equipoise, winstrol , deca , PRIMOBOLAN depot. I dont get the same size results but i get quality gains and i get to keep almost 95% of the gains i make, but if i or anyone takes testosterone you get huge gains but you dont even get to keep much even if you take all your correctables and do everything by the book to keep those gains, and half the time there is alot of water retention from test which looks crap and eventually you piss it out.

    Guys all i want to hear now is everybodys opinion on this, no girly cat fights and crap, just why different people take the juice that they take.

    Bring it on i am waiting

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I don't why you don't keep your gains after test if you have been using an anti-e and proper PCT. I would guess you are doing something wrong. You are also misinformed if you think the other gears you listed don't inhibit natural test production. All AAS inhibit the function of the HPT-Axis. There are numerous benefits to the body by giving it testosterone including a sense of mental wellness, increased libido, increased strength, increased muscle size, and many other non AR mediated effects.

  3. #3
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    Test is a major building block in any cycle, reasons why you could be loosing all your gains from your test is not taking the proper pct's or anti's like my boy Rickson said above, but it also can be your diet or lack of hardcore training after your cycle, your lacking.

    oh and so you know there are many other types of steriods that can cause gyno symptoms, some that cant be combated

  4. #4
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    I keep all my gains off test. I use my anti-es though.

    I must say it does give you size and power, but you also have the risk of messing up your own testoserone production ....
    Um hate to break it to you, but ANYTHING you take AAS related will inhibit your HTPA. That actually proves the point in why test should be in every cycle, to substitute for what you have shut down.

  5. #5
    Jin's Avatar
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    NIce reply guys, thanks for the input.
    I am not saying that i loose all my gains but you know how it works with test you get some good size and then you start loosing some of it and it's kind of demotivating, i dont know anyone who keeps 100% of thier gains when they use test most keep between 60-80% of thier gains. Thats from what i have seen though.

    My other problem is that i am very sensitive with bitch tits even if i take all my anti-es through my cycle, i usually take about 20mg Nolvadex and 50mg Proviron through out the whole course every day and after i am done i keep taking for about 4-5weeks after my lost shot, and i still suffer.

    As you guys mentioned it definately gives you that extra bump up in your physique in size.

    Anyone else out there? give us your comments on what you prefer.

  6. #6
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was going to suggest taking anti-e's during the cycle in order to reduce the yo-yo weight gain/weight loss effect that AS related water weight tends to cause, but it seems like you're taking anti-e's.

    I'd suggest either switching to a more effective anti-e such as arimidex , or going with your gut feeling: In your next cycle cut out the test, and use the other AS that you feel comfortable with, note the differences and use that information to help you move forward.

    I think Rickson already hit the nail on the head, but if you're determined to solve the problem, then experiment. We all know AS affects each person differently--so find out through trial and error what works best for you.

    Look closely at your PCT as suggested. Also look closely at your post cycle diet and activities. Does your diet change post cycle? Do you suddenly start doing more cardio after your cycle ends? Are there any specific changes in your lifestyle (change in the amount of energy you use doing other activities) after your cycle ends?

    The answers to some of the questions above might help you get closer to sloving your problem.

    NOTE: If you gain 20 lbs and you're still eating the SAME amount you were eating at the beginning of your cycle then, after your cycle you're going to lose a lot of weight if you dont constantly raise your caloric intake to match your new, lean mass body weight.

    Best of luck!
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 09-22-2003 at 06:53 AM.

  7. #7
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    invest in aromison for an anti E or some femera, and now one ever keep 100% of there gains if your looking for that out of AS it'll never happen. Look into GH if your wanting gains that will stay with you the rest of your life

  8. #8
    100571's Avatar
    100571 is offline Associate Member
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    you need a 6 figure salary or a HUGE disposable income to run GH. Test = best bang per $

  9. #9
    Jin's Avatar
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    Good posts guys, and BASK8KACE thanks for your post as you said i need to keep on eating and thats what i like to do, eat all day long and get huge.As for the cardio i have stopped doing cardio now for the last 3months maybe a spinning class every 3 weeks and thats it for cardio.

    I have been looking at GH now for the past 2 years and have been doing alot of research on it, but as i can see the juice is still working on me so till it stops working then GH all the way. GH is the key to good results but i am scared of Insulin which must be used with it. Otherwise i would have done it by now.

    Heres another question for you all, which test do you guys prefer and gives you guys best results? hard quality huge muscle. Test enanthate gave me the hugest gains but alot of water, a puffy look, but good gains. I am looking for huge hard vascullar muscle.

    And i know i gotta keep on training hard to get any results, and thats what i do best train hard play hard thats the only way! The juice is just a turbo.

  10. #10
    Slyder's Avatar
    Slyder is offline Junior Member
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    Test is king. It's the base of ALL my cycles.

  11. #11
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    GH does not have to be used with insulin . first thing

    2nd.. um.....i like suspension but the amount of injections gets to be a pain, so either prop or cyp.

  12. #12
    Jin's Avatar
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    Everyone likes test huh? Anyone out there that doesnt?
    With GH it is best to take it with insulin and t3 to get its full effect and you should add some AS.

    I have never taken test prop before, what is it like with size,gains and water retention?

  13. #13
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Testosterone is the basis for all anabolic -androgenic steroids . All the others are just attempts to raise the anabolic properties and decrease the androgenic... but science has found that to be nearly impossible thus far. But unlike others, such as nandrolone (19-nortestosterone), testosterone is not foreign to the body. Your body is exposed to it every day of your life. It's natural.

    When you shut down your HPTA with the use of exogenous hormones - it is generally accepted to at least use a replacement dose of the parent hormone (testosterone). Keeping in mind the total steroid burden on the body.

  14. #14
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    I wish I would of got to this one sooner, but the guys above have pretty much said it all. Every steroid is a derivitive of test in some kind of way. Test is the male hormone the makes muscle.

  15. #15
    Havoc71 is offline New Member
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    on the subject question..kind of

    Thus far the only AAS I have used has been dbol i noticed gains in 7-9 days...I recently purchased some test enethate 200mg per ml-10ml bottle. Dumb ass that I am I didnt read first cause my old source was trustworthy. none the less it was made by IP supposedly and has chinese writing on the label...but no lot numbers or exp date...i know...i point is how long should it take for this longer acting ester to kick in...14 days??? 21 days??? I want to know if it is bunk it has been around 9 days...and I have been doing 600mgs a week thus long??? Is IP known for using diff. packaging all the time....anybody heard of loki from geocities that is the email on the bottle.

  16. #16
    AustrianOAK14's Avatar
    AustrianOAK14 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slyder
    Test is king. It's the base of ALL my cycles.
    got to love test bro its great good mass builder for all users even newbies..only time i suggest not using it would be in prior to competition

  17. #17
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
    wolfyEVH is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Havoc71
    Thus far the only AAS I have used has been i noticed gains in 7-9 days...I recently purchased some test enethate 200mg per ml-10ml bottle. Dumb ass that I am I didnt read first cause my old source was trustworthy. none the less it was made by IP supposedly and has chinese writing on the label...but no lot numbers or exp date...i know...i point is how long should it take for this longer acting ester to kick in...14 days??? 21 days??? I want to know if it is bunk it has been around 9 days...and I have been doing 600mgs a week thus long??? Is IP known for using diff. packaging all the time....anybody heard of loki from geocities that is the email on the bottle.

    um....source talk?

  18. #18
    Jackman's Avatar
    Jackman is offline Banned
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    i guess im the only one who noticed the over one year old post.

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