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  1. #1
    cmunit is offline New Member
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    Question Help....Fina Freakin me out!!!

    All right, me and my buddy have been injecting fina for about 2 weeks now. We each gained around 8 lbs, and strength has been increasing at a nice pace. Lately when I have been sticking the pin in it hurts, Is this scar tissue or what? Also 2 days ago both shoulders were way sore, and seemed to be red and swollen. It feels like a knot, but im worried that something crazy might be going on. Any comments would help.Help... Fina Freakin me out!!! undefinedundefined

  2. #2
    Dally's Avatar
    Dally is offline The Dally Lama
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    what is your cycle history? is your buddy using from the same source? is he having the same issues? are you injecting in the exact same spot? in the area where it is red?

    sorry to hear bud.

  3. #3
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    is it home brewed?? if not it could just have a high ba concentration causing the pain and redness

  4. #4
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    i would sometimes get that from the fina when injecting into my shoulders. everywhere else was fine, but my right delt seemed to draw a small infection of some sort. so, i just quit injecting in the right delt and everything was fine.

    but no, you shouldn't be getting the pain from injecting fina, especially if you made the stuff yourself.

  5. #5
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
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    If your FREAKING OUT then why are you still using it?

  6. #6
    ChefJ's Avatar
    ChefJ is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds like they are only using 2 injection sites as this will cause an issue when putting the pin in. Also they may not be moving the oil around once the injection is complete you should do it before or after a hot shower to loosen everything up. Always make sure to take 5 minutes and move the injection site around to get that ball of oil moving or it will sit there tight and will cause some pain. BB causes the oil to stay in the same spot for a longer period of time but also causes the site to not be as painful.

  7. #7
    cmunit is offline New Member
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    I appreciate the replies. I have been mostly injecting into my delts. Few times in the glutes. I havent been moving the injection around and it hurts anymore to stick the needle in the same spot. It is home brewed, maybe i just have a build up of fina..........

  8. #8
    slacker's Avatar
    slacker is offline Associate Member
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    "I havent been moving the injection around and it hurts anymore to stick the needle in the same spot"

    it still hurts? or it doesnt hurt anymore?

  9. #9
    mgod is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2003
    If it hurts rotate your injection sites. Quads have no soreness for me. If its homebrew and you followed the directions and it came out the way it should that should not be the problem. Just lay off the shoulder injections.

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