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  1. #1
    Kris6885 is offline New Member
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    sust 250 + D3+ good???

    I am a first time user and I recently purchased this stuff. I am currently 5'8 andd weigh in at 135. I have a hard time gaining any weight so I thought these to combined might put it on me. I need answers, thanks for the help, KRIS

  2. #2
    Tankass's Avatar
    Tankass is offline Senior Member
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    Your 17 bro. What are you doing playin with this stuff. Wait another 5-6 years and in the mean time do some reading.


  3. #3
    Kris6885 is offline New Member
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    See, I have been workin out for almost 2 year, I was real skinny. I weighed 105 when I started, i have a lot of trouble gettin any size to me. Alot of my freinds have got on stuff, and I see the kinds of gains they got so I figured I would try it, Kris

  4. #4
    PunkRawk is offline Member
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    there is this fucking dumbass kid in my gym who uses like 750 mg's of test a week...huige arms...flat chest with bad cause of gyno and more scne then skin....

  5. #5
    Kris6885 is offline New Member
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    sucks for him

  6. #6
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    WTF is "D3" some research kid and DON'T do any steroids until you make some natural gains...

  7. #7
    Kris6885 is offline New Member
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    D3 from what I was told is Deca 300, I could be wrong, I have yet to get some real answers so I guess I came to the wrong place, thanks anyway. As far as real gains go, I consider gaining 30 pounds of "natural" muscle, pretty good, KRIS
    Last edited by Kris6885; 03-19-2002 at 10:19 AM.

  8. #8
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Hey bro, nobody's trying to be an a$$hole, they're just trying to tell you what you need to hear. Do you know the side effects that can occur from juicing so young? Read Tennis God's post at the top about a guy who started when he was your age.

  9. #9
    timvds's Avatar
    timvds is offline Member
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    As far as real gains go, I consider gaining 30 pounds of "natural muscle, pretty good, KRIS

    then just imagine what the gains would be like in another two years naturally...thats what the other member are trying to say

  10. #10
    Kris6885 is offline New Member
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    All I am sayin is, I have been workin out pretty hard and consistenlty(however you spell it) and I have been stuck at the same weight for a couple of months. Yeah, I get stronger, but I also want to get bigger.KRIS

  11. #11
    timvds's Avatar
    timvds is offline Member
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    eat less cardio...try creatine and protien supplements

  12. #12
    Kris6885 is offline New Member
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    I have tried all that, I was on creatine, protein and some weight gainer for almost 2 months, I gained 6 pounds, and it all went away when I got off of it, Kris

  13. #13
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Buddy, first of all, starting juice at 17 will fuck you up! If you've been here for a while, you would have heard the stories of how people fucked themselves up because they started early! Your body WILL stop growing. Your only 17, i'm almost 20 years old, and I'm still too young to do steroids , so think about it that way!

    Doesn't matter if you have hard time gaining weight, you have to be patient. Go buy a lot of weight gaining powders from GNC and lots of protein shakes, creatine, etc... Those are the types of shit you should try and take before hitting juice buddy!!! You don't know what your getting into here.

    A lot of teens thing steroids are the magic shit, just take them, and your huge! If you start now, at 17, your gonna stunt your growth, your gonna lose some hair on your head, your gonna get mad acne (which will come back and haunt you when your in your early 20's). Not to mention, you will not be able to reach your natural potential EVER. If you take steroids now, then your body will be hit hard, and you will grow big, BUT, you won't be able to hold much more muscle then that. But if you workout natural for another 3 years, THEN do steroids, you will be a lot bigger compared to if you start juicing now. Your body just won't be able to handle it.

    And don't compare yourself to your "friends" Wait 3-4 years, and you'll see how fucked up your friends will become.

    Recently I heard a story from a friend of mine about a kid back in highschool who used to juice. There were these too buddies, they both started working out in Grade 10, and they gained A LOT of mass to be "natural" so basically everyone knew they were juicing. Recently, one of the guys, I believe he's 22 or 23 now, went to a doctor, and he was told that if he doesn't stop taking steroids, it WILL kill him. The guys organs are soo fucked up now, he's stopped working out, lost a lot of size, and God knows how long he has to live. He can never drink alcohol, cause that's also risking fucking himself up even more.

    THIS IS NOT A GAME! Think about it more buddy. If your gonna do this shit either way, then don't say I didn't warn you. Stick around and ask more questions!!!

    Also, do a search for "young" and you will see how many posts there have been about young people juicing!!!

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